Parents! 😈

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Creator: The next morning.

Kirishima: Hey what's up bro!

Izuku: Hey shitty hair.

Denki: You good Midobro?

Izuku: No. 

Mina: Why not?

Izuku: I have a broken arm! You really thing I'm okay with a broken arm?!

Ochako: Good point...

Momo: *Walks in and hugs Izuku from behind* Stop leaving me.

Mina: Aww!

Izuku: I hate to say this but... Can you be mean again?

Shoto: Why would-

Momo: No thanks 😊 

Katsuki: Uh oh she's in a good mood! This is bad.

Iida: What's so bad about that?!

Momo: We're going to my parents house~ 😈

Denki: What's so bad about that?

Mina: Oh Denki sweet dumb Denki.

Jirou: He's screwed cause he got her pregnant.

Izuku: Yep! I die today....yay.

Momo: Go get ready!

Izuku: *Leaves* Your the worst!

Momo: I know! Heh 😈 

Tsuyu: Well Um this is awkward... *Ribbit*

Kirishima: Well I have to go walk my fish! *Runs away*

Eri: *Walks in* Hi hi!

Momo: Hey sweetie! *Hugs Eri*

Eri: Why is Papa crying in the room?

Momo: He's just being stupid. I'll be back. *Walks away*

Eri: *Walks to Katsuki* Up up!

Katsuki: *Picks her up* Hey nugget.

Eri: Hi boom boom boy!

Mina: Aww you-

Izuku:*Screaming* I don't wanna go!

Momo: Get your ass up and let's go!

Eri: Why are Mama and Papa yelling?

Ochako: Don't worry about it!

Eri: Okay!

Momo: *Dragging Izuku* We'll be back later! 

Izuku: Save me!

Creator: At her parents house.

Momo: *Knocks on the door*

Mr. Yaoyorozu: *Opens it* Oh Izuku Momo come in! 

Momo/Izuku: *Goes in and sits down*

Mr. Yaoyorozu: Honey come here!

Mrs. Yaoyorozu: Coming *Walks in* Oh hello Izuku Momo!

Izuku: H-hi..

Momo: Hey Mom!

Mrs. Yaoyorozu: So what brings you guys here?

Izuku: Well um uh Momo?

Momo: *Sighs* We have something to tell you guys.

Mr. Yaoyorozu: Yes? What is it?

Momo: Well I'm-

Izuku: * panics* I got Momo pregnant please don't kill me! 

Momo: That's one way to tell them.

The Yaoyorozu's: What?!?!

Izuku thoughts 💭:I'm so dead.

Mr. Yaoyorozu: Izuku can I speak with you in private?

Izuku: Y-yea s-sure.

Creator: They go into a different room.

Izuku: What did you want to talk to me about?

Mr. Yaoyorozu: Okay first.... You better enjoy your last few months mister!

Izuku: Huh?

Mr. Yaoyorozu: You heard me! When that baby is born you'll never get a break.

Izuku: Okay thanks for the advice....?

Mr. Yaoyorozu: No problem!

Creator: They go back with the girls.

Izuku: Okay let's go.

Momo: Um okay....? Bye Mom and Dad!

Mr. Yaoyorozu: Remember what I told you!

Izuku: Yea sure.

Creator: When their walking back.

Momo: What was that about?

Izuku: Don't worry about it.

Momo: See it wasn't that bad!

Izuku: Yea I guess your right..

Momo: Ofc I'm right!

Izuku: I hate you.

Momo: Aww love you too!

Creator: When their back at the dorms.

Izuku: Well I'm going to go play the game. Bye!

Momo: *Grabs his arm* Oh No your not I want cuddles!

Izuku: Fine!

Creator: They go in Izuku's room and cuddle I guess. Izuku suffers and Momo is... Momo. Heh 🤷

Creator: Here's your best friend!........ CLIFFHANGER!! Bye guys love ya!

Izumomo (Deku x Momo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें