Chapter 8: Hey Addy

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Sienna woke up the next morning exhausted. The young child couldn't sleep for more than 30 throughout the night. Usually, when nights like this happened, Addison was always there to give her bear cuddles, hot cocoa, and sing their song.

Her mother might have been a monster in her eyes on most days, but when Sienna wasn't feeling her best, she was needy and clingy towards Addison. Walking into her father's room, Sienna grabs his phone, and searches for her adoptive mother's number.

It was four am, but to Sienna, the sun was just hiding. "Derek, why in the hell are you calling me at 4 in the morning? Is Sienna alright?" Leaving her father's room, Sienna sprints to the bathroom. "I can't sleep. It's a bad night. I want you" As the young child sobs into the phone, Addison's heart breaks more every minute.

She knew that the way she handled everything after Derek left wasn't the best, and Sienna saw a lot of stuff no child should ever see. So, months prior when the child told her she wanted to stay with her father, she agreed. She had deprived her of having her father constantly in her life.

"Mommy's getting on the next plane right now, I'm coming Madelynn" frantically grabbing everything needed, Addison grabs her emergency bag, and dashes out the door. "Mama's coming"


The wait for her mother was tough on the child. The flight was almost three hours long, and for that time, Sienna spent it thinking about absolutely nothing. She'd badly spaced out, tapping her father's phone at a rapid pace. In an unusual pattern

Alex came in to check on her, but all he saw was a child in distress. Before he could go and wake Derek or Meredith, the doorbell went off. Sienna rushed past her uncle, and down the stairs.

Barely opening the door, she lets out a war cry when she sees that it's the one person who can help her right now. "You came" burying her head into the neck of her mother, the one who knew her inside and out, "mommy will always be there sweetie. Always"

As Alex watches the interaction between the two, he storms upstairs, and into the master bedroom. Throwing pillows at both Meredith and Derek, he doesn't stop until they wake up complaining. "I just thought that you guys should know that Sienna is downstairs in Addison's arms. And she looks exhausted."


"Addison, what's going on? Why are you here?" As Addison looks up from her daughter for the first time during their whole interaction, she sees Derek, and Alex lingering in the back. "She needed me. She called for me so I came. I wasn't going to leave her to get through her night terrors by herself. She has those ya know"

Confused, and also slightly angered that his child didn't just wake him up, "why didn't she just come to me or Meredith?"

"Because during these terrors, all she can do sometimes is cry now, explain later. I can't believe I forgot how bad they get for her."  Placing her hand over her forehand, Addison starts to rock Sienna back and forth. Sienna slowly starts to calm down.

Falling back asleep, Sienna lets out a small noise here and there while still clutching onto her mother for dear life. "She's never told me what her dreams are about, but they scare her half to death every time. I've taken her to the doctor, but they've told me that these should pass over time. The medication they gave made her nauseous, so she doesn't take it."

"I should have known. How could this slip your mind?! You're just trying to get her back, make me look horrible!" Done with the yelling, "god Derek, did you stop and think about how the last few months have been for me?! I'm so sorry that I let one thing about our previous daughter slip. I'm sorry king Derek."

At that moment, Meredith walks into the room with two mugs. Handing one to Addison, "a mimosa can be consumed at any time. Already texted her teacher and Miranda. There's a guest bedroom next to hers open. If you feel comfortable staying here that is."

Meredith wasn't going to fight with Addison. She knew how it was to be the child in the kid of two parents fighting.

Addison looked to the woman, grateful that she wouldn't have to hassle with her ex-husband about whether she could take their child to a hotel or not. "Thank you, Meredith, I really appreciate it."

"Trust me, I know what it feels like to be in Sienna's shoes. I'll do whatever I can to make things easier for the three of you." Leaving the room, Meredith goes to work for the first time in weeks knowing that Sienna is in perfect hands.

That is with her mother. Her first mother

No matter what, Addison knew Sienna like the back of her hand, and she knew how to make every ache and pain go away. Except for one. And no matter how many tantrums Sienna had, Addison was always there to calm her down and hold her. It was just how they worked

Hopefully, it didn't take Meredith former to learn that:

Mommy Knows Best

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