Chapter 27

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After packing the twins' stuff and bundling them up in their blankets, you text Tony.
You: Have a room ready for us. We're coming home.
Metalhead: Yay! My daughter is returning!! Am I a grandfather??
You: You are to a wonderful baby boy and a beautiful baby girl. Have a separate room ready for the twins.
Metalhead: I have one already when we rebuilt the compound. The others are eating lunch but they are going to be so happy to see you guys!!
You: Can't wait! See you in a minute!
You, Loki and the twins walk outside, taking in one last look at your house before teleporting back to the compound. You're at the gates so you can surprise the team. "We're truly home," you sigh. Loki takes Vali and she wraps her tiny little chubby arms around his neck, turning away from you. "Such a daddy's girl," you laugh. Narfi clenches onto your shirt and shuts his eyes. Teleporting must have tired him out. You walk into the compound, making a dramatic entrance. The others see your twins and immediately start fawning over them.
"Oh my God, they are absolutely adorable! What's their names?" Wanda squeals. "Narfi and Vali," you sigh happily, Nat booping Narfi on the nose repeatedly. Thor takes Vali and throws her up in the air. "Thor, you idiot! She's not your hammer!" Loki growls, immediately going for his daughter. You laugh, knowing your daughter's uncle wouldn't hurt her. "She's fine, brother. However, we will have to see if little Vali is worthy one day!" Thor booms. Tony pushes everyone out of the way and steals your children. You hear Loki quietly say, "My kids!" Tony cuddles Vali and Narfi, giving them kisses and saying, "If Mommy and Daddy say no, come to me and I'll always say yes."
"What, Y/N? You know living in the tower with me, those kids are going to be spoiled!"
You open your mouth to reply but Loki says, "Dear, that is a losing battle you are fighting." Bruce comes out of the crowd and asks, "Can I hold them?" You smile the most at him and reply, "Of course!" He takes the twins and immediately, Vali latches onto him and doesn't let go. Narfi plays with the collar of his shirt. He seems to be curious with everything. "I think you should be the godfather, Bruce," you suggest.
"Wait--you mean it?"
"Of course. The twins seem to like you the most."
"I'd... I'd be honored."
After a long game of pass the babies, Vali and Narfi let go and you introduce them to Clint, who, being a father, knows exactly what kids like. And Vali and Narfi want NONE of it. "Why do they hate me?!" He wails. "Because they're Reindeer Games and Y/N's evil villain babies!" Tony laughs. You snort and even Loki can't help but gut laugh. Vali yawns widely and you can see her rub her eyes with her tiny fist. Narfi tucks his head into your neck, and you tell the team, "We're going to put these two down for their nap." Tony nods and takes you all up to the new and improved nursery.
The nursery looks just how it was before, but it has JARVIS tech built into it, a bonus much to your relief. You and Loki set the babies down into their cribs, Narfi clenching onto your shirt like he does. "Sweetie, it's time for your nap," you whisper. He opens one eye and lets go. Vali meanwhile is sleeping like an angel. Loki watches her with his head resting on the edge of the crib. "Come on, love," you tell him. He follows you out of the nursery as you shut the door. He grabs your waist and kisses you gently on the lips. "They really are perfect, aren't they?" Loki says.
"They are. I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"And I wouldn't either. I know I've said this many times but I love you."
"And I love you most."
Edited: 8/16/2022

A/N: NOOOO!! It's the end of the book! I'm so glad you guys got this far, it means 3000 to me! I have another fanfiction coming out after this and I have another one in the works (Stranger Things), and I also have a One Shot going, requests are open!! I also have another fanfiction published and complete, definitely check that one out! I have made a few bonus chapters for you guys so those will be up and running in the next few days! Until next time everyone, I love you 3000!

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