Chapter 2- Custody Battle

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When Meredith first learned that Derek and Addison were going to be giving their marriage one last try, she was holding their daughter.

Not long after Mark Solan strolled in, Derek punched him square in the nose. Addison had never been so happy for Sienna to oversleep her during her nap.

While Meredith held the mirror for Mark, he talked on and on about Sienna. "Is she sharing? I've been trying to tell Derek and Addison that Sienna has always been big on sharing; they just haven't noticed."

"She's sharing just fine, everyone adores her, is that something that happened back in New York?" As Mark smiles at the thought of how everyone pitched in to help the three of them raise her, "yeah, I guess she makes friends wherever she goes"


Sienna was up and in full swing. Both dirty mistresses were eating with her, and Sienna felt on top of the world. She loved eating with others, or eating with a group of people.

Mark didn't want to sit with interns, but his princess did, so he sucked up his pride and sat there; Trying to make conversation. Sienna had a plate of fries, a burger cut into fours, and pineapples, along with a Capri-Sun.

With Meredith on her Right, and Mark on her left, Sienna was quiet; trying to finish her food so that she could explore afterward. Derek and Addison were both swamped with surgeries today, and Meredith couldn't help but feel for the young child.

It was like she was looking at her younger self.

"Papa, open? Please" handing her sealed bowl of pineapples to Mark, Sienna patiently waits for them to be opened. As Alex glances at her tray, he sees that her fries are completely gone, as well as half her burger.

After Mark opened and double-checked the pineapples, he helped Sienna out by placing them on the table, allowing her to have a better access. "You stay here too Papa? Or back to New York?"

Sienna was looking at the small pineapples, but asking the question that Mark didn't have an answer to. As Meredith wiped her mouth, Sienna once again, didn't push her hands away. "You want Papa to stay here?"

Sienna was full. She never had a problem eating, and was a very active child. It didn't surprise anyone when Addison put her in gymnastics and cheer; even though Sienna would rather play softball at recess with her friends.

"Yeah, Papa stay," pushing her tray back, Sienna holds her arms up to Meredith, "I'm sleepy Mer, Cuddles?" Nodding to the small child, Meredith couldn't tell her 'no' for nothing in the world.

As Sienna layed her head in the crook of Meredith's neck, she quickly fell asleep. "She's never went to sleep that fast, and she never lets Addison hold her like that." As the Plastic surgeon picks up his tray, along with his God Daughter's, he leaves without any other word being said.


"I think Sienna is going to love it here. She is already making a big impression on people in the hospital. And she's closer to her godmother." Derek was in a good mood. A really good mood. His surgery had gone smoothly, and he was on his way to see his daughter.

The decision to try one more time with Addison was for the sake of Sienna. He knew for experience how it felt to pick between parents, and he didn't want his child to ever have to do that.

So he was giving Addison one more chance.

"I'm glad Miranda is our daughter's godmother, but her godparents could have been Naomi and-" as Addison got cut off by Derek, as well as the sight she sees before her eyes, she feels sick all over again.

Sienna was snuggled up in Meredith Grey's arms: "why is she holding my baby. Sienna doesn't allow for me to hold her like that; why is she allowing her to!" Trying to calm his wife down, Derek tries to defuse the situation you taking his wife out of the cafeteria.

"You don't understand Derek! Yesterday, Sienna allowed for Meredith to brush the hair out of her face, and to allow her to cuddle her today? Will she even want me tomorrow? And where the hell is Mark! He was supposed to be with them!"

Addison was raging. She wanted the things that Meredith Grey was getting from her daughter. She wanted the cuddles and gentle touches and giggles and snack time shares.

But Sienna saw mommy as the bad man, and Addison didn't want to believe it.

Derek was glad that Sienna was with someone other than Himself, Mark, or his wife. "He could have been pulled into surgery. Calm down. Sienna is perfectly healthy, safe, and above all else, happy"

"With the woman you love"



As Sienna and Mark walked into the living room, Sienna was going on and on about how she wanted a little brother or sister. She was a very lonely child and was tired of playing with her dolls all by herself.

"Mommy! Jess's mom had a baby last week! A baby mommy! I want one! And where's daddy? We gotta get to tryouts mommy!" As the little girl looks to her mother in awe, and in love, Addison didn't know that she was to cherish that, for it would be the last time she saw it for a while.

"Mommy, did something bad sweetheart, and mommy is so sorry," Addison knew that telling Sienna was going to be harder than telling Mark, Sienna had dreamed of a sibling for the last few months.

"Mommy sent your baby sister to heaven. And it was my fault. Mommy is a monster sweetie. We can't go to tryouts baby, daddy isn't coming home anytime soon. It's all mommy's fault." Sienna's smile quickly disappeared and she looked up to her Papa, Mark immediately told Sienna to head to her room, and close the door.

The small child did just that, but she took it a step further and called her father off of her hidden emergency phone. "Dr. Shepherd's phone? Who's calling?"

Somehow, Sienna didn't break down when the phone was answered "Madelynn Sienna Shepherd" as she heard the phone being put up to her father's ears, "Sienna, what's wrong sweetie?"

"Daddy! I want you! Mommy's a monster, I'm scared, daddy! No, leave me"


"At least our daughter doesn't think the woman I love is a monster who killed her baby sister and kept her from going to softball tryouts. Get your head out of your ass Addison, or you'll have bigger reasons as to why Sienna hates you."

Walking away from the woman he thought he loved, it's clear to Derek that he will have to file for full custody, and it's clear to Addison that she's lost her family, and it's all her fault.

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