zoey davidson.

she had a class or two with zoey but the pair had never properly spoken unless it were about homework or just checking in on each other.

she then turned her head again squinted her eyes and focused her eyesight on a figure infront of her. the girl instantly recognised the figure, identifying him as the boy who was already looking at her in relief but he covered it with a smirk.

"what's happening?" a familiar voice quietly spoke from beside her. hayden.

"who are you?" another familiar voice came from a little farther away. she looked over to where the voice had come from and realised that it was tracy stewart.

but all these people died? she realised and looked around at the rest of the people in confusion. she died.

"i'm your alpha." theo's deep voice answered the question and she whipped her head in his direction after giving all of the other teenagers a look as if to ask what was happening and where were they. "and all of you," theo pointed to all of the teenagers. "all of you belong to me," theo gazed into valencia's eyes before turning around and slowly walking off.

each of the teenagers took slow steps, following directly behind the raeken boy. blood stained their skin, as did mercury. she smirked slightly and began to pick up her pace to catch up with theo.

valencia was alive.


"so you going to tell me why i'm here yet?" valencia asked theo raeken who was sat down on a couch pretending to read a random book he picked up from a bookshelf.

theo ignored the girl for the fiftieth time that hour, he continued to sit with the book in his hands. valencia made her way towards the couch, going to stand behind it. valencia wrapped her arms around theo's neck, moving so her face was just inches away from his.

"theo, why am i here?" valencia whispered to the raeken and with her hand, gently put her hand in his brunette hair. theo cleared his throat and went to flip the page, valencia swiftly grabbed tightly onto his hand and twisted it until the boy let out a groan of pain.

"okay, okay! fine val, you win." theo yelled and valencia let go of his wrist with a laugh falling from her soft lips. valencia grabbed the book from theo's hand and threw it onto the couch before plopping down, extremely close beside him.

theo looked over to valencia, noticing that she'd sat down and left no gap between the pair. theo smirked slightly before he let out a quiet sigh.

"go on then, val." theo nodded his head at the girl who crossed her legs and tilted her head to the right. "ask your questions and i'll answer them."

valencia looked around the room and felt a shiver go up her spine as she felt a little bit of a familiar feeling. she couldn't place her finger on it, she remembered this room, she remembered being in it. bubbles fizzled in long test tubes filled with green liquid around the room. the room stunk but valencia didn't mind it, too confused by what was happening to question the smell.

"where am i, what am i doing here, what am i, where is everyone and why do i feel so... weird?" valencia raised her eyebrow, not knowing how to explain how she felt. she had a strange feeling, an odd one, about everything. but she wasn't sure what it was.

"when i said ask questions, i meant one at a time." theo joked and let out a chuckle to which valencia sent him a dirty look, not finding him funny. "okay sorry. first off you're in a lab." valencia rolled her eyes at his answer, obviously she knew she was in a lab. "you're here because you're now in my pack, you're a chimera like all of us, who's everyone, and you feel weird probably because you just died and came back to life."

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