Chapter 23

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Araes. The name rung a bell. But who was he?
   "Y/N Sigyndottir! COME HERE!" You heard your father call. Oh no. You had been caught smuggling jelly pastries from the kitchens again. And being caught by King Araes of Vanaheim was never a good sign, especially when he was in a mood like today. Well, like any day. You just hoped that your mother was in the room. She would calm him down. "Y-yes, Father?" You timidly responded. Araes banged his staff, making you flinch. "One of the kitchen servants has told me that you have been stealing the desserts. Is this true?" He asked.
"Remember what I do to liars, daughter."
"I did it, Father. It's true."
   Araes grinned. His wife and your mother, Sigyn, looked at him with worry, perhaps for you. "Araes, darling, please do not punish her, she is young--"
"Silence, Sigyn. The child must learn."
    Araes rose from his throne and took his sword. Sigyn's breathing hitched in her throat as she rose to stop him, but was blocked by four guards with sharpened axes. "Do not block me, I am your queen!" She yelled. Araes turned, facing his wife. He smirked murderously and waved his hand. His executioner who wore a white mask stained with light red, took his sword and slit her throat. Sigyn fell to the floor, dead. You screamed for your mother, but did not move. "Hush, child. I'll spare you, but you will never tell anyone of this," he hissed. Araes used the hilt of his sword and hit you over the head with it, making you disoriented. A red mist escaped from his hands, and the world turned black.
   In the matter of a moment, you were on the realm of Midgard. You couldn't remember how you arrived there, or what had happened. You could only remember darkness. As you looked up, a man stared at you. A man with a scraggly beard and buzz cut hair. "Hello, child," he said. "I'm with the Enhanced Foster Safety Program, and I believe you need to come with me."
You gasp for air as Loki holds you. "He--my father. That's my father...he killed my mother. I remember everything!" You cry. You feel Loki's head leave your shoulder. "Then I won't leave the avenging to the team. I'll kill the bastard myself," Loki hisses. He rises from the floor, still limping a bit, and summons his daggers. "Loki, no!" You scream, running after him. Araes chuckles and throws him across the room with one swipe of his giant hand. Loki is knocked unconcious.
As you kneel over your husband, you hear Araes approaching. "Get the fuck out of here, Araes," you hiss through the tears and the pain. Araes smirks and holds up your hand, examining the ring on it. "My daughter, you got married? And never invited me to your wedding?" He feigns disappointment.
"Don't you dare call me your daughter. If the Avengers or Loki don't kill you first, I will."
As if on cue, the team burst in, shooting and blasting. Tony takes the lead, Araes falling to the floor. Tony looks him in the face and tells him, "Make your move, Rocket-Man." Wanda looks at you, her eyes glowing red. Y/N, get you and Loki out of here. Protect you and the twins. Go! You hear her in your head. Immediately you grab Loki by the arm and run downstairs with him. "I know you're hurt, love, but try to keep up okay? I can't lose you," You tell him.
"I know. Is everyone okay?"
By everyone you know he meant you and the twins. You nod quickly and make your way to the gate of the compound. From the windows you can see laser beams. Loki holds you in his arms, facing you away from the compound as it implodes. "Our--our's gone."
Edited: 8/16/2022

A/N: Oh nooooo!!! Not the compound that's always getting destroyed!!! Haha, sorry. Also, surprise everyone! I got back earlier than expected so here is another chapter! I love you 3000 everyone!!


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