Chapter 3: Denny, Ice Cream, & MeMe!

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Later that night, Derek walks out of Seattle Grace with Sienna in his arms. He had so much in his mind, but he was desperately trying to stay in the moment so that he could enjoy his time with his daughter.

Sienna was looking at all the pretty lights at night time. It's what she loved about New York. Not only is it the city that never sleeps, but it's also always brightly lit. "Daddy, lights!" As Derek drove down the road, Sienna pointed out things to him.

It was a fun game he started with her before she could comprehend most things. But, she is very fond of the game now. It was also a plus that Sienna had a love for colors, especially vibrant ones.

As Derek pulls up to his hotel, he sighs quietly. The hunt for a good penthouse has been hard, and he had given the trailer to Richard, seeing as if he wouldn't dare put Sienna in those living conditions.

Sienna has never roughed it, and she hates the outdoors if it doesn't involve sports.

Grabbing their bags, and checking in, Derek quickly settles them into the room and for bed. This is what Sienna was waiting on most.

Every night, Derek would either read a story, or sing a song. Sienna loved it more when Derek would sing, and the song she wanted tonight required someone else to sing as well.

Sienna was a matchmaker before she knew it.

She was well before her time.

"Daddy, Mer? She has to be here! She can't miss it! We need her for the song and bedtime." Sienna wasn't going to give this up without a fight. Meredith Grey was one of the coolest people in Sienna's eyes. She was smart and really pretty.

Sienna loved her eyes.

"Sienna, baby-" Derek knew he had lost the battle when he looked into his daughter's face. She was prepared to bring in the tears if that meant Meredith was going to come and sing the song with her father.


Twenty minutes later, Meredith was laying on Sienna's left, and Derek was on her right. Sienna was smiling big like a Cheshire Cat. Holding one of both of their hands, Sienna waits for the song to start.

"From here to the moon and back," as Meredith sung the first line to the song, Sienna started to hum, Derek followed pursuit. "Who else in this world will love you like that?"

Sienna was on cloud nine. At that moment, she didn't need a person more. Letting go of her father's hands, Sienna laid into Meredith's side. "Love everlasting, I promise you that"

From here to the moon and back
From here to the moon and back

Soon after that, young Sienna was asleep. Meredith kisses the top of her head, and laid still until the child fell into a deep slumber. Derek admired the way Meredith tried to interact with Sienna, and be there for the young child. "Stay the night"

The young intern was caught by surprise. "What?" Smiling brightly, "stay the night, cause we're not letting you go anytime soon. You're stuck with the two of us."


The next morning, Sienna walks into the hospital holding both Derek and Meredith's hands. Today, the young child would be going to daycare, seeing that S Day is over.

Sienna didn't want to go, seeing that she has separation anxiety from her father, and her mother chose to ignore it for weeks, but, he promised to take her for ice cream later on if she behaved herself.

Sienna wasn't going to let the opportunity pass her by.

On their way to the daycare, they passed the room of Denny Duquette. Today, was not a good day for Denny. Sienna saw this and jerked her hand from her fathers.

Walking into the man's room, Sienna gently climbs into his bed at the same time her godmother helps her up there. "Madelynn Sienna!"

Shushing her by cutting her off, Sienna pulls out her sparkly marker and writes her name on his arm. "I hope you feel better mister. When I'm sad. I just use my sparkly marker and cuddle with my daddy. Do you want a cuddle? I think he wants a cuddle MeMe!" Sienna looks hopefully at her godmother, Miranda Bailey who, wasn't having it this morning no matter how cute her goddaughter looked.

"Maybe another day Sienna. Plus, are you gonna cuddle with every patient that looks sad? I think your dad would get jealous." Sienna tells Denny bye, and re-grabs Derek and Meredith's hands. "He'll get over it MeMe."


When Addison saw Sienna holding Derek and Meredith's hand, she didn't know whether to throw up, have a heart attack, cry a river, or run away. Sienna did not acknowledge her mother when walking by her.

"Good Morning Madelynn Sienna Shepard." Sienna could play the ignore game better than anyone else, she was the queen. She also could hold grudges for an awfully long time. "Mer, you're coming to get ice cream two right? You gotta be there!"

Sienna sends Addison a dirty smirk, and reaches for her father to pick her up. Playing with the back of his hair, Sienna knows she won't get any ice cream if her father finds out about what she just did.

She still didn't give no fucks


Sienna was eating a new ice cream flavor, Rocky Road. She wasn't sure if she liked it, but she didn't mind the taste. Meredith went classic and got vanilla, Derek got chocolate.

An older couple had came up to the group earlier and admired the small 'family'. Sienna took all the compliments from the group, and continued to eat her ice cream. "Sienna, are you ready to start school?"

Sienna missed her friends in New York, but, Derek made sure to keep in touch with their parents and the children often Skyped each other. "Yeah, I wanna do softball! I don't wanna do gymnastics and cheer, that's boring. I wanna do other things."

Meredith rubs the small child's cheeks, "you can do whatever you want, and you never have to do what you don't want to. You're in Seattle now, you can start over. It'll be fun."

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