Chapter 2: Unknown Relatives

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"Welcome back home, Fernando." A woman in her 40s approached your family and hugged your father tightly.

"Hermana Vina! It's been so long. I missed you so much." You look at your father as he returns the hug just as tight. Curiosity began to make its way into your system and you are not the only one who feels this way. Your siblings looked at the two in confusion while your mother look at them in shock.

"This is Devina?" Your mother asked your father making their attention shift to you and your family.

"Oh, hermano, is this them?" The woman began to tear up as she sees all of you.

"Si, hermana. This is mi amor, Elena." Your father introduces your mother which the woman quickly embraced. "I finally met you, cuñada Elena." 

"These are my children, Fiona, 15 years old and my second oldest, Ivan and Ian, my twins, both 6 years old, and... Y/n, eldest, 17" Fernando continued. 

"Oh dios mio, hermano! Look at them. All so big already!" She gave each of you and your siblings a warm embrace. Tears began to falls from her eyes as she finally seen all of you.

"Mi vida, you're gonna crush them!" Donatello jokingly said as he carries your family's luggage from the cart.

"This is my younger sister, Devina." Your father said. "Please, hija, hijo! Call me, Tia Vina." She interrupts him.

"Pleased to meet you, Tia Vina./Nice to meet you, tia." Fiona and you said respectively. She smiled at both of you in satisfaction.

"Aren't they just wonderful, mi vida?" Donatello placed his hand in his wife's back as he looked at your family with joy together with her.

"Si, amor. And look at their daughters, how lovely." She replied placing her hand in her husband's chest while looking at you and your younger sister.

Her comment surprised you making you look away while Fiona just chuckled.

"You look lovely, yourself, tia." She complimented. 

"Ah, Mama, is that them?" A man's voice coming from behind the couple caught your attention. He is a tall and well-built man with a very handsome feature who seem to be older than you. 

As your e/c eyes met his light brown ones, he smiled at you while approaching your little group. 

"Ah yes, querido, your tio's family." Devina replied. 

"Dios mio! Is that you, Angelo, hijo?!" Your father looked surprised as he sees the man. He quickly hugged him tightly and messed his hair. "You've grown a lot! You were just a baby when I left." He added observing his built closely. 

You didn't fail to he the glimmer in his eyes as he looked at your so-called cousin. 

"It's your fault for not visiting, tio." He chuckled at your father. 

"This is my oldest, Angelo." Your aunt said happily.

"He was a baby when, mi amor Fernando, left. That means he..." 

"Si, tia Elena, I am 20 years old." You noticed how comfortably he called your mother and answered her as if he was able to read her mind. 

"That means he was the one, mi amor, is talking about! I have heard a lot about you, hijo!" Your mother merrily replied.

'So did I'  You thought to yourself as you look at him.

"That's right, cousin! Papa have told us about you." Fiona exclaimed finally seeing him for the first time. Your little brother's attention seem to be captured by him as well for they look at him with admiration. 

"That's right." You said quietly as you shift uncomfortably. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice it as everyone's attention is elsewhere. 

"Please, you can call me primo. We are cousins after all." He smiled warmly.

Your family continued to talk to Angelo while his parents look at them in delight while still joining in the conversations. 

They seem to have forgotten your existence as you continued to look at them in silence. The beaming face of your father as he talks to your cousin didn't escape from your sight. 

You noticed every action he made to him as he touches him closely (Don't be weird). This seem to stab you hard in the heart so you looked down in the ground preventing your tears from forming.

"Ah, by the way, hermano, all of us can't fit in the casa so the town decided to build your family's house but it is not yet finished since we only heard of your arrival from the letter a couple of days ago. Don't worry, mi vida and I have talk to Abuela Alma and she said your daughters are welcomed to stay with them temporarily." You heard your tia said to your father, catching your attention. 

You look at them in surprise just like your sister. 

"Oh, hermana, Abuela and her family is benevolent as always. I have to go and thank them and everyone!" Fernando exclaimed.

"Fernando, please, it's nothing." The woman approaching your group said with a smile. You look at her closely. She is wearing a magenta dress and has white streaks in her hair which is gathered into an updo hairstyle. A young woman, with curly locks wearing a green circled glasses, white top and blue skirt decorated with colorful thread work, walks beside her.

"Abuela!" Your father exclaimed as he sees the two approaching.

"Welcome back home, Fernando." She smiled to him. "And welcome to Encanto, familia Gonzalez." She said smiling at your family's direction. 

"Ola, familia Gonzalez!" The girl beside her perks up. All you waved back to her, still confused.

"This is Abuela Alma and..." Your father trails off as he looks at the girl beside the old woman.

"Mirabel, Mirabel Madrigal." She introduces herself. 

"My granddaughter." Abuela Alma said smiling at her. Fernando introduces your family to them while the rest of you process the loads of information given silently. 

"Your casa is in good hands, familia Gonzalez. It will be built in no time." Abuela Alma reassured all of you. 

"Hermano, You, cuñada Elena, and your twins can stay in our casa while yours is being built." Your tia said.

"Don't worry, Nando. Mirabel will help your daughters in settling in." Abuela Alma said, placing a hand on Mirabel's shoulder. 

You silently observe the girl called Mirabel while she waves at you and your younger sister.


"Hello." You two greeted back.

"Go now and assist them, Mirabel. I'll have some talk with Fernando and his lovely wife." The old woman tells the young one.

"What about our things?" You asked out of concern, getting the attention of everyone. You stepped back uncomfortably not because of the number of eyes staring at you but only the ones coming from your father.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Y/n. I got you both!" Mirabel answered enthusiastically. Thankfully, no one noticed the tension between you and your father, making you feel a little at ease.

"Let's go!" She said before dragging you and Fiona to a house on the hill.


Word count: 1137

Sorry for the lack of Madrigal appearances in this chapter, I am still trying to build up the story to get more information about the characters.

Don't worry! Madrigal's will be present in the next chapters.

Also I am not very good in Spanish terms and English so feel free to correct any errors.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you liked it!

To be continued...

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