
Serenity are u up?


I see u 👀

"Oops my bad." I giggle nervously before putting my phone in my back pocket. Hayoon sighs "nah it's fine." She grabs my arm so we can cross the street together. "Let's get going, I need to see Kai."

Kai is Hayoons boyfriend of 3 years now. They met officially in 8th but didn't start dating until the end of 9th grade. Kai's Filipino but he was born in America so he speaks English fluently.

He actually helped Hayoon learn English in Middle school.

They're such a cute couple...

No! I will not allow myself to be jealous of their relationship just because I want my own.

I couldn't do that to my best friend...

Besides...my turn will come eventually.

I let Hayoon drag me across the street and into the schools actual parking lot, until we're standing in the courtyard in front of the school.

"Hey ladies." Kai's voice calls out; drawing our attention as he walks towards us.

"Kai!" Hayoon runs up to hug him leaving me to walk up to them myself "I missed you." She buries her face into his chest.

Kai chuckles in amusement as he pats her head "I saw you yesterday sunshine." Hayoon snuggles closer into his chest "But that was yesterday." She whines.

I giggled at their cuteness.

Kai finally seems to be able to get Hayoon to ease up and greets me "Hey Serenity, are you ready for our last first day of High school?"

"Yep! I'm looking forward to it actually, I'll never have to deal with another alarm again." Kai laughs in agreement "Yea I hear ya." He grabs Hayoons hand before looking back at me "Well let's get our schedules then ladies." As we walk up the school steps leading to the entrance.

Kai was honestly like an older brother I'd never had before. He was caring and protective (especially over Hayoon) but he looked after me as well.

Once we get into the school we can see that it's packed full of students and staff scrambling around the halls. In front of us were 3 desks lined up, those desks are where you get your schedule for the year and it goes in alphabetical order.

Luckily for me all 3 of our last names started with a D.

Serenity Diamond

Hayoon Dang

Kai Deven

So we got to stand in the same line together as we waited.

I chatted with Kai and Hayoon for a bit but I soon tuned them out as I observed my surroundings.

I'm a people watcher I'll admit. I like observing people and their mannerisms sometimes. Maybe it's because I'm nosy but other times I'm just genuinely curious.

So I let my eyes wander around; watching the other students converse with each other while my best friend and her boyfriend make date night plans.

Explicit date night plans...

My gaze finally lands on a guy in the line next to me. He looks to be conversing with the guy behind him and a couple of others in the lines next to him. I couldn't see his face very well, but I could tell he wore rimmed black glasses and the one behind him was huge!

But not necessarily in a bad way.

He was definitely more muscular than your average High schooler. Honestly I think his biceps alone could probably crush my skull if he wanted.

Wait...why was that my first thought?!

I know I should turn back to Kai and Hayoon before they call me out, or I get caught watching these men but...

I'm so curious now.

So I keep observing.

But I knew I needed to be sneaky about this, so I waited for a few minutes before sneaking another peek. I'd come to the conclusion that there are 7 men in total who interest me and who are conversing with each other currently.

2 were in the same line as me

3 were in the second line

And there's 2 more in the third line

Just when I was about to peek over my shoulder to get a better look I was called to attention by the staff who's giving out schedules.

The lady raises a brow, "Your name please."

Flushing in embarrassment at being caught I stutter out my name "S-Serenity Diamond." She begins shuffling through papers before giving me my schedule.

"Thank you." I quickly rush to stand with Kai and Hayoon. "Why didn't you guys warn me we were at the front of the line!" I hissed out at them. Kai holds his hands up in surrender "Hey Hayoon tried calling your name several times, but you looked a little distracted."

I look at Hayoon but she just shrugs her shoulders and nudges me with her elbow while smiling "Don't think I didn't notice you checking them out." She whispers playfully

I nudged her back in hopes to hide the flush on my face "Oh hush."

She laughed brightly.

The 3 of us begin to walk to the cafeteria before the bell rings.

So I let my mind wander once again.

I couldn't help the weird pull I felt towards them despite never talking before.

And even though I didn't know it at time...

The boys I was observing were just as interested in me as I was to them.


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