teaser , oc , i am not coherent in the note

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ok so
if you've read mourning sun, you've seen the AN that says that it's technically set in an au
technically both the canon timeline and the au exist simultaneously plus another timeline because of confusing multi universe physics i concocted while in a fever.

also technically the au is a slight crossover au i made out of spite and annoyance over the fact there's no good Halo crossover fics that i've found. you don't need to know about halo though

i digress.
there's a divergent event- or person- that causes the timeline shenanigans.

i might write this as a separate story.

introducing my beloved oc: esperanza (aka void)


The unit treads their way carefully through the trees, ears perked for anything, despite the reports that the planet was uninhabited.
Void stops.

"Colt," she says, her voice a whispering crackle in the comms. The ARC trooper moves up to peer over her shoulder.

Through the tree line he can see ruins and rubble.
"Fan out," he orders, his voice terse. "And don't make your way into the ruins before I say it's safe."

"Oh, whoops." Colt sighs before turning, already knowing that Void was gone from besides him. Somewhere from the back of the group, Blitz snickers quietly.

"Kriffing hell, Void. Can you never follow orders?"

"Sorry, mijo. You were moving too slow." He flips down his antenna to scan for her. Colt spots her threading her way under two mossy, fallen columns, threading her way between two fallen statues whose stony expressions have long been eroded away by acidic rain. She moves behind a pillar.

"Careful," he warns. The channel is blank with static. "Void?" Nothing.

"Dwang," Havoc hisses through the comms. "Where'd she go?" Colt doesn't respond, too busy enhancing the focus of his scope. With a groan, Colt shakes his head and turns towards the rest of his unit.


Havoc slides down the hillside before Colt can stop him. The leader heaves a quick sigh before turning to Blitz.
"You guys act like you would follow her into Seppie blasters."

A short laugh and Blitz tilts his head. "You know it, Colt." He offers a quick, two-fingered salute before sliding down the hill to join Havoc.
Colt sputters.

"We have a mission to complete!"


Colt's fist clenches before he slides down to join the pair. The leader switches off the comm. "We're in a dead zone, now." The pair nods, their footsteps echoing between the mountains and the ancient stone floor.

Havoc points towards a building built into the mountain. "I saw Void go in there."

Branches crunch underneath the troopers' feet as they trudge upwards. A cold feeling settles into their stomachs, heavy and numb. The building is damp and cool, the kind that makes you weightless, that makes your stomach lurch. A stone clatters to the ground, startling the unit.

"I don't like this," Colt murmurs. His hands graze over his dual blasters without thinking. They moved forwards, into the building and entered the mouth of the mountain; it leered over them, a spiteful beast waiting to swallow them whole.
There was movement in the dark. At least four blasters aim, the troopers uneasy. "Hey, easy, niños."

The troopers immediately lower their barrels at the familiar voice. Void emerges from the dark, seemingly melting from the shadows.

"Void, if you ever pull something like this again, so help me I will-"

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