Diluc x reader

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(warning, mentions of NSFW topics)

The gentle waves rocked the crux fleet ship on a quiet night. Master Diluc had asked Captain Beidou for a favor to travel to the nation Inazuma for his wine business. Diluc sat at a desk in his sleeping quarters, a single wax candle illuminating the blank paper before him. He twirled his quill in his hand in deep thought.

'My dearest F/n,

Are you well? Your friend Beidou is quite the Captain. I must admit her compassion for taking in a fugitive while agreeing to taking me on this trip is admirable, considering we are going to his home state. I plan to be quick to avoid rising suspicion, you know how I am. I prefer to get things done in an orderly fashion. The man I am meeting is Qiuyue. You remember the letter I received recently regarding counterfeit dandelion wine? I also plan to clear such ridiculous matters. Everyone knows dandelion wine can only be traded from Mondstadt to other nations-'

Diluc let out an irritated sigh and crumbled the letter. The letter was carelessly tossed to the bin, only to fall out from other previous attempts of writing a letter filling up the bin.

'She does not care about work matters.' Diluc thought to himself.

Diluc stared down at the silver band on his left ring finger, F/n had picked it out for him after Diluc had proposed on their anniversary. He had to admit he missed the sight of the ring on his fiancé. He missed bringing her knuckles up to his lips for a tender kiss while she would laugh at the gesture. He also missed how she would stare at the small Noctilucous Jade stone, when he would catch her Diluc would simply admire how she would smile at the thought of marriage.

'F/n my love,

I cannot help but regret that I turned down your offer to bring the coat you had made for me. You were right, it is cold out in the middle of the sea.'

Diluc had to restrain his hand from writing how he also missed the smell of her. Just thinking about having her in his embrace made him recall a few nights before how they had a very passionate night. That feeling he missed was F/n's hands on his cheeks bringing him in for a kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck as he sent ripples of pleasure coursing through her body while she tried to keep quiet, he missed the presence of her. Diluc resumed to his letter,

'I guess I am lucky to have a pyro vision..I hope to be back soon, I miss you. I do not like to be away from you like this. I promise you, we will be wedded by next month. You have my word. I dream of giving you the life you deserve, the life you always wanted.'

Diluc had now recalled a memory of F/n telling him about her childhood. She never had a great relationship with her own father, but Dilucs' own parent had acted like a father figure in her life. Not to the extent like Kaeya, since she had her mother to watch over her during the night when the children were done playing. She had told him she always wanted a caring man, a helpless romantic man she would say. She wanted a life surrounded by friends and family, and of course the man she wanted to marry. Diluc remembered buying her flowers and other little trinkets for her once they were in their teens. He even begged Adeline to teach him how to bake so he would make her a birthday cake and other sweets for her birthday when Sara was sick and could not open Good Hunter for the day.

Diluc definitely was not a man of romance. However he very much wanted to make the woman he loves dearly happy. F/n had always told him he did not need to change for her sake, but she just had to admit this new personality Diluc had adopted for her was all she could dream of. Business man and hero on the outside, and a loving soon to be husband on the inside.

'The night is no longer young for me, I must get rest for tomorrow and send off this letter. I hope to hear back from you, my love.

Yours truly, Diluc'

Diluc neatly folded the letter after the ink had dried and sealed the envelope closed with red wax. He walked out of his sleeping quarters on deck, where the moon was high above and the wind was cold and strong. Diluc's bangs blew back behind his ears, luckily he had his high ponytail to keep the rest from getting out of hand. The collar of his white button up shirt moved freely around and let cold air hit his neck making him shiver slightly. Diluc saw his Hawk hovering above the ship. Once his beloved pet made eye contact he swooped down and landed on his forearm. Diluc silently praised his bird and gave him a dried piece of meat as his treat. Diluc gently pet the Hawks chest with the back of his finger and slowly handed the letter to his bird.

"Take this to her, please."

The Hawk spread his wings and took flight. Diluc followed the bird's direction with his eyes until he couldn't be seen anymore. Diluc then headed back to his sleeping quarters for the night.

The Dawn Winery was as busy as ever, F/n was making arrangements for a special day coming in a few days. The only birthday that was not celebrated was Diluc's, due to the tragedy all those years ago. But F/n was determined to change that, to make bad memories turned into happy ones. She had asked many of her friends for help arranging a small party for him, one that didn't include business but instead a party for him to actually enjoy himself.

"Miss F/n, it appears Master Diluc's bird has arrived." Elzer pointed out high above. There was Dilucs' Hawk soaring above the property.

F/n quickly made her way inside to Diluc's bedroom, where the Hawk dived to go sit patiently on his perch. F/n made her way to the chirping Hawk who demanded for a treat after a long journey.

Without even being able to fully read the first sentence due to the bird's constant screeching, F/n huffed and grabbed some meat treats.

"Okay you damn chicken, now hush." F/n shushed the bird and read the letter in peace.

She smiled to herself and held the letter to her chest. She once again admired the ring on her finger. F/n immediately made her way to Dilucs' large oak desk to write him back. 

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