❣︎ 𝖴𝗇𝖻𝗂𝖽𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝖠𝖽𝗈𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 ❣︎

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PLOT: Harry Potter was the newly employed barista to (Y/N) (L/N)'s favorite café in London. At once, he had caught the girl's attention with his awkward character, and she had caught his attention with her pleasing smile and laugh. One day, however, Harry couldn't take the buried feelings any longer and had let it out by accident.

DETAILS: It's a pure Muggle imagine. No magical education, no Hogwarts. It's in modern day, too.


REQUESTED BY: tarashukla17


Another day, another set of stress that mainly because of school.

(Y/N) (L/N) made her way towards a familiar alleyway alone with her bulging bag dangling dangerously on her shoulder and a stack of books clamped tightly on her arms. Her hair had gone messy with its strands flying all over her head, yet she didn't mind. Not that she had cared for her own appearance before. She had, to put a safe word, never cared about what people think of her because she knew the reason why she had no time to make herself pretty and pleasing.

Panting, she reached a place. It was not crowded, thank God, because she badly needed a minute to at least put on a powder and comb her hair before meeting her friends.

She reached out for the café's door with her slightly shaking hand, wrenched it open and closed it immediately behind her. There were three customers inside the café, all of whom were unfamiliar and working on their own. She passed by an employee with a tray of coffee and gave him a small smile and a "Good morning".

"Good morning, (Y/N)." said the guy employee. "You seemed stressed." He pointed her face with his free hand. "No offense but your eyebags are bigger than my college grade."

"I know." said (Y/N), sounding exasperated and slightly brushing her hair with her fingers. "But college papers are really stressing me up."

"What year are you in?"


"Wow." said the guy, grinning. "We finally have a future psychologist in our friend group."

(Y/N) chuckled, loud enough to travel into the counter where a guy was half listening while making coffee. His curious emerald green eyes moved from the back of the employee to the lady he was talking to and he felt his jaw dropped.

"You should go." said (Y/N), nodding at the tray on his hand.

"Yeah... talk to you later." said the guy and went on.

(Y/N) was left to shift her books into her arms and reached for her phone on her pocket. She started taking a small and slow stride toward the counter while looking for the number she had wanted to call. When she found the number, she put it on call and placed it over her ear and at the same time, she reached the front of the counter. She gave the barista a millisecond gaze while waiting for her best friend to pick up the call.

"I'll get the usual, Eric." said (Y/N) to the barista, thinking that it was the usual barista that she had befriended. She continued waiting for her best friend to answer.

"Erm... w-what?"

Perhaps it was the awkward voice that dragged her attention upward. (Y/N)'s eyes reached an unblinking new face. They stared at each other for a moment. Then —

"Hello, (Y/N)? Are you in there?"


(Y/N) started, looking down at her phone then up to the new barista. Blinking and slightly embarrassed, she cleared her throat.

𝖲𝗎𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗆𝖺𝖼𝗒 ʰʲᵖOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora