~Chapter 2~

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•"Everything comes crashing down"•
!WARNING! There's cursing/profound language in this chapter. !WARNING!
*Dreams POV*
(Photo not mine)
1617 words plus Authors Note

Its been about three years since the whole "Nightmare killed mother incident." I wish I was up during it, but I guess it can't be helped. Since me and brother are fifteen now our responsibilities as guardians have been harder, especially with brother. A year after the incident brother had been acting really weird.

"Hey Dream. Whatcha thinking about.", I got startled when brother said that. "Nothing much." I replied. He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder. "Hey Dream. Would you believe me if I said the villagers didn't like me?" Brother blurted out. "Of course I will! I know you wouldn't lie to me!" He just looked at me and smiled. "It's just hypothetical. No need to get so worked up." Brother then got up, patted me on my head and headed towards the village. I wonder what that was all about. Im gonna follow him!

He's going pretty far, into some sort of alley way. "Hey! You quit yet?" A strange voice called out from the alley way brother walked into. I looked into the alley way to see brother on the floor bleeding! "I though we told you to quit! Nobody needs a guardian of negativity! You're a fucking MONSTER!" It was a man beating up brother! I wanted to stop this, but I'm gonna wait a little longer so I have the full story. "Your brother is more useful than you. More cuter too." Nightmare looked at the stranger who said that in a weird way. "What the FUCK. Want me to hook you two up so you can fuck MY twin brother. Your SICK. After all you did to me?! Instead of wanting to FUCK Dream go masturbate or something. Nightmare sounded upset while saying that. I'm gonna step in now.

"The FUCK you said to me?!" I stopped in my tracks when the man said that. He then kicked Nightmare and kept hitting him. "Stop that!" I yelled. The stranger stopped hitting Nightmare and looked at me. "Dream get out of here." Night told me. "Shut up." The stranger then kicked Nightmare again. "Hey! I said stop hitting him." I snapped. But the man didn't listen he just started walking up to me. "Don't worry 'bout him Dreamy. Just worry your pretty little head on what I'm about to do to you." I didn't know what to do. I'm backing up but he jeeps getting closer.
"Brother!" I yelled. Night had hit the man with a pole he found. "Chill. He isn't dead. At least I don't think he is." he responded back. Looking at him Night had bruises all over him and his clothes looked like they've been torn. Not to mention his lip and nose was bleeding. "Are you ok?" I asked brother just looked at me and smiled. "Yeah I'm fine. They're just assholes. Ya know?" He said while dropping the pole. He then grabbed my hand and started leading me back towards the tree. "B-brother we really need to talk about what happened back there! I mean why did he want to hurt you?!" I asked in a panic. Night didn't answer back, but his grip got tighter on my hand and we started walking faster.

There are a lot of glares at me and brother and I don't like it. Exiting the town their were lots of people following us. I don't understand what's going on. "Brother what's happening! Why is the whole town following us!" I asked. Brother took a deep breath and, "The town started thinking I'm going to end up KILLING you today for some reason. So we are going to hurry up, get to the tree and call mom." Brother sounded confident that this was going to work, so I decided not to say anything. We reached the tree and there's a whole horde behind us. "Let him go!" "Why would you kill your own brother!" "Monster!" The villagers started getting loud. "Momma!" Brother shouted.

All the villagers looked amused? Why would they be happy about what they're doing? There's so much positivity spilling from them. "Yes my children?" Momma appeared behind us. "Momma! You gotta talk some sense into the villagers!" Nightmare shouted. Momma didn't say anything. Instead she walked over to the villagers and stood right in-front of the horde. "Why would I need to talk sense into these wonderful villagers?" Momma had an amused look on her face and there was also a huge amount of positivity coming out of her. Thank god we're near the tree or brother would've passed out due to all the positivity. Looking over at Brother he looked terrified, I am too.

Wait....Today is me and brothers fifteenth birthday! "Happy Birthday guardian twins!" The crowd and momma shouted. Night looked so surprised, I was to but not as. "You're kidding RIGHT!?" brother suddenly shouted. Why was he so angry. "Momma, I love you and all, but ever since you made that announcement that me and Dream were the new guardians my life has been a living HELL. And for to ENCOURAGE them to beat me up?! That's an all new LOW." I can't believe what I'm hearing. Brother has been going through all that and he didn't even tell me?

"Night. I didn't encourage anything. I told the villagers to scare you two a bit and chase y'all towards the tree. They've been hurting you? Why didn't you tell me or Dream?" Momma sounded so hurt, I was too. All of this was going on under my nose and I had no idea. "Well momma if I told you two then they would've cut down the tree. But at this point I don't CARE." Brother sounded so angry. I don't know what to do.
Right from behind a villager had put a cut inside of the tree and momma had disappeared. Some of the negativity apples had fell too! "We should've killed that monster when we had the chance!" "Kill him!" The horde started getting closer to the tree. Brother then started to pick up one of the negativity apples! I jumped in-front of the horde trying to stop them. "Dream what would happen if I ate the negativity apples?" Is he really thinking about doing that? "He'll doom us all!" "Kill him!" "Drop dead monster!" The villagers kept shouting and shouting. I don't know what to do.
I look behind me and Nightmare starts eating the apples! "Nightmare! Please stop! Don't!" I yelled out. He keeps eating and "I can't take this anymore! Everyone is the STUPID FUCKING VILLAGE should just DIE!" Brother yelled as the roars of the villagers got louder.

Brother isn't stopping. "Nightmare please stop." I yelled out again. He kept going. "All of you should just DIE!" He shouted. All of the negativity apples were gone except one. "Kill him!" "Get him!" The villagers trampled over me. "JUST DIE!"


My head hurts. What happened. "Heya Dream. Notice anything different around here?" Brother looked different. Really H-his hair is completely black, his eyes turned blue, and he had tentacles on his back. Looking around all the villagers was dead and the inly thing left was the tree. "You see I left the tree alone so you could watch me DESTROY it? So you ready?" Please tell me he isn't being serious. He...."You'll kill momma!" I shouted, but he looked amused by it. "I KNOW. That's whats so great about it! So sit right there and watch 'kay?" He was being serious. Walking towards the tree and all Im doing is sitting here. I need to do something! But I can't.
With one hit the tree fell down. All the apples were decaying. I run to the tree and grab one positivity apple. "Oh Dream. What are you going to do with that ONE apple? Hm?" I have no clue what I'm going to do. A flash of light and the apple became my soul. "What the FUCK Dream?! Do you realize what you just DID?!" He sounded angry, but I don't have the slightest idea on what I'm doing.

I'm just sitting here, crying. "I-i don't. I have no IDEA what the FUCK I'm doing." Brother just looked at me. He isn't saying anything. I-I can't stop crying. Why is this happening. Brother looks away. Am I embarrassing to him?

He looks back over to me. Why is he smiling so much? "Would you look at that. The process is already starting." I'm confused what is he talking abo-..... I can't move my legs. They're stone! "Brother what's happening. W-why am I turning into stone. Y-you gotta help me!" He just looked at me smiling. "Don't worry Dreamy this all for the best." Im stuck....Everything is turning black.

I can hear brothers voice. "In the end Dream. Everything comes crashing down." What happened to him? Why? I............
I'm sorry brother.
Sorry I couldn't protect you.
Please forgive me.......

~Coming up on Chapter 3~

"Heya! My names Ink!"
"Dreamtale has been like that for 5000 years now"
"Welcome to your new home!"
"Boss the statue is gone."
"You're finally up.....Brother."
~Stay tuned for..~
~"That's How the World Works"~

(Authors Note)Chapter 2 baby!! Cried a little while making the ending parts for this chapter. Im a very emotional writer. ;] Sorry its a little late. Anyway thank you for reading. :)

🖤Shattered Love💛(Dreammmare) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now