Chapter 13

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You land on the front lawn of the compound. Much to Tony's dismay, a huge burn mark is left. "Shit!" He swears upon seeing it. Unluckily for him, Steve is moving some equipment not far from him. "Language!" He calls. Did he seriously just say language? You hear Tony's thoughts very loudly. You stifle a laugh and keep your latch onto Loki. "Where have you two been? I thought you were only going for a few days?" Tony asks, annoyed.
"We were? How long have we been gone?"
"I'll put it to you this way, it's Valentine's day eve."
You almost swear yourself but then you see Steve passing by. "Already?!" You splutter. Tony nods, widening his eyes in an obvious way. Loki gestures for you to come inside the compound. You take his hand and enter. The rest of the Avengers are just finishing decorating the lounge area for Valentine's day. Nat, Clint, and Bruce welcome you in a tight embrace. "We missed you! Thank goodness you came back in time for V-Day!" Nat squeals. "Where's Thor?" Clint asks Loki more than you.
"My brother can come back at any time."
Clint looks at Loki with an uncertain look. As you start chatting with Nat about V-Day, you hear a second, "SHIT!" from outside. "Ah, my brother has arrived," Loki says, a smirk hidden in his voice. You grab Loki's hand and walk with him. "So I was thinking I would do something for you tomorrow," he says.
"Oh? I am intrigued."
"Well, it is a surprise. We have been courting for a year now and are now engaged, so you deserve the best."
"Do I get any more clues?"
"You do not."
Loki smirks, his emerald eyes gleaming mischievously. On the front lawn, you see Thor using his magic to change into Midgardian clothing. "Did you seriously think you were going to leave me there, brother?" Thor asks, sounding almost as sarcastic as Loki.
"Please. It's not like we stole the Bifrost sword so you couldn't come."
"Fair enough. Lady Y/N, do you know what day it is?"
"Valentine's day eve. And you can just call me Y/N, I think we are past formalities."
"Very well, Y/N."
Thor kisses your hand, purely as a sign of courtesy. Loki rolls his eyes and you notice him pull you a bit closer. Do I detect possessiveness?

Yes, well. I know the witless oaf is doing it on purpose.

Be nice. He's your brother and he's happy for you. For us.

Loki smiles warmly and wraps his arm around you. You notice the sun beginning to set and the three of you walk inside. As you've already eaten breakfast, you're full. (WHEN SHE SINGS WHEN SHE SINGS COME HOME) Nat announces that the team will be watching a movie in honor of V-Day eve. She waves the DVD, and it's "Love Actually". Your eyes light up and apparently, it's a team favorite, apart from Loki and Thor who have never seen this movie. You all pile on the sectional and begin the movie, Loki wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you in his lap. This doesn't go unnoticed, especially by Tony who hollers, "Nice move, Reindeer Games!" Which in turn prompts Loki to hurl a dagger in his direction. You use your magic to stop it. "Enough. Tony, shut up. Loki, no daggers," you diffuse the situation. They both roll their eyes and settle in.
The movie ends with the women (except Nat), Cap, and Thor in tears. "What are you crying about? It was just a movie," Loki says, stroking your cheek. "It was a beautiful movie! And I always cry at love movies!" You sob. Loki rolls his eyes again and smiles at you. "You are truly a wonderful creature," he whispers. Your eyes start to get heavy. You rest your head against Loki's shoulder and allow your eyes to close. You feel yourself being lifted and brought up the stairs. You hear a door open--Loki is bringing you to bed.
He sets you down on his bed--something that has become quite familiar to you both. You open your eyes slightly to find him undressing. "Gah!" You express with surprise. "Oh, my. Sorry, love, I thought you were asleep," Loki says, quickly putting a green cotton shirt on. You shake your head. " 'S fine. I didn't expect you to be so--uh--"
"Masculine? Ripped, as my brother puts it?"
"Yes and no, considering this isn't the first time I've seen you shirtless."
"Won't be the last either, darling."
You narrow your eyes at him. Loki's shirt disappears suddenly. He crawls into bed with you and tucks himself against you. His raven hair falls in front of his face, causing you to tuck it behind him. Loki makes a contented noise, which makes you smile slightly. "Goodnight, my beloved," he murmurs.
The next morning, you find yourself alone in bed. You wash your face and get dressed in a bright pink oversized sweater with hearts all over it, and put some fuzzy socks on. You curl your (hair color) hair and decide you are content with your look. You leave the room and still don't see Loki. Weird. Maybe he's down in the kitchen. "Loki? Loki!" You call. You walk down into the living room and there he is.
Loki is there with a giant gift basket, dressed in a dark grey turtleneck with a faux leather jacket on and black lace up boots. "Happy Valentine's Day, my love," he says, presenting you with the gift basket. It contains many different candies and chocolates along with a huge stuffed teddy. "Oh, how sweet! And I believe I have a gift for you as well!" You chirp. Loki smiles. You get on your tip toes and kiss him on the lips, slipping him a chocolate. "You are the best gift I could ask for, my love," he pulls you into a hug. From the living room you hear Clint make a gag noise.
"Of course, I knew you would want something other than a silly gift, so I made you pancakes," Loki says. Your eyes light up with glee. He serves you a pancake, in the shape of a heart of course. In chocolate syrup is your name. You kiss him on the cheek as he sits down next to you. "So, Reindeer Games, if it's Valentine's Day, why are you dressed for a funeral?" Tony asks.
"I'm dressed for yours."
Though you're disappointed in your fiancee you cannot help but laugh. Tony shuts up. "Tony, my fiancee will wear what he damn pleases," you hiss. Tony rolls his eyes and mutters, "Forget I said anything." You smirk at Loki and he raises a single eyebrow, knowing it will make you laugh. Which it does. You splutter out your tea all over the counter top, and snort. "Loki! I am not cleaning that up!" You scoff. He rolls his eyes and waves his hands, making the spill disappear. You finish your breakfast and dispose of the plate.
You go back upstairs and brush your teeth. You put some makeup on, deciding on a rose colored lipstick. You come out of the bathroom to Loki who has changed into a green tank top and black yoga pants. "I thought we could go running? If you wanted?" He suggests.
"Uh, yeah. Let me get changed first."
You use your powers to change into a sage green tank top that has a glittery design of Loki's horns on it with black yoga pants and some bright pink sneakers. You both walk downstairs and are stopped by Thor. "Ooh, going running? Loki, can I braid your hair so it doesn't get in the way?" He asks, giddy as a puppy.
"You touch my hair and I will shove your hammer where the sun doesn't shine."
"But Y/N is allowed to touch your hair!"
"Because she is Y/N."
You giggle at the exchange. "Come along, darling, before he tries to man bun my gorgeous locks," Loki sighs, flipping his raven hair dramatically. You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at Thor. Thor returns the favor, quietly replying, "Farewell, little sister!"
You walk to the gates of the compound and stretch there. "Bet I can beat you if we were to race," you challenge.
"Hmm, I am not opposed to this. If one were to lose--"
"They would, say, have to be little spoon tonight."
Loki raises an eyebrow. "Prepare to lose, my darling," he says in a low tone. You hum sarcastically and take off, leaving Loki in the dust. Not long passes before he catches up to you. Then he passes you. Then you're left in the dust. How?! You catch a second wind and start catching up to Loki. But he's already won. "I win," he says, stretching his legs. You roll your eyes and say sarcastically, "Well darn. Guess I'll have to be little spoon."
"I'm beginning to think you lost on purpose."
"I didn't. But I enjoy being little spoon."
Loki shakes his head, dryly laughing. "Well, I'm not doing anymore running after that. Shall we walk back?" You suggest. Loki nods in agreement and takes your hand. You look at the flowers and shrubbery, most of which are just starting to bloom. As you enter the gates to the compound, Tony yells from the doors, "Who won?!" You laugh, doubling over. He must have seen your race. Loki shouts back, "I did, Stark, by a mile!" You scoff and hit his arm. Shut up. I nearly beat you.

Did not.

Did too.

Did not.

Fine. You won fair and square, my prince. You tease him in your head, making him snicker. You walk inside the compound, appreciating the air conditioning. "Well, I'm going to go and take a shower. Join me for tea in the gardens after?" You ask. "I'd like nothing more, my love," Loki replies, stroking your hand as you walk away.
After your shower you walk downstairs feeling like a proper Asgardian. Loki is already changed and ready by the door. "Shall we, my princess?" He asks, stretching his hand out for you to take. You smile and nod, taking it. You walk through the gardens, admiring the newly blossomed azaleas and roses. "So I made reservations for a rather nice restaurant for us on a whim tonight," Loki tells you.
"Oh? And what is this rather nice restaurant?"
"I will not tell. And afterwards, I was thinking we could stay in this hotel I found. A five star one at that, especially for couples."
"I'm intrigued. Consider me thoroughly convinced, rather."
Loki's eyes light up. You both find your bench and sit down, the scent of the flowers entering your nostrils. Loki conjures up two tea cups filled to the brim with tea. You lean against him, sipping the tea gingerly. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asks quietly.
"I don't know but I think we're perfect for each other."
Loki leans his head against you. Your breathing is in sync with each other as you hear the birds sing in the trees. "You know, darling, it is tradition on Asgard to court for a year and a day," he says.
"So I guess we should start thinking about wedding stuff?"
"Yes, I suppose so."
"Well, maybe we could get married here, and like do traditional Asgardian things?"
"That--that would be nice."
You finish your tea and make your cup disappear. You intertwine your fingers with Loki's and watch the leaves blow in the wind. "Well, no rush. We can think about that tonight," you sigh.
"Yes, of course, love. I'll support whatever you decide."
"I love you."
"And I you, my princess."
A/N: The Valentine's day chapter!! I was planning for this to be coming out around V-Day but...yeah no. As always my dears have a lovely day 💚💚

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