A frown crossed his lips as he did so, he didn't want Izuna to lose the man. It had been a year since they had all been consumed by Benzaiten's bonds, and he couldn't help but want to ensure his younger brother didn't lose the one thing that meant the most to him in this world. "Tobirama, do you remember two years ago, when I saved you and said you owed me?" he asked and Tobirama furrowed his brows. "I'm calling upon that debt here and now." He said and Tobirama glared at him. "I need you to keep Hinata safe."

"I'm not leaving you to fight alone." He snapped and Madara only offered him a small smile, which seemed to catch him off guard and his footsteps stumbled. "Madara." "Don't Madara me, you can't stand me, remember? You hate my guts and want nothing to do with me." Madara said and Tobirama scowled at him once more. He just continued to hold that small smile. He knew he was possibly running head first to his death, but there wasn't much more that he could possibly hope to get in this world.

His thoughts drifted to Hinata and he sighed. Despite the divine intervention that led them together, he wanted to protect her and he knew he had to do this to help her. He wasn't stupid, he had noticed that these people had no interest in Izuna and Tobirama anymore. They had discovered a new target, Hinata or Neji. Which is why he had kept the two of them as close as he could. Hinata may not have known, but he had always been looking out for her. The only reason Tobirama had been taken was because they had missed their chance to grab Hinata. His eyes slipped shut as he thought it over. He had been there the night Tobirama had been taken in Hinata's place.

He had been watching her for a while, having been so intrigued by those eyes of hers. They were different from Neji's, he had always seen that. Neji's were solid white, while hers held the slightest lavender tint to them. He was knocked out of his thoughts when he felt her chakra pulse. He rushed to go see what was happening, only for a cloaked figure to nail her with a hit to the gut that sent her flying backwards. He made a move to go to her, but Tobirama and Hashirama were already there by her side. He gripped the tree he was hidden within and waited for an opening to help out.

There were three of the cloaked figures, all of their chakra was different but the one standing off to the back... his chakra was the strongest, even he could feel that. That one made no move to attack as of yet, it was as if he were waiting for something. His eyes widened as he saw the opening he was looking for, Tobirama and Hashirama were locked in combat with both of the weaker two and Hinata was trying to heal herself, her focus completely on that.

His eyes spun red and he sent a kunai right where the person had appeared, striking them across their face and sending a white mask crumbling to the ground. The person grabbed their face and he was met with white shocked white eyes, that narrowed upon meeting his gaze. He tried to use a genjutsu on them as to stay out of the battle forwardly, but it showed that it had no effect on this person. The person didn't release the grasp on their face, but whirled and struck Tobirama across the back of the neck, causing him to crumple to the ground. Hinata stumbled to her feet and rushed at the person who now had Tobirama in their grasp, only to the person to duck their head and hold out a single hand to Hinata, which sent her flying away from them with a gust of wind caused by their chakra.

"Tobirama!!" her scream shook him to his core as he looked over to her. The pure desperation in her eyes as she forced herself to her knees.

Two of the three made a break for it, only for the third to get caught in Hashirama's roots. However, before Hashirama could get anything from him a blade came from the direction the others had fled and impaled him right through Hashirama's roots. He slunk back into the shadows, seeing as though it felt like Hinata were staring right through him at this point.

He glanced back over to Tobirama who had stopped running at this point, as had he. "I'm still not leaving you alone." He said and Madara rolled his eyes, the man was stubborn he would give him that. He had never wanted to fight with Hashirama and his family, it seemed that Tobirama knew this but was only abiding by his father's orders. Madara turned on him, eyes flaring red. The younger man would forgive him for this. He turned to face him once more, but Tobirama had shut his eyes. He knew that he was going to try it.

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