The First Fight. (Part 2.)

Start from the beginning

Ashton: "My head is busting," He muttered as he made his way down the stairs, wearing his sweatpants and t-shirt you'd helped him change into once he got home last night. You were still a little hurt by his accusations he made towards you while he was in the car last night, so you weren't as excited to see him sober and awake as you normally would've been had he not been so rude the night before. "Do we have any tylenol?" Ashton asks, scratching at the back of his head as he started to rummage through the cabinets, slamming each door with a groan once he found that the Tylenol bottle was empty due to all his other hangovers - and some of yours to accompany his. You chuckled to yourself and shook your head, looking down at the coffee in your mug as you waited for him to remember everything he'd said the night before. You wanted him to realize how wrong he was, and you wanted him to go all out to apologize and make it up to you, but something in you told yourself to doubt anything that good happening for you. Even when he did realize what he said, he'd probably just shake it off and blame it on the alcohol, but it didn't change the fact that what he'd said hurt your feelings and your sense of pride in this relationship. It killed your heart, and you wanted Ashton to realize that. "Can you run out and get me some tylenol, babe?" Ashton asks you, pulling out a chair and sitting at the breakfast table right next to you, eyeing the coffee cup that sat still in your hands. You looked at him and rolled your eyes, shaking your head. "We should have some in the bathroom cabinet, Ashton." You replied, not meaning to be as cold as you were to him when you spoke - but it sounded as if you were snapping at him more than telling him a simple fact. "What's the matter with you, (Y/N)? Did I do something to you last night?" He asks. You sighed and slumped your shoulders. Of course he did something to you, how could he not remember? Although, he did get worse over the night and the alcohol sank in more than it had already been, and you had only realized how drunk he was once he started laughing about the fact that you had to undress him and he called you kinky when you tugged at his pants to get them down his legs. "Why don't you go down to the club and ask the guy you punched?" You asked, raising your eyebrows as Ashton's eyes widened and his breath started to cut short. He hated violence, and now that he'd been reminded that he resulted towards it, he was probably more disappointed in himself than he was before. "I punched a guy? Why?" He asked, his eyes starting to go back to normal size as he reached across the table and grabbed at your hands. You slowly moved your hands away from his, shaking your head as you signaled for him to wait until you could explain to him exactly what happened. "The guy was drunk, and you were tipsy. And... he was holding onto me really tight and wouldn't let go, and when you got there you punched him and laid him out cold." You told him the first events of the night that had upset you, causing you to start getting angry at the thought of how it had all happened the night before. Ashton sighed and let out a huge breath, shaking his head as he tugged at his hair with both of his hands. He couldn't believe he'd done such a thing. But, why did that make you upset with him? Of course you probably didn't like your boyfriend using violence in front of you, but why were you so upset if Ashton had only used it in your sense of honor? "So why did that make you upset? I was only trying to defend you." Ashton shrugged his shoulders, the sense of guilt he felt falling from his shoulders as he looked at you through the locks of his hair that kept falling into his eyes. "Because after that, when we were in the car on our way home, you accused me of liking another guy touching me. You said that I probably enjoyed it and that's why I didn't push him off of me." You scoffed, letting your anger that was still lingering from the night before come out. Ashton looked at you skeptically before he let out a loud groan, shaking his head and staring down at the table. "You know I probably didn't mean it, (Y/N)." He said, trying to wave the situation off just as you imagined he would. "But you don't get it, Ashton. That hurt my feelings! Regardless if you were drunk or not, you shouldn't have accused me of liking another guy's touch. Especially when I was scared to death because he himself was drunk and wouldn't leave me alone!" You screamed out, letting all the feelings you had in your mind the night before out now. Ashton looked at you skeptically, clasping his hands together with a firm look upon his face as he let you rant out how you felt. You told him that it wasn't fair for him to get drunk and accuse you of liking other guys when he knew that you were raised to be faithful. "Hey, hey- hey!" He yelled with a chuckle as he walked over and gripped your face in his hands, making you look at him in the eyes as you continued to quietly rant and explain why you were so upset with him. "I was drunk. No, that's not an excuse and I should probably be in a lot of shit with you right now," Ashton sighs, "But I apologize for being a dick, and I just want you to know that I was probably just jealous that some other guy had an opportunity to touch you - and I wasn't there to protect you, so I was angry at myself and I took it out on you. Okay? I love you too much to think you'd actually cheat on me or want another guy touching you, (Y/N)." Ashton explains. You nod your head slowly and keep your eyes trained on his, seeing the sincerity and honesty behind his expression as he leans his forehead against yours, waiting on your response. "I hate how you can say one sophisitcated, sweet thing and make my heart swoon and I can't stay mad at you. Jerk." You spat jokingly, leaning in and attaching your lips to his. Ashton smiled into the kiss: after all, he was forgiven, and that was definitely worth smiling for!

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