caf-addicts' meet-cute , x reader

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this was supposed to be a coffeeshop au and instead i've written political espionage and a shootout. enjoy

the caf steams as it hits the walkway, knocked out of your hand by a passerby.
you hissed as the caf burnt you, but were more preoccupied by the fact that you had to get to work in 5 minutes and you had no caf.
you knelt down, picking up the caf cup and muttering to yourself "i'm in caf withdrawal and i'm about five seconds away from a breakdown or a murder."

"don't make it murder. then i'd have to arrest you and i'd have to do more paperwork." your head snapped up quickly, smacking into something. you moved backwards, clutching your head and landing hard on your rear.

it was a corrie guard that had startled you. he extended a gloved hand, tentatively moving to check where you hit your head. "you good?"

you withdrew your hand and glanced at it. "not bleeding."

"'not bleeding' is a very low bar."

you shrugged as you got to your feet. "i work with an adventurous senator. speaking of," you trailed off, checking your wrist chrono. "gotta blast." you offered a two-fingered salute before bolting.

senator amidala was an interesting politician: she was hands-on and quite literal. she was also a bit of a pain in your ass. you couldn't ask for a better boss.
your formal title was "legal research assistant". to most politicians, this would mean you'd spend hours researching obscure treaties and laws, pouring over ethics and litigation.
to senator amidala, this meant you dawdled in the gray area of legality, straddling the curiously-blurry line between recording in a public place and political espionage.

if the pounding feet and shouts behind you were any measure, you had to guess to may have strayed a bit too far into the side of political espionage.

you got knocked on your ass for the second time that day as you rounded a corner, veering onto a walkway suspended above a speederway. "we have to stop meeting like this." it was the corrie guard again. you recognized him. he'd spoken a few times to senator amidala, always curt and to the point. he was always gone in minutes.

"commander fox." you smiled viciously beneath your mask. "i've no idea what you mean. we've obviously never met before." you could feel the glare radiating from behind his visor. you glanced to the side, where the walkway ended. he sucked in a sharp breath.

you offered a two-fingered salute.
you rolled off the walkway.

"an adventurous senator, huh?" commander fox leered. it only then struck you how tall he was. he loomed over you, one hand resting against the wall by your head.

you calmed your breathing before responding. "do you disagree?"

"no," he replied. his voice quieted as he spoke, moving closer to you. "in fact i believe it was the senator that sent you to the trade embassy federation this morning."

you blinked. "i have no idea what you're talking about," you replied, leaning closer, until your lips almost grazed his helmet and your breath fanned out across his visor. the commander jerked back. he obviously hadn't expected you to turn the tables. he had no evidence that you were the suspect he pursued earlier— just a hunch, and he couldn't arrest people on hunches.

a door slid open down the hall. "commander fox," a clear voice called out. "are you harassing my legal assistant?"

he pulled back entirely, clasping his hands behind his back and straightening his posture. "no ma'am. your... legal assistant and i were— were discussing caf." you wiggled your brows at him and were rewarded with a slight clenching of his fist.

senator amidala smothered a smile that threatened to creep up on her face. "discussing... caf. do i have to deal with two caf addicts now?"

you laughed at that, leaning your head against the wall. you caught commander fox giving you a quick glance. you pushed away from the wall and moved to stand besides the senator. "i have the research you requested, senator."

"did the terminal bug out again?" commander fox's helmet tilted as he stared at senator.

"it did, but it was fairly easy to get it up and running again." his gaze shot back to you.

"do you mind if i take a look at the research, senator?" senator amidala paused.

"i don't see why not," she replied, and you watched the programmed decoy text pull up on screen. "it's very dry, though, and you must be a busy man." she held out the datapad to the approaching commander, and you watched his helmet move as he scanned the text.

"you're right. it is very dry." he handed the pad back. "sorry to bother you senator." commander fox clasped his hands behind his back again, boots thumping as he brought them together. he nodded at the pair of you, and you flashed a wink. he turned and walked back down the hall, a little quicker than you'd expect.

senator amidala turned to you the second the commander was out of sight. "what did you find? your comm said it was important."

a quick glance showed only a vacant hallway, but you leaned in closer nonetheless. "the trade federation is working for someone. i have reason to believe it's—" you pulled back as the sound of footsteps reaches you. a pair of senators round the corner, too invested in their own conversation to pay you and senator amidala much mind. the two of you wait anyways. "the same person who's the shadow leader of the CIS," you hissed the moment that the senators are out of sight.

"any name?" senator amidala's face is worried, pale.

"darth sidious." she grimaced.

"you need to bring this to the jedi."

"i fear that i might not make it to the jedi." she stilled.

"we can't transmit it." she paused. "i'll send some of my personal guard to escort you." senator amidala clutches your hands. "this has to make it to the jedi. you know these streets better than anyone. if anyone else could do this—"

"i know, senator."

"i'll send a comm for an— general skywalker to meet you halfway. he'll escort you. the jedi council will protect you."

"someone—" nico, one of the guards, growled and fired blindly over the storage tanks you two were pinned behind "—really doesn't want that info to make it." they glanced at you, face hardening into something that you could unfortunately recognize.

they shot off another blast. they turned to you, pulling off the necklace hidden breath their shirt and pressing it into your palm. nico pressed a spare blaster into your hand. "go," they said.

you opened your mouth to argue and nico cut you off. "the senator said this information needed to make it. i'll hold them off." they pulled you closer, pressing their lips into your head, murmuring what sounded like a prayer. "general skywalker should rendezvous with you in less than 10 minutes." they shoved you away, pointing to an alley that veered off into the darkness. "go!" they shouted. and you ran.

you could hear nico's modified blaster thrum as it fired rapidly, thundering with the blood roaring in your ears, pounding in your head.
and then there was silence.

the darkness swallowed you while as you ran into the bowels of coruscant, plunging into the metal giant's underbelly.

DRABBLES | ocs, canon, x readerWhere stories live. Discover now