Poetry 2 - I hate Poetry

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Title is self explanatory, also the title of this poem. Enjoy :)


I hate Poetry

I have no clue how long this poem needs to be.

How about five stanzas? ten?

All of that is way too much

Though it's still possible

Even for me, I guess.

Poems are tricky and

Overly complicated sometimes

Except, this one is just a mess

There needs to be rhyming and metaphors and structure,


Yet this one has none.

My ideas are nonexistent

Only once in a blue moon do I

Seem to have any sort of artistic competence

This is not one of those blue moons.

Of course, I at least have something written

Fifty words is better than none.

This poem is getting long

However, it hasn't really gotten anywhere

Ew, it definitely needs work.

This poem is growing on me despite all of that.

Is it good? No, but that doesn't matter

My writing is mine

Even when it's awful, I'm proud.

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