True Fiction

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This piece isn't serious at all lol. It was my last assignment for my creative writing class, so I just had fun with it. The assignment was "true fiction," so I had to incorporate something about me in the text. My inspiration here is that I love the movie Superbad and I make a lot of movie references that no one understands. I wrote this in like an hour and a half sooo it's not my best but oh well. Enjoy :)


"Gangstaaas, what's up guys?" Finley said as she walked into the classroom, a grin on her face as she held up a peace sign. Though, her smile was met with judgmental stares from a few of her friends. But honestly, that was a look she was quite used to, and she knew exactly what it meant.

"... Finn, what was that?" One of her friends, Jonathan, inquired. The lanky boy's lips were drawn tightly together, trying to understand why his friend was talking like such an idiot.

"You don't get it?" She stared up at John, shoulders slumping as he shook his head no. "Come on! Mclovin said that." She scanned over her friend's face, trying to see any sort of recognition, but there was none. "From Superbad! It's literally the greatest movie of all time."

"If it's so great, then why haven't I heard of it?"

"Oh, Johnnyboy, that's because you live under a rock." Finley nudged him teasingly. "You need to broaden your movie knowledge. I'm personally offended that you haven't seen it."

"Wait, but I haven't seen it either..." A high-pitched, somewhat squeaky voice, one that belonged to a tall, purple haired girl named Sierra, cut in.

"Same here, so it really can't be that great. I think you just watch too many films, Finn." This voice belonged to Sierra's boyfriend, Cody. He was the last member of Finn's friend group, meaning she was the only person out of all four of them that had seen this glorious movie.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Finley groaned, throwing her hands up dramatically. "That's it. We're watching it after school. My place."

"Okay," Jonathan said with a simple shrug, and the other two friends nodded in agreement.

"Wait, really?"


Finn's face lit up at the idea that a friend of hers actually wanted to watch one of the many movies that she always spoke about; usually no one seemed to have any interest in them. It was always yeah, I'll watch it later, but then they never actually watch, which made future conversations all the more disappointing. "PERFECT!" She exclaimed, only to hear a disapproving shhh from her teacher. She leaned in, speaking at a much quieter tone. "My house, after school, be there or you're dead to me."


Four hours later, Finn was out of school, now walking into her house. Her three friends followed close behind, as the group had walked there together. Finley's house was the best for movie watching, considering she had every streaming service she could possibly subscribe to (shout out to her parents for paying), and her basement had a projector rather than just a TV. Such a great space for movies, but it was usually only her down here; having actual friends to watch a film with was beyond thrilling.

She pushed open the door to the basement and led her friends down the stairs. Once at the bottom, the room was on full display- black, reclining seats, blackout curtains over the windows, and even a popcorn machine; it felt less like a basement and more like a legitimate theater. The smell of fresh popcorn wafted over to the group, as Finn had texted her mother and pestered her to get the popcorn ready before she even left school.

"Alright! Here we are. It's Superbad time," Finn said smoothly, stepping further into the room, grabbing the projector remote and flopping down into one of the many chairs. Once her friends got over their initial surprise, they soon followed, taking seats of their own. Finley turned on the projector with ease, taking all but a few minutes to get Superbad to start- she was an expert at getting that movie on, her movements practiced, considering she had done this dozens of times before. Seriously, she had lost count of how many times she'd watched it. "Okay, okay, it's playing. Everyone hush and be prepared to have your mind blown." Finn grinned and reclined her chair, preparing to once again immerse herself in the great Superbad experience.

It took only twenty minutes for the first of her friends to grow disinterested. Sierra was no longer watching the movie, but instead had her eyes glued to her phone. Finn had taken notice, but she didn't comment, since it was no use telling a teenager to get off their phone. Instead, Finn turned back to the movie, deciding that it was Sierra's loss if she didn't want to pay attention.

Though, about halfway through, Finn's frustration grew as soft snoring caught her attention. Looking to her left, she saw that Cody had fallen asleep, his head resting on Sierra's shoulder. Great, now neither of them were paying attention. Was the movie that bad? Finley didn't think so. She huffed and sunk further into her seat, arms crossed. She went back to watching the movie, but at this point it was getting hard to enjoy it, since her friends obviously weren't.

Well, Jonathan was at least still paying attention. He had his elbow on the armrest of his chair, his head resting on the palm of his hand. They had just gotten to the part of the movie where Seth had gotten hit by the police car, and Finn burst out into an obnoxious laughter. Her laughter died down, however, as she realized she was the only one laughing. She looked over toward John, only to realize that he looked bored out of his mind. Oh... she hadn't expected all three of her friends to react this way.

Despite being disheartened, she watched the movie to the end, shutting the projector off as the credits rolled. She stood up and flipped on the lights, causing Sierra to look up from her phone and Cody to finally wake up. "Alright, up we go. That's enough sitting for one day," Finn broke the silence as she pulled her friends up to their feet. "C'mon, let's shake n' bake."

"Shake n' bake?" Cody questioned, and Finn wanted to slam her head into a wall. How could her friends be so uncultured in the world of film?

"... Guess we have another movie to watch."

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