Chapter 6

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Your head starts to pound. The world starts to spin and you feel dizzy. You feel flustered and feel yourself falling into an abyss. "Y/N! Are you alright?!" You hear Loki's voice say before it all fades to black (lol sorry for the Encanto ref).
Loki's POV
Y/N looks like she is about to faint. I hold my arms out to catch her. She stumbles for a moment. "Y/N! Are you alright?!" I say as she passes out into my arms. I lift her up and we teleport to the compound. Unluckily, Stark sees me. "What did you do?!" He shouts, raising his hand to reveal a repulsor. "Stark, she is fine. Y/N fainted, and I am going to help her by bringing her to bed," I say as calmly as I possibly can.
"She better be fine or your ass is grass."
I don't say anything. I shift Y/N in my arms, trying to make her more comfortable. I doubt being carried can be bearable for many. I walk to the elevator and we go to the second floor where our rooms are located. As the door opens, Y/N shifts in my arms. She opens her eyes. "Hello, darling. Are you alright?" I ask softly.
"Mm. What happened?"
"You fainted. We're back home, and I'm just taking you to bed."
"Bed? I don't need sleep."
"Darling, you just fainted. I think it would be wise for you to get some sleep."
"Oh alright," Y/N groans. I smile and place her down on her bed. "Your bed is comfier," she says. "Then it shall be my bed," I reply. I take her to my room across the hall and put her down. I kiss her on her forehead and she smiles her beautiful smile. "Would you like me to stay?"
"Can you? I'd feel a lot safer."
"Then I will stay, darling."
I use some magic to change into some pajamas and crawl into bed with her. I am careful not to disturb her, even though I am sure Y/N is still awake. "Loki? Are you awake?" I hear her ask.
"Yes. Why?"
"Can you explain what love is?"
"An odd request but I will try."
I lay on my back with Y/N's head tucked on my chest and begin to explain my best definition of what it is. I stop when I see she is fast asleep. I pull the blanket up over her shoulders and don't move an ounce more.
You wake up the next morning with Loki next to you, getting out of bed. You vaguely remember the night before. "Morning, beautiful," he says just over a whisper. "What happened? Did we...?" You trail off. Loki stifles a laugh and shakes his head no. You let out a sigh of relief. "You did however ask me to explain what love is," Loki chuckles with a smirk on his face.
"That doesn't sound like me. I think I have a pretty good idea of what love is."
"Like what, exactly?"
Loki blushes, something you haven't seen him do a lot. Cocky, smart Loki sure, but awkward Loki was new. He bites his bottom lip and gets up. "I suppose we should head downstairs, darling," he suggests.
"Yeah, I guess we should. Just so the team doesn't think I'm dead or something."
Loki gut laughs at your comment. He lifts you out of bed and you squeal. "Eep! Loki, I am more than capable of walking!" You giggle. "My darling Y/N, I want to carry you," Loki says, kissing your forehead. You blush and tuck your head into the nook of his neck. You allow yourself to be carried down to the lounge area where the team is already eating breakfast. "Morning, sleeping beauty," Tony cracks. You snicker at the comment. Loki carefully places you down on the barstool and pours you (insert favorite cereal). Tony looks at the two of you and makes a gagging sound. "Save your lovey dovey stuff for the wedding night!" He says.
"So I guess I'll say the same thing about you and Pepper then? Oh, I could make a list of where you guys--"
"Okay, we don't have to go there, kid..."
Loki smirks at you. Are your powers back yet? You haven't even thought about that for the past day or two. I don't know. I guess after breakfast we can head to the training room and see...You answer him in your head. You're done with your cereal in no time. "Hungry?" Nat comments, walking in. You take a sip of milk and nod. Loki takes your bowl and tosses it in the sink. "Thanks," you say, hopping up from the barstool.
"You're welcome, darling."
Loki takes your hand and you feel yourself blush. You walk together to the training room. "Now don't overdo it, please. You did give me a bit of a fright last night," Loki warns you.
"I'll be fine, Loki. I know what my boundaries are, and I don't even know if my powers are back yet."
"Alright. Just be careful, okay?"
He kisses you on the cheek and lets go of your hand. Loki backs up and says, "Do your thing, Y/N!" You focus on your powers only. Suddenly, you see a blue glow escape your hands. "Loki! My powers are back!" You squeal happily. You cut off your powers before you can do anything else. "Thank goodness. I was starting to get a bit worried. It usually only lasts for a day," you say. Loki squeezes you into a hug. "Loki! Air. Can't breathe!" You croak. Loki lets you out of the tight hug.
"Ah, sorry Y/N. I suppose that's a bit what my brother's hugs are like."
"Yes, I'm well familiar."
You laugh politely and walk out of the training room to find Thor chatting with Tony, who points in your direction. Thor runs to you and squeezes you in yet another bone crushing hug. "Thor. Air. I need to breathe," you squeak. He doesn't hear you and continues hugging you. Loki conjures up one of his daggers and stabs him in the side, making him drop you. You catch your breath while Thor holds his side. "Lady Y/N, kindly ask my brother to stop stabbing me please?" He asks. You laugh out loud at the request. "Next time, let my beloved go and perhaps you will not get stabbed," Loki hisses, taking you along to the kitchen. "Duly noted, brother."
You sit down next to Nat. Loki is reading one of his books, not paying attention. Nat elbows you in the side with her eyebrow raised. "What?" You whisper. "So? Are you and you-know-who a thing now?" She barely contains her laughter. You look over at him. Loki is still deeply involved in his book. "I...I don't know. I guess, I mean we haven't really made it official," you reply. Nat doesn't say anything, she just smiles and walks off.
Later that day, Peter announces that he wants to watch a movie with the entire team. The team makes an excuse that 'they're busy', but you feel bad for him, so you join him on the couch. You decide to drag Loki on the couch with you. "But why?" He asks. "Because we are good people and good people do good things!" You tell him.
"Y/N. You seriously think I am a good person?"
"I mean...yes? Yes, you are."
Loki reluctantly fwumps down on the sectional as Peter turns on the movie. "What movie is this anyway?" He asks with a slight hint of distaste. Peter doesn't get the hint, and he replies, "It's called 'Marley and Me' and it's about a dog!" Loki rolls his eyes, and you elbow him in the side. "C'mon, I'll get some brownies for us to share."
By the end of the movie, you and Peter are crying. Even Loki has been slightly moved to tears. He strokes your hair, saying, "It's okay, Y/N, it's only a movie..."
"That can't be right! The dog dies like that?!"
"Yes, Mr. Loki! It's horrible!"
Loki's jaw drops. You hear him mutter, "I've never felt so sorry for a damn dog." Your cries turn to a smile and you lean against him. "Alright, Y/N, wipe those tears away," Loki says, caressing your cheek. You smile up at him as he plants a tiny kiss on your forehead. Peter makes a 'YUCK!' noise which only prompts Loki to kiss you again. "Alrighty, lovebirds, dinner's ready!" Tony calls from the kitchen.
"Great! What are we having?"
"Mother's kalops. Your favorite, Loki," Thor says, walking in from the training arena, sweaty much to Tony's dismay.
Loki eagerly leaps from the sectional to the kitchen. "Kalops? Never heard of them," you say, looking at the bubbling, stew like food in the pot. Loki looks at you with what can only be described as pure hatred. "Shut up!" (Since UH when?!)  He laughs. You grab yourself some and put it in a bowl. "It's...good! Really good actually!" You decide.
"Better be, Y/N."
"Sorry," he mutters. The entire team grabs their kalops and sits down around the kitchen. You sit next to Loki and over dinner, talk about the recipe and other things. The whole time, you feel yourself getting hot. You good, Y/N?

Fine. Are you?

I've had Mother's kalops so I'm grand.

You smile and watch the team joke and laugh. You finally feel as if you have a real family. A family that accepts you for your quirks and abilities. A family that loves you.
Edited: 8/16/2022

A/N: Hello again my lovelies! This chapter was REALLY HARD to write, I got a serious case of writer's block. But then I rewatched Loki and then BAM! Inspiration. Seriously, I don't know what I would do without the MCU. ANYWAY...hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a comment!!

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