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Arthit was greeted with cigarette fumes the moment he exited his toilet cubicle. He couldn't help but turn away and start coughing.

When the fumes finally subsided, Jay's arrogant face entered into his vision field. Remnants of bruises from fights were still left on Jay's youthful face, the overly did concealer did no justice in covering them up rather it made him look old.

Arthit, too, wished that he would be able to age tremendously within a single night. Only then would he be able to successfully escape the ferocious and cruel colosseum, and avoid being preyed on by the merciless vultures.

Sadly, he was unable to escape his youth no matter how hard he tried.

Arthit pretended that he hadn't seen him and started towards the door of the toilet. However, before he could even take a single step, Jay abruptly slammed him onto the cubicle door. Arthit hoped and prayed from the bottom of his heart that this would simply be an one-off incident, and didn't serve as a signal of the start of Jay's war on him.

Jay slowly moved his cigarette towards Arthit's stiff face, before finally pressing it against the cubicle door. He then closed the distance between himself and Arthit, "What did the police officers want from you?"

Arthit replied calmly, "They...they asked the s-same...... same usual questions."

"Sa...s-same..." Jay mimicked Arthit's stutter. "Why is your mouth so stupid? Can't it speak properly for once? Tch! Just look at you – the police would still suspect that you're lying even if you're speaking the truth."

Arthit shook his head vigorously.

"So, Arthit. Tell me – where was I when our dear Namtarn jumped from the school building?"

The sun shone brightly on Arthit's face, highlighting his beautiful pale complexion; Arthit glanced at Jay, trying his best to complete the sentence in a single breath, "School......"

Jay glared at Arthit viciously, and was about to slap him when Arthit finally finished his sentence, "Outside the school...".

That day, Arthit was on his way home when he saw Jay and his friends surrounding a female student from High School. They were extorting money from her.

Jay looked at Arthit coldly, "You stuttered this to the police?"

Arthit lowered his head. On spotting some slight movements from Jay's hand, Arthit immediately shook his head and replied, "I wrote."

However, the slap still found its way onto Arthit's face.

Arthit's head was tilted to the side, his long black hair serving as a cover for his flushed facial expression and his shame.

"Good boy, I knew you wouldn't dare to speak about rubbish." Jay spat at Arthit. Just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of lessons. John, who had been standing guard at the door, started to urge Jay, "Come on, let's go."

Jay walked closer to Arthit, and ran his fingers over Arthit's hair smoothening a few strands of it, before coiling the hair strands around his finger, and gradually pulled on the strands till they broke, "Arthit, you better keep your mouth shut tight."


Every class is like a miniature society.

There are people whose personalities are bright and extroverted, there are people who are busy all the time, and there are people who are quiet and reserved. There are also people who are individualistic and independent, people who are simply normal and ordinary, and people who are simply invisible.

Me After You ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora