Chapter 16

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The next morning, the room service brings crisp waffles and fresh juice and fruit to your room. You eat quickly and get dressed in a hoodie and leggings. Unfortunately, as soon as you brush your teeth, you feel acid rising in your throat. "Darling, you look green," Loki says as your breath labors. "Loki--" you say as you run to the restroom. He follows after you, holding your hair up as the contents of your stomach empty into the toilet. "Sweetheart, it's okay, I'm here," he whispers, stroking your back.
You eventually feel a bit better albeit weaker and shrink to the floor. "Here, let's brush your teeth again," Loki says, helping you up. He flushes the toilet and sprays the air freshener and helps you to the sink. You take a look at yourself in the mirror and you appear rather dead. "Ugh, I thought Asgardians were immune to this kind of stuff," you moan. "Ah, I'm afraid not, dear," Loki replies, helping you to the bed where you sit.
"Great. I'm already hating pregnancy."
"Don't say that. When you hold our baby this will all be worth it."
"It's not even that. The others will catch on."
Loki's eyes widen. "Well, maybe this will lighten up when we get back," he says, stroking your back. You shrug and grab your suitcase. "Ah! I did research last night! You shouldn't be lifting anything heavy!" Loki tells you off. He grabs your suitcase along with his and lugs it along the hallway to the elevators. "Loki you really didn't--"
"No, trust me. I only want what's best for you and our baby."
"Oh, alright. So no teleporting then?"
"Absolutely not. I wouldn't use too much magic either."
You roll your eyes but decide it's best. You arrive at the front desk and turn in your key. The receptionist wishes you well and an Uber waits out front. "Loki, how'd you know about Uber?" You ask. "If you must know, when I was doing research, an ad popped up," Loki replies. You hum and Loki opens the car door for you. He's still your perfect gentleman.
The driver talks with you both about a curious thing called "The Marvel Cinematic Universe" on the way back, and about a supposedly handsome man named Tom Hiddleston. You pull up a picture on your phone and show Loki. "Why that man...he looks just like me!" Loki comments. "Yeah, he does! How odd," you ponder. The driver laughs and soon enough, you arrive back at the compound.
Steve is splitting logs out front when you arrive. He sees you and gives you a bone splitting hug. "Steve. Air. Please," you squeak. "Sorry, Y/N. How was your overnight date?" He asks.
"Good. Actually, it was great! Nobody got into too much trouble?"
"Well, Tony and Thor got into a heated argument over Monopoly again--"
"Gods, I told them not to play that stupid game. You see how well those half witted oafs listen?"
Steve laughs and pats you on the back, nearly knocking all the air out of you. "Good to have you back, Y/N," he says. You smile and rejoin Loki at his side. As you enter the compound you see Tony in his Iron Man suit facing Thor in his battle armor with Wanda all fired up against Nat who has her guns out. Peter is ducked behind the sectional, scared to death. "Gods, what is going on?!" You shout. Tony opens the helmet of his suit and says, "Point Break here said that I couldn't beat him at Mario Kart, and thing led to another."
"Alright, let me step in."
Loki grabs your arm and pulls you back. "Y/N, stop! You're pregnant, you'll get hurt!" Then he realizes what he just said and who he said it in front of. The entire team steps inches in front of you two. You glare daggers at Loki. If looks could kill, he'd be dead. "Y/ what?"
Edited: 8/16/2022

A/N: Ohhhhh shet. He knows. And they know he knows. How will he react? Find out on the next episode of Wandavision--wait...wrong timeline...anyway have a lovely day my dears!!

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