Part 17

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Kingdom is gathered listening to Siddiq as he gives a speech about what happened.

But Angelina couldn't hear a word.

She couldn't hear anything really. Neither could she see anything or feel. It was like she's numb to the world around her. Losing Enid is like losing Carl all over again except she can't run away this time with Daryl. And the difference between Enid and Carl is she never got to say goodbye to Enid she kept replaying yesterday in her head blaming herself for not staying when she asked her to. Telling Carol was the hardest, Angelina's glad Carol wasn't there to witness it but hearing her screams when she heard the news was the hardest

"Hey Ang, hey" Angelina finally snaps back to reality when Daryl catches her attention

"Hmm?" She hums

"Come on you should get some rest" Daryl says

"No, I'm going back to hilltop. She's not getting away with this that bitch is dead" she turns around and head towards her bedroom with Daryl behind her when she enters the main house she comes face to face with Lydia and Angelina sees red, she brings up her fist a lands a heavy blow to the girls face. She gets on top for her and begins throwing blow after blow so blinded by rage she doesn't even realize what she is doing

"Angelina stop! No!" Daryl grabs a hold of Angelina wrapping his arms around her, Lydia rolls onto her side and coughs up blood

"I knew I should have killed you the second I laid eyes on you on that bridge! It's your fault she's dead!" Angelina yells by now people from the kingdom have entered the main house witnessing. Angelina aggressively pushes Daryl off her and storms into her bedroom

"Get siddiq!" She hears Daryl yell before she closes her door and locks it. She looks down at her bloodied hands

She hears a loud knock on her bedroom door and she jumps

"Angelina open the door!" Daryl yells and juggles the door nob only to find it locked

"Leave!" Angelina yells

"You can't go around beating people up! It wasn't her fault!" Daryl yells through the door

"You need to keep a level head!" He says and Angelina whips around quickly opening the door

"You're kidding right? She killed my girl! She killed Enid! She killed Henry! The two last people besides you that I loved and you wanna tell me to keep a level head?!" She says with angry tears in her eyes

"I know your angry but trying to beat Lydia to death isn't the answer!" He says

"Don't you get it Daryl? I don't care. I'm tired of living in this shitty world! I'm tired of losing the people I love!" She pauses as tears fall from her eyes

"I should have stayed. I should have been here to protect her. I barely got any time with her because the years before that I spent shutting her out because I was afraid of this! When I love someone they die it's like I destroy everything I touch. Right now in this moment I wish those guys that kidnapped me had done me a favor and killed me because I can't live like th"- she chokes out a sob and Daryl hugs her

"I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't get to tell her I loved her. Daryl please make it stop just make it stop" she sobs and falls to the ground pulling Daryl down with her. She sobs loudly in his arms

After a few minutes Angelina stops crying and stares numbly at nothing, she pulls away from Daryl and wipes her face

"I'm gonna go for a walk. Please tell Lydia that I'm sorry" she stands up grabs her pistol strapping it to her hip, and Daryl stands up

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