Chapter 5: In the Market

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"Okay, last on the list..." Looking through the long sheet of paper in her hand, Mirabel mumbles in front of you and your sister. 

"Oh, here it is!" She exclaimed as you stopped in one of the stores in the busy market. 

"Hola, Señora Gloria!" The cheerful girl greeted energetically, waving at the woman behind the counter.

"Mirabel!" The old woman blurted out in surprise as she sees her. She lets go of the book that she is reading and shifts her attention to the three of you.

"You have company." She said looking behind Mirabel with a smile. "What can I get for you ladies?" 

"Three packs of these, and a dozen of that, please... Oh! And a quarter of that one." She pointed to various products sold in the shop which are then quickly gathered and wrapped up by the older woman.

"It's alright, Mirabel. You can have it for free." Gloria quickly stops Mirabel from getting her purse inside her sling bag. 

"But, Señora,--" She was about to reason out when the older woman placed her index finger in front of her mouth to shush her. 

"Consider it a payment, hija. My amor was healed by Señora Julieta the other day." The woman insists. 

"Gracias, Señora." Since the woman doesn't accept a 'no' for an answer, Mirabel finally gave in, making Señora Gloria to smile brightly at her.

"That's looks like a lot. Can you, ladies, really carry all of that?" She asked in a concerned tone as she gives the three of you the products while eyeing the loads of other bags that each one of you is carrying. Mirabel can only answer her with a nervous chuckle.

"It's alright, Ma'am, Mirabel. I'll carry it." You volunteered while transferring some of the bags from your right hand to the left, making a room for the bag of goods that you are about to carry.

"Are you sure, hija?Señora Gloria looks at you with a furrowed eyebrow as she sees that amongst the three of you, you carry the most amount of bags. You notice that the other two also throw concerned looks at you, so you smiled to them.

"It's alright, Ma'am. It not that heavy. See?" You reassures her, lifting up your left arm which has a lot of bags. Before your arm starts to tremble, you quickly put it down and look at them waiting for an answer and hoping that they didn't notice it.

"Alright. Here you go, hija." Convinced, the woman agreed with a sigh as she hands you the goods. You stole a quick glance at Mirabel and Fiona. Seeing that the frowns in their foreheads are now gone, you were relieved.

"And now, we. are. done!" Mirabel says as she scans the list of groceries. "The two of you, good?" You and your sister nod to her question as she glances at the both of you. "Great. Let's go!" 

You gritted your teeth are you carry the heavy bags bought with all your strength while keeping an smile on your face.

"Sister, don't push too hard, okay?" Fiona whispered softly to you.

"Come on, sis. I'm fine. Don't you know your sister?" You grinned at her but she didn't give you any reactions.

"That's why I'm telling you that. Because, I know you. Just don't be hard on yourself, okay?" She said before walking with Mirabel who walking a from a distance in front of you. 

"Woah, that looks heavy. Let me help you three with those." Luisa pops up from a different direction.

"It's alright, hermana. We can handle it!" Mirabel refuses to give her bags to her older sister.

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