Episode 24 - the nemesis of nemeses

Start from the beginning

Captain nemesis: hello young man, didn't I see you over with that lava monster?

Noah: yes, but I was wondering if I could do an interview with you. You see I'm the school reporter and I was there to try and get an interview with two local heroes. But they weren't talking to me, so I was wondering if you let me interview a true hero instead?

Captain nemesis: well, if you're looking for a hero to interview then I am the right captain for this job. Come inside inconspicuous child.

They walk inside with rex and Circe by the door.

Rex: I can't believe that worked.

Circe: I can. Now why does he have such a big tower if he only showed up last month?

Rex: do you think it has anything to do with that tower over there?

Circe looks over at the bright red and gold billions tower and while she does have her suspicions, she was way too focused on the task at hand.

Circe: so why do you think six said all that stuff?

Rex: he was probably trying to get captain nemesis to break. He's good at doing that sort of thing.

Circe: do you see a way in we can use?

Rex: I don't but I think that we could probably get in through the air vents. Now if I can use a screwdriver to get into the vents, we should be able to...

Circe: or you could just fly us up to the door up top.

Rex: I hate when you point stuff like that out. Makes my plans seemingly disappear.

Circe: i'm just pointing out the easiest option. i'm sure your plan 

Rex forms his boogie pack, and he flies them up as high as he can go, just two stories below where they need to be.

Rex: I can't get any higher. What do I do?

Circe: I have an idea, just trust me.

Rex: ok, what's your...

She extends out her Evo jaw and gets sent flying upwards with rex, both of them landing on the top of the building with rex's boogie pack falling apart.

Rex: well that stung.

Circe: it worked, didn't it?

Rex: I guess. But it still hurt.

Circe gets up and tries to open the door only to find it locked. Rex gets himself up and walks over to it, using his combat drill to break through the door, the door attaching itself to rex's combat drill and he manages to scrape it off, allowing the pair to get inside mostly undetected. Meanwhile Noah was asking as many questions as he could.

Noah: so, what's it like being a super hero.

Captain nemesis: I've got to say that it's great, and my investors think so as well.

Noah: investors?

Captain nemesis: some people who think letting children protect this town is a bad idea.

Noah: I know ben, Kevin, rex and Circe. There are good people, other than Kevin, but the want to do the right thing.

Captain nemesis: don't you think there a little young to be putting their lives on the line against theses monsters.

Noah: there called Evos.

Captain nemesis: how do you know that?

Noah: it's amazing what you can learn when you watch the news.

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