Start from the beginning

Yoongi made his way out into the bathroom and rummaged under the sink between the cleaning supplies and extra shit they threw down there, he grabbed his cocaine. Just a small white baggie of white powder was all it took to make him lose all sense of reality. It was so unassuming, so seemingly harmless, and that's what made it so dangerous.

He sprinkled some out in a straight line and just as quickly snorted it. Sitting down on the toilet seat, with his head against the cool, quartz sink counter. The overwhelming feeling of guilt weighed on his shoulders. Karma tried so hard to get him clean, months of working to help him get better were all flushed down the drain.

But guilt was only a fleeting feeling. It was swiftly washed up and dissolved in the rush of bliss that overtook his brain. Drugs worked fast for a good dopamine kick which subsequently put him in a better mood to do things he'd otherwise not do. It was hard to resist the temptation of simply letting himself be consumed in the overwhelming sense of euphoria that it gave him.

But to know his artificial happiness came at the expense of Karma's despair was enough to force him to make the effort to quit, even if the process of quitting tempted him to relapse every single day. He would stop cold turkey if it wasn't literally fucking torture, waking up in night sweats, losing all will to eat or live for that matter. On top of that, it could possibly kill him to stop immediately. If anything, stopping immediately would end in his own relapse faster than tapering off.

Yoongi left the bathroom, completely neglecting the little bag on the counter as he made his way through their messy apartment with the sole intent of making Karma a wonderful breakfast that would make her smile. After that he would make the house so clean he could eat food off the floor (not to say he would, but he could).

While Yoongi merrily went about his way, grabbing all the ingredients he needed to make Korean breakfast sandwiches, something Karma fell in love with when he first made them for her, Karma slept always her sorrows in bed alone, but she wouldn't remain peacefully at rest for very long. The sun, which was previously covered by Yoongi's broad shoulders, shining directly on her face wouldn't allow for it. It irritated her, forcing her to lift her hand to block the beaming lights and turn her head to avoid them.

"Yoongi?" She murmured softly, reaching beside her to feel for her companion. When she felt nothing but the warm imprint of where his body once lay, Karma sat up abruptly, eyes prying open as best they could so suddenly. She rubbed the bleary sleepiness from her eyes and stretched. There was a sort of comfort being back in her old room with cotton sheets and inadequately insulating blankets, but Karma would be a liar to say she absolutely hated the feeling of expensive silk against her skin and having a blanket that could actually do what it was created for.

She wouldn't think about it. Absolutely not. Taehyung wasn't worthy of her tears or her forgiveness.

Karma slid out of bed, feet meaning the cold wood that creaked under her weight. Her first instinct was to go to the bathroom and wash her face of the dried streaks of tears that stained her cheeks. Flicking on the lights, Karma walked to the sink and turned on the cold water with barely opened eyes as she lazily bent down to splash water on her face. She rubbed her eyes and her cheeks before reaching for the hand towel on the hook mounted to the wall.

She patted her face dry. A nice splash of cold water was just what she needed to wake herself and get a grip on her crumbling reality. Karma hung the towel up and placed her hand on the edge of the counter, only for it to land on top of the empty bag Yoongi had abandoned in the sink.

Karma lifted her hand and her confusion quickly turned to sorrow at the sight of the bag along with the powdery residue of the cocaine on her hand. She's learned not to cry over it. Self-pity wouldn't solve anything. Yet, it was still startling to see it after so many years. Yoongi's been clean for so long, for a moment, she let herself believe that it was gone entirely.

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