Chapter 7: First Day Of School

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It was five in the morning, and Meredith was up making breakfast for Sienna and packing her lunch. Last night, they picked out her outfit and talked about how they were going to do her hair.

It felt like time was flying by to Meredith. Her baby was going to a new school today, and had tryouts for softball next week.

Today, Sienna was wearing a yellow sundress. Meredith did two braids going back, and added sunflower accessories to her hair. Sienna had on white doll baby shoes, and a hot pink lunch box to match her Peppa pig backpack.

As Sienna came down dressed and half-asleep on her father, Meredith saw that it was now 7:15. Sienna had to be at school by 8:30. Miranda's husband, Tucker, would be coming in 15 minutes to take Sienna to school along with their son Tuck.

While Derek Fed Sienna, Meredith went and got dressed for work. Coming down, both Meredith and Derek take Sienna to the car, "Bye sweetie, we love you! Hey, rockstar! You two have a good day at school!"

Waving goodbye, Meredith didn't feel herself crying until Derek wiped her tears, "She'll be fine Meredith. Plus, she's got Tuck right beside her."


Sienna and Tuck were in the same class. It helped Sienna feel comfortable around her new classmates knowing that her Godbrother was right there with her.

They sat right next to each other at a table of four. With her Peppa pig backpack on the back of her chair, and his Marshall backpack on the back of his; they both colored in their pictures of pumpkins given as soon as they entered the door.

While Sienna was quiet, she would pounce on anyone if they messed with her godbrother or herself.

Their teacher, Mrs. Frizz, was a tall, young black woman with natural blue eyes and red hair. Both Sienna and Tucker had never seen someone of their complexion with blue eyes or natural red hair.

But, Sienna knew it made her teacher unique, just like how both her parents were doctors was very unique.

Sienna, being an imaginative child, drew everything on her page in different shades of yellow. Yellow was the one color that Sienna saw as happiness, and she didn't care how wrong some classmates thought her painting was.


Meredith was having a hard time at work. She knew Sienna was at the best school that Seattle had to offer, and it didn't calm her nerves that stuck was right with the young Shepard. But, she would always worry about the what-ifs

She didn't know how Miranda did the impossible every day, by coming to work knowing that her son is at school, and not knowing how he's doing or if he needs you at any moment.

Taking her mind off of Sienna for two seconds, Meredith decided to go to the pit and see if help is needed, praying that she can finally stop watching the clock.


It didn't take long for lunch to come around.

As the class walked down the hall, Sienna was right behind Tuck, and their new friend behind them, a young girl named Rory. Rory lived in foster care, but to her, it was a mission impossible role. Not every child could live with being in the system, and Rory had first-hand experience with that.

As the three sit down at the lunch table, both Sienna and Tucker share their lunch with Rory. The child did not bring one and non of them liked what was served that day.

"My mommy always packs me extra just in case someone needs one" Miranda Bailey knew how hard it could be for other children, so she always made sure Tucker knew how to help others. "Thanks, tuck"

Sienna slides Rory her animal crackers, everyone knows how much they are her favorite, "you can have them, I have more at home."

"Are you sure? They're your favorite" all Sienna does is turn her head to the side and sing a little, "positive!"


The school day was finally over.

Sienna and Tuck were waiting on Big Tuck to pick them up. Sitting on the concrete, both children hold hands and talk. "You wanna come to my house tomorrow after school if MeMe says it's okay? We can play with my new playdoh?"

Nodding his head repeatedly, Tuck brings up the topic of Rory, "we should ask Rory if she wants to come over." As the two look over two lines, they see Rory waiting on her ride.

After asking the child, she informs them that she'll ask her foster mother. "She'll probably say yes to get me out of her hair for a while"

"Sienna! Tuck! It's time to go home!" As the two stand, they receive a hug from their teacher and grab Big Tuck's hand. "Hi, Big Tuck!" As Tucker laughs at the small child, he buckles her before going and doing the same for his son. "Hi, daddy!"

As Tucker pulls off, he asks the million-dollar question that has the kids talking for hours, "how was school?"

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