❣︎ 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝖨𝗆𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍 ❣︎

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PLOT: From being hated to being loved. How cliché it was, wasn't it? (Y/N) (L/N) and Harry Potter could prove that the more you hate, the more you love.

DETAILS: Modern Muggle imagine because why not? Technology in the 21st century does exist here. Characters are above their twenties so it will be freely written.

TRIGGER WARNING: Enemies to lovers' trope. Alcoholic theme. Snogging. Swearing.


It all started with this.

"Look where you run at!" she spat, vigorously brushing the soda stains on her uniform, which was confirmed to be a useless action.

"I'm sorry!" he apologized, with his hand shaking while staring at the mess he made.

"Look what you have done!" she snapped again, glaring at the offender. "I still have a party to attend and I don't want to smell like soda! And I don't even drink soda, my goodness!"

"I'm really sorry!" he said, sounding apologetic. "I'm sorry. I — I didn't know you were here. I'm really really sorry. Anything I could do. Please, I didn't mean to spill it on you."

"Nevermind! Get out of my way, idiot!" she groaned, and with an angry huff, she pushed the boy out of her way and walked into the nearest bathroom.

Ever since that day, (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) and Harry James Potter would start a shouting contest at each other every time they had the chance. Sometimes, it was because of some small stupid things, most of the time, it was just because one of them had purposely hit the other.

To cap it all, they were enemies from top to bottom, from both sides, from every angle. They hated each other's presence. They always feel like the other irks the other and vice versa.

Everyone in their school asked each of them sometimes: "Why do you hate him/her?", "You're always having a go to each other. Why is that?", "You seem so close before, what happened?"

Ah, well, things changed.

Yes, they were close friends before. Even before they could enter high school. Both of them studied at the same middle school. They always have each other's back. But when they entered high school, everything changed.

(Y/N) gained popularity because of her looks. She was beautiful with her long black neat hair, curled eyelashes, pinkish and soft lips, and sharp jawline. She was beautiful even without make-up, but due to her popularity, she always wear one.

Harry, on the other hand, kept his profile low. His messy hair, circular eyeglass, chapped and dry lips, everything in him was different from what (Y/N) has.

That was the reason why their friendship broke: because of their state of popularity.

"Ugh! Keep down your voice!" (Y/N) said one day as she and her friends walked passed the hall of their school. "You're going to get us all in detention!"

"Sorry, (N/N)." Pansy, one of her friends, said. "You heard (Y/N). Shut up."

Daphne giggled before gesturing something in her mouth. It was as though she was zipping her mouth up.

(Y/N) ignored her friends and continued to walk flawlessly through the hall. She didn't care about the stares she was getting from her schoolmates. All she cared about was for them to reach a club and enjoy the rest of the day.

She maneuvered her way down a couple of stairs until she reached an abandoned corridor towards the back part of the school.

She turned around to see if someone was watching them, but when she saw no one, she turned, only to be met by a hard bump from someone.

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