he expected, being in Sunagakure he heard that his brothers were looked after by someone from the family, but he thought it was something like the Kazekage and his father, not a blood related relative.

The boy stood like a pillar of salt and stared at the woman, but he was more wondering about his brothers' chakra... she was to some extent familiar, something told him that there was something more in them, as if they were a connector, a vessel, this feeling also applied to him . Without much thought, he followed his 'family' and after a while they reached their destination.

The three of them sat on the couch, the twins on one side and the blonde on the other. There was an awkward silence between them, very awkward. Neither Menma nor Boruto knew what to say or where to start, 'So similar, but so different,' the woman thought, and left the room to open the door. Kawaki sitting between them, the oldest of the three, could not stand it. "Will you say one finally?" he asked, receiving both brothers' attention. They both looked at him, then at each other, until Menma spoke up. "Sorry..." the blonde looked at the older man and sat up straight, it was very awkward. "It's okay... I would probably react the same if someone were claiming to be my deceased father's son...." he said, looking away.

Right, their father was dead, they were their only family, they shouldn't argue, much less try to kill. Their father wouldn't want that. "Thank God you finally did something to that hair." their aunt entered the room together with... 'Konohamaru-san?' the blonde thought. "Konohamaru-nii-san?"

"Hello I can see that all three of them are together just like Naruto-nii-san wanted." said a brunet full of smiles, he surprised the boys. 'Father wanted us to meet' the thought flashed through the heads of all three of them. "He knew that..?" the blonde didn't finish, maybe he was too surprised, maybe he didn't want to, at least he didn't have to, both adults understood what he meant. "Yes, he even made us promise to take care of you.'' Did that surprise them even more? Maybe a little, in the end, not everyday you find out that your dead father arranged it all and made sure that, even because of his death, everything went as he wanted it to.

"Dad really did it?" The first, who was able to ask this question was Kawaki. The first resigned from the state of 'shock'. "He always thought about the others first, as you can see." Karin didn't seem moved by the question, and neither did Konohamaru. But it's true, the blonde always thought about others, rarely put himself first, which ended tragically for him. "And he always wanted you to be family, from the moment he discovered Hinata was pregnant, he planned your meeting."

The boys were amazed at the discovery, it really was too much for Boruto. So much information, the whole story, and yet he didn't know the whole truth about his father, or so he felt. And here where he thought his brothers knew everything, or at least more than he did, the only difference was that they had met their father and he hadn't. Meanwhile, she remembered a very important thing she had to do. "Moreover, he left you a surprise." she said with a smile, receiving attention from everyone in the room, even Konohamaru didn't know what it was about.

The three of them stood in the middle of the room in a kind of triangle, as their aunt told them, they did not understand why or what it had to do with the 'surprise'. "Now, grab your hands and accumulate chakra." What was the purpose of it? They didn't know, but they weren't going to argue, they did what their aunt asked. The three of them focused on their chakra, after a while they felt their chakras converge and flow through all of them. Suddenly they felt the rush of a completely different, new, familiar, and much brighter chakra. A chakra that was as warm, as bright and pleasant as the sun itself on a clear day.

The whole room became white, the roses in their hair began to glow, and the boys themselves were rejected. Boruto shook himself first and looked at the place where they were standing a moment ago, he could not believe his eyes. Menma and Kawaki followed the gaze of their younger brother... In the very middle of the room stood a figure so familiar, but so strange, blond-haired man, with beautiful blue eyes and snow-white wings behind his back. He smiled, he smiled so warmly, so friendly... Tears came to the eyes of the boys, and to the eyes of the brunet standing behind the youngest of the blond man's sons, they let them flow.

At this point, they were sure it was their father, Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto...

{Chapter 4/5}

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