Albedo x Reader

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credit to original owner for this beautiful Albedo fanart 

TW: mentions of self harm, severe illness and death. 

Albedo didn't know what he saw in her. And neither what she saw in him. All he knew was that every passing day she was growing weaker, her body slowly giving up trying to keep itself alive. He thought maybe if he just pretended he was a being without feelings it would be easier for his job. But something about the stars in her eyes had his heart in a chokehold, the way she would speak about dying so carelessly like she had been waiting for it her whole life. Albedo wanted to drown himself in his own world of understanding the science of alchemy and the peculiar existence of life but at the same time he didn't want to leave her side and leave her to her own thoughts of the inevitability of her fate. Albedo was most definitely not the most eligible bachelor in Mondstadt like Master Diluc or Captain Kaeya but the way she would only look at him in a way no woman or man had ever peered right into his soul greatly boosted his ego. She would look into his eyes in such a way where he felt he was stripping him of his clothes and defenses leaving his entire being raw and open for only her to see. Y/n could strip any barriers around his heart like shredding a piece of paper. He was a forced open book around her, she could see right through him so easily. This made his stomach churn at the thought of her knowing everything he did.

Not even the finest doctors in all of Teyvat knew what was wrong with her. Y/n was paralyzed waist down, her muscles had already deteriorated long ago leaving nothing but skinny bony legs and skin. All her life she had never felt grass on her feet, never felt the wind blow through her hair, or even been outside her hospital room in the Church. Until Albedo, of course.

One evening Bennett, her twin brother, finally got clearance to bring her to the popular restaurant in Mondstadt for her birthday. She could order anything to her heart's desire. Albedo and Sucrose were discussing plans with Timaeus at the time when she was being wheeled by her brother. Albedo's body froze when he took a glance in her direction. Beautiful and healthy h/c hair with a white bow tied at the top, a long light blue sundress complimenting her skin, and of course, her beautiful e/c eyes. Albedo watched her eyes light up at the gift her brother had gotten her (probably went to great lengths due to his bad luck). It was nothing too special, not a painting or a piece of jewelry, but a dish. It looked to be dumplings, but nonetheless her face washed over with a look of excitement. At the time Albedo didn't understand the importance of her receiving a circular container of dumplings along with her order from Good Hunter.

"Mister Albedo..?"

If it weren't for Sucrose, Albedo would stay and stare like some kind of creep instead of going up and asking her name like any normal person would. Albedo's heart almost leapt out of his chest when she turned her head to meet eyes with him. He swore he saw a current of electricity the moment they locked eyes. She only smiled and returned to listening to what her brother had to say. Albedo felt as though his entire body had been lit on fire and the butterflies in his stomach turned into a pinball machine. To say he was confused with these feelings was an understatement, he was terrified about what the woman was making him feel. And yet he was curious as to why he was feeling these things for someone he doesn't even know.

Albedo turned back to Sucrose, clearing his throat to mumble his apology.

"Yes? Sorry I was thinking.." he turned to look only to find Bennett wheeling her away. His eyes drifted to the table, to see she had left a strange little device. Whatever it was, it was important for her, and his ticket to see her again. He felt hope swell in his chest at the thought of meeting eyes with this stranger.

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