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My apologies for the long wait. I hope you enjoy 🐰💛


Have you ever, in your entire life, worked yourself to the bone – just for that one, special person in your life?

Knott stood beneath the blazing sun, Kongpob's words ringing in his mind.

Across the street, the first year and second year students remained quietly seated at their desks as classes progressed. The school compound was cloaked in silence.

Knott cast a quick glance at his watch. Arthit should be ending school any time now.

Just then, Knott's mobile phone rang. Picking up his mobile phone, Knott heard Lawan's voice on the other end of the mobile phone, "Phi, I saw the report which you have written regarding Kongpob."

Knott had spared no effort in writing up Kongpob's report. In his report, Knott strenuously emphasized Kongpob's contrition and co-operative attitude whilst confessing his role in Jay's murder, and had also highlighted Kongpob's critical role and extraordinary contributions to the swift resolution of the police officers' investigation into Jay's murder.

After Kongpob had retracted his confession, Kongpob swiftly produced his alibi, as well as several clues which pointed towards Stud's guilt as the raincoat man and Jay's murderer, such as the recording of the harassment committed by the raincoat man which Stud had sneakily hid in Em's house, as well as the numerous stalking and indecent videos saved in Stud's various mobile phones.

The knife which Stud had utilized to murder Jay was also quickly discovered by the police officers. Previously, when the police officers demanded the location of the murder weapon, Kongpob had insisted that it had been thrown into the river, as he still bore some hope – hope that, in the event the police officers managed to discover Stud's knife, and managed to uncover traces of Jay's blood on Stud's knife, he may be able to retract his confession and claim his innocence. And now, the police officers finally managed to locate the murder weapon; however, due to the lengthy period of time during which the murder weapon had been submerged in the river, they were only able to identify the blood type of the blood stains on the murder weapon as being type O – which coincided with Jay's blood type.

Knott had also managed to make use of the texts Stud had sent previously to trace Stud's whereabouts on the day of the murder, and discovered that on the day of the murder, Stud had appeared at the hill behind the school compound. In addition, the forensic department also managed to uncover a blood-stained cigarette butt hidden beneath the fallen leaves at the hill behind the school compound.

The numerous pieces of fresh evidence, coupled with various pieces of technical analyses, all pointned towards Stud as the culprit responsible for murdering Jay. In addition, even though Jay's corpse had been exposed for a long period of time and showed several signs of decay, the forensic pathologist was still able to provide a conclusive confirmation that Jay had been sexually assaulted whilst he was still alive.

The case of the raincoat man, as well as the case of Jay's murder, was finally resolved. Knott had been feeling extremely calm and at peace since the resolution of the case.

Now, having received Lawan's sudden compliment in respect of his literary talents, Knott responded, "Did you call me just to praise my literary capabilities?"

"Of course not. We just finished a training session on thought processes, and thought to share my insights with you. Senior Prem truly has an extraordinary head on his shoulders – his imagination is really wild!"

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