Chapter 3: Discussing over Astrology

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  Friday reached. The college was preparing for the opening season party. After a few hours of lessons and seminars, the students were ready to have fun, get drunk or high and make new friendships.

Victoria was already dressed and now she was helping Max put on some light makeup.
  "Cariño, you look amazing!"
  "As I should." - Max flirtatiously flipped her reddish hair behind. - "Does these jeans makes me look a little bit fat, though?"
  "Of course not! You just got some nice ass, there."
  "Yeah, I do. Anyway, we should get going."
  "Yes, let's get drunk!" - Vic shouted as she walked out her dorm.

Lucas, Will and Jane were already at the party, waiting for their friends to arrive.
  "This party is hella wild!" - Will shook his head.
  "That's what we need, dude." - Lucas simply shrugged.
A few minutes later, the girls were there.
  "Damn, I love this! Hello guys!" - Victoria jumped up and down from excitement.
  "Hey!" - Max greeted as well.
"Can we take a sit?" - Jane proposed as she had already found a place. Before getting her friends' answer, she ran straight to the two big couches and sat there, before someone took it.

The other friends ran as well, Max and Vic sitting together on one side, letting Will and Jane on the couch next to them while Lucas preferred the comfy armchair.
"Punch?" - Lucas suggested.
"Don't even ask!" - Vic stood up. - "Come and help me."
Lucas stood after Vic and followed the girl to the drinks' table.
Max was left alone with the siblings. She was feeling a little awkward towards them, not knowing what to say. And Will and Jane were in the same position as the redhead.
"So... how is school going so far?" - Max started the conversation.
"For now it's okay. What about you?" - Will asked back.
"Yeah, same here... for now." - the redhead nervously giggled.
Victoria and Lucas came back while holding the drinks, sharing them to their friends.
"This is life." - the latina girl took a big sip from her glass.
To fall easily on euphoria, the other friends did the same thing, the punch burning their tongue and throat.
"I never tried this before, but it's good, honestly." - Will stated by taking another sip.

An hour, or less later, Victoria had started talking with the two boys in opposite of her about rugby matches. Well, Max wasn't interested in this conversation that much since her eye had caught the reserved brunette girl next to her, scrolling on Instagram and watching different posts according to art. Not wanting to look weird, Max removed her eyes from there and relaxed her back on the couch.
"Um... do you like digital art?"
"Huh? Me?"
"Yes, you."
"I work with digital art. I got a digital graphic tablet." - Jane responded confidently.
"Really? That's impressing! Can I see one?"
"Sure, you can get on my Instagram profile and check it there." - the brunette got in one of her Instagrams' account and showed the screen phone in direction of Max.
The other girl quickly typed Jane's username on the search box of Instagram, which appeared within two seconds.
"Wow, you got 2K followers!"
"I got fans." - Jane jokingly said, followed by a laugh to break the ice.
"I mean, yes! Look at these arts here, all amazing as hell."
While scrolling down, Max's eyes caught a very nice drawing: in which was this mysterious girl dressing all in black, with a mint color background, sitting comfortably on the invisible ground, the Scorpio's astrological symbol put on the right of the character in a dark color.
"Tell me about it." - Max chuckled and showed Jane the screen. - "You're a Scorpio?!"
"Nice to meet you officially, Ginger." - Jane said in a serious tone, yet showing a small smirk.
"My pleasure. I'm an Aries."
"Honestly, I'd take you as an Water sign. Cancer or Pisces..."
"My ascendant is in Cancer. You're good at Astrology. You're a big fan of it, right?!"
"Definitely! I have a book about astrology, too. I take it wherever I go. If I get bored, I just take it in my hands and read it for as long as I can."
"So lucky! I never found a good book for Astrology in Hawkins." - Max sadly pouted.
"My dad bought it for me when he was out of the country. Want me to show you? I have it on my room, if you want."
"Yes, I'd really like to! All this music is making my ears go numb."
Jane informed her brother before getting up with Max and walking out of the crowded and noisy area.

Jane's room was next to Max's cabin. When they got in, Max was met with a lot of drawings sticked on the wall, some of them painted on the wall. But the girl had this big surprised look on her face when she found only one bed on that dorm.
"Um, may I ask why there's only one bed on this room?"
"Scorpio tingz."
Max softly laughed.
"No, for real, why?"
"Well, I need privacy. That's important to me." - Jane responded and sat on her knees, taking some books from the drawer before taking another one out. - "Here."
The redhead grabbed the white book and read the title: "The only astrology book you'll ever need".
"This title is pretty accurate." - Max ironically said.
"Don't judge the book by its cover, it's really good inside. If you want you can take and read it, but make sure you bring it back safe. I'm possessive about my things."
"Of course, no worries. And thanks."

The two girls went back to their friends who this time were enjoying the party, drinking and dancing around. Vic grabbed another cup of Punch and walked in direction of her roommate.
"Max, go on!" - she approached the cup on her.
"You want me to get drunk?"
"Yes! You don't have to care about tomorrow, we're just gonna sleep a few more hours, plus it's Friday."
Max didn't hesitate but took the cup and swallowed a big sip which made Victoria yell from excitement. Jane softly laughed with Max seeing how funny Vic was when she was drunk.

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