Episode 25 - heroes unite (again)

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OV ben: I meant to ask last time but Phil is still around here?

Max walking out of the rustbucket: yes, and I suggest unless you want to fly there on your own you get inside the rustbucket.

They all enter and after not to long the omni-chopper comes down and swipes them up and they get into the air with max, Gwen and Noah strapped in while the others are down in the main living area.

Bobo: so, what am I like in your universe teen rex?

Rex prime: you're laid back, fun loving, and you built a robot to replace you when you wanted a day off.

Bobo: yep, that sounds like me.

Rex: since when are you smart enough to build a robot duplicate of yourself?

Bobo: why don't you ask the talking car over there.

Gwen 10: talking car. You have those here?

Gwen presses a button and glitches raises from a pedestal and greets everybody.

Gwen 10: that car looks weirdly familiar. It kind of looks like upgrade.

Ben: that's because glitch is a fusion of my DNA along with upgrades when I used upgrade to upgrade the omnitrix.

OS ben: that's a lot of upgrading.

Ben: you know it other me. Gotta admits though, that shirt went out of style once I hit 9 years old.

OS ben: what do you mean it's a classic.

Gwen 10: you're only saying that because you only own like 4 of the same shirts.

OS ben: no, I'm not.

Gwen 10: yes, you are you dufas.

Gwen: and I though two could get bad.

OV ben turns into fourarms, and he lifts OS ben and Gwen 10 into the air.

OV ben: will you two cut it out? We're in the air and while a lot of us can fly, not all of us can.

Rex prime: yeah, so let's cut it out.

Rex: you never answered my questions about my builds. Do I get new ones?

Rex primes quickly shifts between all of his omega nanite builds and a few new once that he's built.

Circe: if you cured all Evos. Then what about Bobo? Or other animal Evos?

Rex prime: I did say I cured most Evos. Not all. Bobo and I where fine and a few other Evos but the Evo programing was shut down in all of the nanites. They still exist but they don't have there programing anymore.

Circe: and how did you say you did that?

Rex prime: the meta nanites.

Rex: meta nanites?

Rex prime: it's a whole season's worth of explanation but to sum it up, when the 5 meta nanites combine the person who uses them becomes omnipotent. Although they were rewritten so that I'm the only one who can use them.

OS ben: sounds like that would've been useful during the whole alien x incident.

Rex prime: alien x?

OV ben: basically, an evil version of me broke his omnitrix and accidentally transformed into a being who can do anything as long as it could convincing his three personalities to do so. Want to rewind time, go right ahead. Want to change how azimuth looks, go right ahead. And I'm convinced they've changed Kevin's history on more then one occasion.

tales from Belwood: early days.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant