Chapter 7: Worried 'Someone'

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*Yawn* Camilo stretches his arms as he walks out of his room and closes his door.

Seeing that no one is in the corridor, a small smirk makes its way to his face.

He silently walked his way down the casita. Upon stepping on the lower floor, a mouthwatering smell of freshly cooked arepa greeted him together with the sounds of giggles from the kitchen.

*growl* Just as he was about to head to that direction, his stomach growls in hunger.

"Oh~ Is the little chameleon already hungry?" He was about to ignore his growling stomach but someone just has to come and call him out for it.

Isabella let out a chuckle. Camilo turns to her with a glare making her feel even more victorious, even flashing a smirk to his face. Dolores, who is beside Isabella, clears her throat, gaining the attention of her young brother.

"Hermano, help us out to bring the plates outside. We will be having breakfast soon." Only now did Camilo notice that the two girls are carrying some plate on their hands.

Hearing his sister, an idea comes to his mind and he flashes a beaming smile to the two girls.

"Sure, hermana." He replied as Isabella frowns at him. He walks past the two girls while Isabella looked at Dolores in confusion and Dolores only shrugged to her in response.

"Let's see here..." Camilo opens one of the drawers and gets himself a plate. Then, he quickly shapeshifts into his sister with a huge grin painted across his face.

"Now, we go." He mumbles to himself before removing the smile on his face and acting like his sister.

He quickly headed into the kitchen and heard some giggles coming from inside.

As he enters, he quickly scanned the room to see you and Tia Julieta preparing the food. He noticed how your smiling face quickly disappeared and your posture quickly straightened as he enters the room.

And for some reason, it bothers him.

"Hungry already, mija?" Tia Julieta asks him to which he only responded with a nod. He chose be silent... for now.

"Don't worry, Dolores. We are already done." The older woman said as she wipes her hands on her apron and removes it.

"We'll be bringing them out the now." You joined their conversation with a smile, causing him stare at you and without a word, he turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

Holding the plate up his chest, he was in daze while still in the form of his sister.

"Camilo, stop copying your sister." His father tells him, as he sees his son shapeshifting into his older sister again. Felix' words brought Camilo back from his thought and quickly returns to his real form.


"Food's ready!" You exclaimed as you walked outside of casita, carrying a basket filled with food. Behind you, Tia Julieta comes with plates of different foods.

You happily placed the basket on the table and so did, Tia Julieta. And with a big smile, you sat down between Luisa and Tia Julietta.

Unbeknownst to you, there is a pair of eyes following you around since you exited casita.

'She... is extremely happy.' Camilo couldn't help but to notice from the other side of the table.

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