Part 22

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"I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything"

All I ever wanted was to feel like I belonged. Like I'm loved and that I matter. But the nieve thoughts of ten year old me have been ripped are little by little by the cruelty of this planet that has turned into a nightmare. Ever time I feel happy I think it'll last forever, but it doesn't. If I ever feel happy it's because of her. Because of her smile and the way her presence brings me peace. But after what happened at the location of where the hoard was she's been different. Losing Connie has made her completely shut down. I've never felt more powerless than I do now not being able to help the girl that I love the most. After we got home that night she completely shut me out.

"Angelina wait"- the girl shut the door in my face, a small sigh escapes my lips as I place my hand on the door

"Open the door Lina" I plead

"Leave me alone Carl" she replies

"I know you cared a lot about Connie but you can't shut the world out because of what happened" I say

"Honestly I don't really care what you think. Go away" she replies

"Connie's strong. She and Magna both are I'm sure they made it out" I attempt to comfort the girl on the other side of the door

"I'm tired of losing people" she says through tears

"I know my love" I say

"Please I just need to be alone Carl" I hear her say

Angelina's POV

I hear Carl stand from his spot and his foot steps depart. I walk up to my door and slowly open it, once I am sure he is gone I close the door and walk up to my dresser. Opening the top drawer I pull out the revolver that was once Enid's. I open the chamber and reload the gun. Slipping it into the holster secured around my ankle I use my jeans to conceal the weapon. Making sure my Glock 19 is fully loaded I slip it into the holster sitting on my hip, and quickly place a silencer in my back pocket. Tying my hair into a ponytail I look at myself in the mirror, then look at the pictures sitting on my desk. A polaroid picture of Enid and I, back when we were only teenagers and still lived in the kingdom. We are smiling into the camera. A small tear runs down my face and I think about what I am about to do. I put down the picture and pull out my notebook and a pen.......

I stand from my spot and fold the letter placing it on my bed. I take a walkie with me and strap it to my side. I take a second to think but then continue to walk to my bedroom door anyway. Peaking my head out of the door I make sure there is no one in the hall. I walk through the house to see that there's no one home. Looking out the window I see Carl holding Judith in front of the house. Before I could change my mind I turn on my heel and walk towards the back door. I walk around the back of the house and towards the back gates until I hear Daryl's voice ring through the air.

"How Angelina doin'?" The man asks

"Not so good. Losing Connie is gonna be a lot on her I can already see it" Carl says

Angelina looks down and a small sighs escapes her lips. She head to the back gates and slips through them making sure she went unseen.

Carl's POV

Daryl tells asks me to go check on Angelina and I gladly do so. I walk up the steps to the house and walk down the hallway that leads to Angelina's bedroom. I knock on the door to which I get no answer

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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