Chapter 1 : Warmth in the Snow

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Y/N could feel the cold bite into her skin, before she felt anything else. Her trembling hands felt numb as she moved them, freeing them from the grasp of the snow. She slowly opened her E/C (Eye/Color) eyes, blinking a few times to regain her vision.

Just as she inhaled the thick scent of snow, a sharp pain hit her. She felt her heart race as a stinging pain infested her abdomen. Hesitantly, she looked down only to be met by the horrific sight of blood seeping through her brown vest and staining her F/C (Favorite/Color) coat.

She let out a calm, heavy breath as the situation hadn't yet processed into her mind.

She could feel a strange weight on her chest and arm. Looking down once again, she noticed a head laying on her chest with hands clutching her coat. It was none other than her little brother, Sol. Just then, memories crashed into her mind, making her a little dizzy.

"That's right... I was.. stabbed." she mumbled to herself as she looked up at the sky.

What a dangerous cruel world we live in... she thought as a frustrated smile appeared on her face. She was only just a teenager walking back home with her kid brother. Yet some cruel person decided to attack her and her brother without hesitation. It really was a cruel world.

As Y/N was staring up into the morning sky, a face suddenly popped up into her view. It covered the sunlight shining above her. "Hey miss... are you alright?!" the voice spoke laced with concern.

Y/N blinked a few times as her vision had grown blurry. She focused on the face in front of her for a bit, before she realized it. It was a very memorable, unmistakable face. Those features, that burgundy hair, those eyes and that scar. It was all too iconic and familiar to her.

"Kamado Tanjiro..." she muttered in a weak voice before passing out.

A few minutes later...

Y/N awoke once again. This time however, she wasn't laying on the ground, but instead being carried by someone. Tanjiro, the boy she saw before was carrying her on his back. Her eyes widened as she looked around for her little brother, only to see him snuggled onto Tanjiro's chest, unconscious.

He was carrying them BOTH, Y/N on his back and her brother on his chest. He's really strong... Y/N thought, in pure amazement. She started relaxing into his embrace as she felt a bit safer. She was left all alone to her thoughts in the comfortable silence. Demon Slayer... Tanjiro... The snow... As her thoughts grew deeper, finally something became clear in Y/N's mind.

Could this be... The FIRST episode?

Y/N felt a sense of panic rise within her. If her assumption was correct, then Tanjiro's family were being slaughtered at this very moment. She assumed it was Muzan himself that killed them due a few memes she saw.

Well, it didn't matter WHO killed them, she couldn't waste Tanjiro's time like this. He had to go home quickly and save Nezuko.

Although she herself was desperate to be saved, against her better judgement she pushed away from Tanjiro, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the snow.

"MISS-" Tanjiro shouted as he knelt beside her, only to be cut off by Y/N. "There is a... demon.. lurking around here. Your family might be in danger... you should go save.. them" she mumbled, barely getting the words out.

His eyes widened in shock at her words. However, he quickly regained his composure and yelled "BUT YOU'RE INJURED!!". Y/N didn't give in though, and stood by her point. "Please hurry! Your family might be in danger!" she pleaded, looking at the boy.

Y/N felt guilty for lying as she already knew his family was dead. Even if Tanjiro had gotten there before the incident, he's be no match for any demon in his current state. However, Y/N feared what might happen if Tanjiro didn't go to save Nezuko. If he was late even by a second, many things would change in the course of the story. What if Nezuko woke up and got away before she saw Tanjiro? What if they passed the cliff a moment too late and missed Giyuu? She couldn't afford to ruin the future...

Tanjiro wanted to argue more, although he was hesitant as he now wanted to hurry back home to check on his family. Y/N instead placed a hand on the boy's hand and looked up to him, "No matter what happens, please come back for us. We'll be waiting right here, alright?".

Tanjiro wasn't convinced. "What about your wound?" He asked, his voice full of worry.

Ah, so concerned for someone you've just met. Someone you don't even know the name of. She looked towards her unconscious brother. Yet you're worrying so much and wasting your time and energy to save us. She then looked back at Tanjiro. Such a kind soul, you are...

Her gaze softened as she looked up at Tanjiro. With shaky hands, she removed the Crescent hair-clip from her H/C (Hair/Color) Hair. She then put it in the hands of Tanjiro, with a soft smile on her face. "Take this so you won't forget about us. Please bring it back at all costs. It's... very precious to me" she whispered, her hand in the boy's own hand.

Tanjiro could feel how cold her skin was. She was losing a lot of blood. However, he had to make a decision quickly. After a minute of pondering, he decided to trust her. He got hold of the hairpin and got up quickly.

Yet before he could leave, he felt a hand grab onto his sleeve. "Y/N... my name" she said in a weak voice. Tanjiro was a bit surprised, but quickly replied "Kamado Tanjiro. I'll be back for you, Y/N!" before he got up and ran away from the two bodies in the snow. Y/N felt a sense of dissatisfaction as his warm hands left her own.

Y/N stared at him as he disappeared into the distance. After he was gone, she let out a small sigh. "I hope I don't regret this..." she mumbled under her breath.

She got on her stomach and crawled towards her brother who had fallen a few feet away from her. Crawling in the snow wasn't the best experience as she could feel the harsh snow deep into her wound, making tears roll down her cheeks.

She finally got to her brother and flopped down beside him. Just then, she noticed the blood seeping through her brother's own clothing. He was stabbed too?!?! Y/N thought she had protected him. She quickly lifted up his clothes, only to see the wound wasn't very deep and in a much better condition than hers. She let out a sigh of relief.

Just then, the long rush of adrenaline seemed to run out as she felt the hellish pain in her abdomen. It felt as though her intestines were being twisted over a bunch of sharp knives and needles. "UGHH!! KHACK!!" She coughed and groaned in pain as she bit down on her coat's collar. She then held her brother closer to her, hugging him in her arms as she buried her face in his shoulder, trying to gain warmth.

"Come back quickly... Tanjiro..."


Word Count: 1253



This was actually fun to write... :|

Anyways, the story has JUST BEGUN, so watch out for more incoming chapters! >:)

Comment any requests, advice or critique right here!

That's all for now.

Peace! ✌️


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