Chapter 5: Smoking in the balcony

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  Jane had been thinking about joining this competition, but she couldn't understand herself why she was still confused. Nothing would cost her, every art she was doing had a lot of passion inside, for Jane it wasn't a burden. The brunette girl was walking on the school's hall around eight o'clock in the evening. She was bored staying in her dorm and decided to take some air and go for a walk. On the school's board was standing the poster of Scholarship Art Content competition. Jane stayed a few minutes by just looking at it, her mind filling with a lot of ideas. Her eyes and mind were stuck there that she didn't notice someone coming from her back.
  "You should join."
Jane startled a little and had a surprised look when she noticed Max behind of her, smiling.
  "I don't want to put pressure on you, but let me tell you it's going to be a good experience. You'll have benefits after this, I assure you." - the redhead girl continued.
  "You think so?"
  "Oh yes, I do! You literally have 2K followers on Instagram."
  "Yeah, but that doesn't really count. People don't know it's me."
  "But it's your art, all yours. People love what you create, even though they don't know you. You get a lot of likes and, hell, the comments probably blast your phone, 'cause there are so much of them congratulating you and even requesting if you can do something by their own preferences. It's amazing, I don't have words."
Jane's mood totally changed, she didn't know she was already blushing and smiling shyly. Max was telling the truth which Jane just revealed it now. She needed someone to tell her so. Her brother and friends had always been there for her, but seemed like she wanted to hear this by one of her fans.
  "Thanks for everything you said, Ginger. Seems like you're one of my crazy fans, huh?" - Jane smirkily announced.
  "Hell yes! I even feel like I've met one of those famous celebrities in Hollywood, or whatever."
Feeling good by this short conversation Jane laughed together with Max, their voices reverberating on the deep hall of the college.
  "What you doing around here, by the way?" - Jane continued.
  "Nothing much, I was bored staying on my own in the dorm."
  "Isn't Vic there?"
  "She fell asleep quickly and put an alarm on so she can wake up and start studying again. Can you believe it?" - Max tiredly chuckled.
  "I mean, she's lucky she got that kind of energy. I could never."
  "Same here. What about you?"
  "Bored as well. I couldn't stop thinking about this competition, too. But guess you filled up my mind... somewhat."
  "I'm proud I'm more convincing than your brother."
  "And I'm impressed. Good job, Ginger."
  "My pleasure, artist."
  "You can come by my room, if you'd like. Unless you're not bored anymore."
  "Sure, I'd like to."

Max entered her friend's room, greeted once again by her arts on the wall. She sat on the soft bed, still looking around the room. On the right side of her, a cigarette pack on a golden color, looking pretty aesthetic, was standing next to the redhead.
  "Would you recommend Lucky Strike Gold for a non regular smoker?" - Max went on while checking the pack.
  "Why not?! It's good, you can try."
The redhead pulled two cigarettes, holding on to Jane's direction.
  "Let's smoke out in the balcony, or else the supervisor will pull my ear if she smells the smoke in here." - the brunette held the glass door in a respecting manner, letting Max walk first.

A wind was a bit cold outside. The two girls sat on the plastic chairs and shared a cigarette with each other.
"So... do you have any idea what art you're going to do, so far?" - Max put forth as she lightened the cigarette.
"I don't know... I need to get motivated."
"What motivates you?"
"Depends. Even a talk can motivate me, if that's what my mind says."
"I agree with you. What about reading books?"
"Definitely! I've just been a little bit lazy to read books at this period."
"You can read the astrologic book again, maybe it inspires you for the competition."
"You're saying I need to make an art according to Astrology?" - a small smirk showed up on the brunette's face.
"Hm, why not. It'd be cool. But you do what you feel so, you're the boss." - Max threw a wink.
"I'll think about that. Thanks for giving me the idea."
"Of course. When is the competition day?"
"It's on January. I think 20 or so."
"Great, you got a lot of time to think and work on it."

The two friends fell in a deep conversation for hours, they didn't know themselves how much time they spent talking and talking while the hours were passing by.

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