Chapter 4

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You and Loki both jumped six inches in the air at a loud crash. Loki immediately changed into his armor, using his cape to protect you. "Loki, I don't have my magic! It must be my period!" You realize after trying to conjure a shield. "Then stay behind me. And don't do anything stupid, love," he says, keeping his cape up. You both hesitantly approach the sound of the noise only to discover.."Spider-Man?!"
A young man, really a boy, takes his mask off and gets off the ground. He stumbles to his feet and falls again when he sees the both of you. "Oh my goodness! It's really you, Mr. Loki!" The boy says. "It's Prince Loki," Loki murmurs, but you jab him in the side. The boy turns to you next. "And I've heard all about you! Mr. Stark tells me you're, well, you don't have a made up name yet!" He says.
"Uh, yeah. Wait, you've met Tony?"
"Yeah! We just came from space! Well, we crash landed in a field over there and--"
"Yeah, yeah. What's your name, kid?"
"Peter Parker. What's yours? Wait, wait...Ms. L/N, right?"
"Yes. Now, come on, go take a shower."
Peter eagerly runs to the bathroom. Loki gives you a look of 'he totally likes you.' "Oh stop it, Loki! He's probably just a," you squeak out.
"Yeah. Sure. Fan."
"You know, you can be so incorrigible sometimes."
"Good to know, darling."
Loki chuckles quietly. He changes back into his Midgardian clothes, no longer shielding you. "I think we should probably go out there and see if they need help," you suggest. "Do we need to though?" He says, wrapping his arms around your waist. You pull away and smirk. "Yes, we do."
Loki changes back into his armor and he makes an outfit for you, the same colors of his. "It's temporary, just until Tin Can Man gives you something," he explains. "Why do you call him that?" You ask.
"What? Stark has to be the only one with the nicknames?"
You both walk outside after cringing from hearing Peter singing very badly in the shower. You see a large ship crashed in the now flawed sod, the unconcious bodies of the Avengers strewn about. "Shit! We have to help them!" You yell. You climb into the wreckage of the Quinjet to help the Avengers out. Loki searches around the borders, using his powers to take away rubble. You spot Stark buried under metal, parts of his armor missing. "Hey, Tony? You good?" You slap him awake. Blood streams down his face.
"Ah, yeah. I'm fine. What are you doing?"
"What does it look like? Me and Loki are helping you guys out."
"Rock of Ages is actually helping? That's new."
"Shut up. Come on, we need to get you guys out."
"Alright. I think Nat and the others are under there."
You see him point to a pile of wreckage. Loki, the others are in here. Stark has a head injury, but looks fine.

Alright. Are you okay, darling?

Fine. I need your help getting out of here though, I've dug myself a hole a bit too deep.

You wait a moment, trying to keep Tony elevated for the sake of the blood loss. You see Loki climb in, using his magic to help get the wreckage off. When he moves a piece of metal off of Tony, you see he has a badly broken leg. "Oh, damn! How long have you been sitting here like this?" You gasp. "Not long, kid," Tony hisses in pain. Loki approaches Tony and looks down at his leg. "Darling, I can heal him, but it will drain my powers greatly."
"I would not bother then. We need to get everyone else out."
Loki agrees with you and you pull Tony out of the Quinjet. An hour passes before you and Loki recover the entire team. Bruce is the only one uninjured, mainly because he was in Hulk form when the ship went down. He brings the team to the hospital wing where Loki heals most of the team. "So explain something to me, Tony," you begin to say, looking at a bandaged Stark.
"Yes? If this is a lecture I don't want to hear it."
"No, it's not. How did you guys get that?"
"Something entered the atmosphere and hit our ship. We're not entirely sure what it was."
You bite your bottom lip and reply, "Great. I should probably go check on Loki, he's going to be drained after healing you guys." You walk out of the hospital wing and go to Loki's room. You start to knock and before you can, Loki opens the door. "Hello, you." You smirk and reply, "Hi. I came to check on you."
"Well, isn't that nice. I'm doing fine, just rather drained."
"I thought as much. May I come in?"
"Since you asked so nicely you may."
You laugh politely and walk in. You sit down on the bed and pick up a book that Loki had apparently been reading. "Ah, I see you've found my new favorite book, Y/N," he says. "You mean my favorite book," you comment. You notice he's dog eared the page. "Loki, how dare you!" You chortle. He widens his eyes in a 'I didn't do anything' manner. "So, are we still on for dinner tonight or shall we stay in and eat chocolate pancakes?" You ask, running your fingers through his raven hair.
"Frankly my dear, I'd be fine with either."
"Well, I would like to go out, be a productive member of society."
"Then we shall go out tonight."
You smirk and kiss him on the cheek. Your eyes widen and your cheeks turn peaks of crimson (I'm sorry I had to make that reference!). "I am sorry, I should not have done that!" You quickly apologize. Loki looks at you confused. "Why are you apologizing, darling?"
"I didn't...I wasn't sure if you were entirely comfortable."
"I'm always comfortable with you, love."
Loki cups his hands on your cheeks. His touch feels cool. He presses his lips against yours, and you can feel his cool breath on your face. He smells distinctly of mint. Loki runs his fingers through your hair, and you do the same to him. He slowly moves his hands down to your waist, and he kisses your neck. You pull away, saying, "That was...nice."
Edited: 8/15/2022

A/N: Surprise!!! The first kiss has happened!! And OMG DID YOU HEAR TOM GOT ENGAGED?!! I'm so happy for him and Zawe!! Any hate on them will not be tolerated on my page, so if you want to hate on them politely go somewhere else. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please vote and/or comment!!

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