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"Ping Yingli, get your sorry butt downstairs right now" ma screamed from the parlour downstairs
"Aye ma!, I'm coming" I shot back sliding into my heels.
I stepped downstairs quickly but carefully trying to remember how to walk in the god damn stiletto heels I was forced to wear by my ma and pa.
Eventually I was downstairs in the all round different shades of green ground floor. I stepped into the kitchen and was immediately passed a plate of baozi popularly known as bun by ma. I immediately finished eating using my favorite sonic designed chopstick. It was a "normal" chopstick but I personally engraved initials of my first ever music lesson.
Throughout while I was eating ma didn't say a word. I tried to think of any reason she would be mad at her lovely, sweet, and caring daughter" take hint on the note of sarcasm.
All it took was a light pat on the back to send my chopsticks flying across the room. "Holy mother of music" I grumbled as ma's deep brown eyes lit up in laughter. And then I knew I had to complete it their and then "ma was definitely MAD, as in maniac mad".
She was still rolling in the floor laughing madly when pa stepped into the rather amusing sight in the kitchen. I gave him the look that screamed "something's wrong, we need our doctor, ma has finally lost it"
Giving me an award winning grin he lifted ma off the ground and placed her on a chair resting his hand on her shoulder in attempt to calm her down.
Finally calm he leaned in and gave her a short peck on the lips, at least not long enough to bring back my buns.
I gave them this look 'till they budged.
Mum stood up and walked over to me, placing her warm hands on my cheeks. As expected I leaned into the warm feeling of her hands and felt the warm feelings of her hand because apparently I wouldn't be having it for a long time. Then she gave me a kiss on my forehead and rested her's on mine. We stayed like that, mum whispering encouraging words and holding back her sobs, I trying my best to stay strong for the both of us.
You're gonna make me proud dear, and when you do come back and show me that winning smile of yours.
I only nodded as ma spoke to me in hushed tones hugging me warmly.
We finally broke the hug. I stared into her eyes and at that time I felt like I was doing the right thing, I was doing this not only as a dream but also for her- for them both. For ma and pa.
When mum left to pack up my remaining stuff dad stood stiff by the counter not able to meet my gaze. Walking over to him I grabbed his cheeks with my hand and made him share gazes with me. His eyes held sadness, regret and pain. And then I hugged him, I hugged the bazukaas out of pa as he hugged me back.
I felt it wasn't his fault he found my dream a little childish when I was small, that he tried his possible best to stop me from fulfilling it. It wasn't his fault that I was a very demanding teenager till this point.
But a week ago when I graduated, I'm pretty sure I showed him what I was doing. I mean I got the straight A's and grinning teachers to show it. And that was enough to show him that I was serious about my dream. Funny enough he took it and here I was soothing the regret he felt.
Doing the same thing I did with ma I rested my forehead on pa's and whispered the three words he wanted to say and hear.
I love you pa, and I meant it when I said it.
Pa smiled widely as he hugged me again
I love you too my little "sonic baozi"
By the time we were done ma came back downstairs with a duvet bag In her hand and signs of attempts to wipe stray tears that fell from her eyes.
My remaining things were shipped to Korea last week leaving some necessities behind.
I took the bag from her hugging both her and dad before walking out to the taxi waiting for me to take me to the airport.
Turning back, I stole a glance. A glance of ma and pa hand in hand smiling like I was their only ray of sunshine. Maybe I was.
And with that I took off to fulfill my dream with a determined heart and strong soul.
I decided I would make it, if not for me then for them.

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