12 | Entrance Exam

Start from the beginning

Hitoshi gave me a "so this is what we're fighting" look when he realized what we were up against.

Present Mic was in the middle of talking when suddenly a boy stood up and raised his hand, gaining the Pro Hero and the entire auditoriums attention.

Right on schedule, I thought.

"Excuse me, Sir, but I have a question."

"Hit me!" Present Mic enthusiastically replied.

"On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all due respect, if this is an error on official UA materials it is shameful. . ."

Iida continued his observation but suddenly turned around to point at the culprit behind the muttering.

"Additionally, you with the unkempt hair. You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. Your distracting the rest of us."

"Sorry," the green haired boy muffled his apology after covering his mouth in embarrassment.

A few students started laughing at the scene, including Setsuna and Riku, but Hitoshi and I remained quiet.

"Why'd that guy call him out and embarrass him like that," Hitoshi mumbled in a disappointed tone to me.

"Yeah, that wasn't very nice," I mumbled back.

When we refocused, Present Mic revealed the last robot was a zero pointer and "just an obstacle to avoid." A few students muttered to themselves after the clarification, but I knew the truth. And boy were they all in for a surprise.

"I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, "a true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes."

As he said that, each and every one of us held up our chins letting the words sink in. Then he ended by saying those two little words UA lived by:

"Plus Ultra! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books!"

Still the auditorium was silent, but the feeling of excitement lingered in the room.

After his speech ended, everyone was then guided to changing rooms. Our group of four briefly split up and did what was instructed of us. Setsuna had changed into a purple excercise T-shirt and black joggers. I changed into my white tank top and black excercise leggings. When we met up with the guys out front, Riku had an all black outfit and so did Hitoshi.

"Woah you guys look cool," Riku complimented us with a tiny tint of blush on his face.

"Thanks, so do you guys," I returned.

Before anymore words could be exchanged, Present Mic announced we all head to our prospective buses listed A to G that will take us to the battle locations. Riku and Setsuna didn't waste any time and said a quick "good luck!" before hopping on their buses. Hitoshi and I waved and started walking.

"So robots huh?" He started a quick conversation.

"Yup," I chirped in reply.

"And you knew from way back when."


"And even though we trained, you basically know where the robots will be in the exam. . ."


Before we could split up and get on our buses he gently pulled me to a stop. And I knew what he was going to say next just as I saw all those years ago.

"Are you sure this isn't cheating. . ."

I offered a sheepish smile.

"I'm telling you, it isn't cheating if I use my quirk to see the future. If I was a Pro Hero right now, wouldn't I use my quirk to see the villains every move and help defeat them?"

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