~Chapter 1~

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•Beginning of the Twin Guardians•
!Disclaimer! I'm NOT the creator of Dreamtale. Chapter 1 is based on Dreamtale made by JOKUBLOG. Thank you and enojoy.
(Photo not mine)
1331 words plus Authors Note

In the beginning there used to be a women. She was the guardian of both positive and negative emotions, sadly she was dying and could barley do her job. Without her the multiverse would fall apart, there would be to much positivity and negativity than it could handle. In order to prevent this she split her powers in two.

Creating twin boys, one the guardian of negativity, the other of positivity, named Nightmare and Dream. Raising them the best she can, they grew up to be great young guardians at the age of 12. Sadly the mother's time was upon her, but she didn't want to leave her precious boys. In order for her to be with the boys and meet her time, using the last bit of her magic she turned herself into a tree. A tree with apples on it, but not any normal apples. No, these apples were special. They were positive and negative apples with one kind on each side. Purposely doing this so Dream could protect one side and Nightmare the other, so they didn't have to worry about shifts on watching the whole tree.

Being spiritually bound to the tree so she wouldn't leave her boys alone, nothing would happen to her as long as no one cut the tree down.

"Momma! Look what me and Night found!", Dream said running up the hill at sunset with Nightmare behind him. Little did they know their mom was in a whole other state.  "Momma?", Night said looking around. "Im right here boys!", mother called, waving them over. Nightmare and Dream looked over, looking at the tree and....their mother? In sight was their mother, floating and also see threw. "Momma! What happened to you!" Dream yelled, running over. Not far behind was Nightmare, running as well. "Don't worry my children. It was meant to be like this. I'll always be here with you just call out to me and I'll come right to you." Mother said. "But what's with this tree and those weird apples?" Nightmare said, pointing at the tree and the apples on the tree

"Those are the negative and positive apples. Dream you'll guard the positive ones and Nightmare the negative ones. In total there are 200 apples, 100 positive and 100 negative." Mother explained. Dream and Nightmare looked at each-other then looked at mother. "We won't disappoint you momma!" Dream yelled. "Yeah!" Nightmare commented. Laughing softly mother walked up to the twins and smiled. "I know you two won't. Best of luck boys!" Mother said as she disappeared into thin air. "So what are we gonna do now?" Nightmare asked as he went to sit down under the tree. "We'll guard this tree with our lives!" Dream replied going to sit next Nightmare. "Sure. Whatever u say Mr. Positive." Nightmare said, leaning on Dream, slowly going to sleep. Laughing softly, Dream slowly went to sleep as well.

~The Next Day~
Waking up Nightmare stretched an stood up. Looking around he still found this a little odd. No mother and in her place is just a big tree. "Brother?" Dream said as he stretched just waking up. "Don't you find this weird?" Nightmare asked Dream. "Find what weird?" Dream responded. "I mean all of this. The fact that momma's dead. We have to guard a tree or else momma's gone for good and we can't see her no more. I.....I just don't get it." Nightmare said. "Hey, it's okay not to get it. I surely don't." Dream said as he walked up, hugging Nightmare from behind. "Lets go to the village. Just to get your mind off things. Kay?" Dream said as he grabbed Nightmares hand. "Mkay." Nightmare agreed.

Walking down the hill and towards the village Dream and Nightmare finally made it. "It's more negative energy over here than usual." Nightmare said as he looked around. "Yeah I wonder what happened." Dream replied. "Hey look there he is." "I heard he killed his mother" "He should just drop dead." The villagers whispered. "Dream who are they talking about?" Nightmare said as he looked at Dream. Dream looked at Nightmare and shrugged. They kept walking until they hit the village bookstore. Opening the door, immediately greeted with tons of negative energy. "I.......I don't feel to good." Dream said wobbling and then eventually falling on the ground. "Dream! Hey Dream wake up!" Nightmare said as he shook him, trying to wake him up. "Nightmare what's going on over here?" The librarian walked over and asked.

"Miss there's to much negativity here! He-he passed out and i need to bring him back to the tree!" Nightmare said in a panic. "What tree?" The librarian asked. "There's no time! Will you help or not?!" Nightmare snapped back. "Fine. Fine. I'll help." The librarian said as she picked Dream up. "Follow me." Nightmare said as he exited the bookstore.  Leading the librarian out of town, down the road and finally to the tree where she placed Dream under tree. "Thank you for your help miss." Nightmare said, looking towards the librarian. "Stop acting." The librarian snapped. "What?" Nightmare replied. "I know you killed your mother and you're planning to kill Dream next. In fact the whole village knows so you might as well fess up." The librarian explained. "What! Momma died because she was already dying! And plus she isn't even dead for real! You don't have no idea what you're talking about!" Nightmare snapped.

"I heard my name?", just then mother appeared. "Momma!" Nightmare yelled as he rushed to go hug her. "Hey, hey. What's wrong Nighty." Mother said as she ran her fingers threw his hair. "Dream passed out because there was to much negativity and then the librarian accused me of killing you! She said I was going to kill Dream next!" Nightmare said, on the verge of tears. "How is that possible! You're dead!" The librarian said in shock as she back away. "Like my child has said I'm not really dead." Mother said, looking at the librarian. "How can you love a monster like him! He killed you!" The librarian shouted in a rage. "Young lady I don't know who told you that ridiculous lie , but my child did not kill me. And he certainly will NOT kill his own twin brother." Mother said, furious about this false claim. "B-but mam. Someone saw him kill you. Maybe your remembering things wrong." The librarian said. Annoyed of this mother picked Dream up, motioned for Nightmare to follow her and they walked down the hill and towards the village. Arriving at the village mother took a deep breath and "Citizens of this village! It has come to my attention that you all believe that my son Nightmare killed me and is also planning on killing my other son Dream!"

Mother got the attention of the whole village. Continuing, "Yes, I am dead but not for the reason everyone may think! It was simply my time, it was nobody's fault! So this is my official speech of declaring my children Dream and Nightmare as the new guardians. The new guardians of Positivity and Negativity." Finishing her speech the villagers rushed up and started apologizing for their rude behavior towards Nightmare. "Momma?" Dream said as he woke up. "I guess all that positivity woke you."

The Villagers shouted and cheered for the new twin guardians of positivity and negativity!

~Coming Up on Chapter 2~

<Dreams POV>
"Nightmare! Stop! Don't!"
"I can't take this anymore! Everyone is the STUPID village should just die!"
The roars of the villagers got louder.
What should I do?
"Kill him!" "Drop dead monster!"
"Nightmare please don't do this!"
"All of you should just DIE!"
~Stay Tuned for..~
~"Everything comes crashing down"~

Authors Note: Sooooo. Rewriting my other book because the plot was a little off. Next chapter comes out next Saturday soo byee!

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