3 | malicious thoughts

Start from the beginning

Momo facepalmed in annoyance. "Oh my god, you guys got the wrong idea. He was causing trouble at the café so I went out to give him a warning." Kyoka added, "And you didn't come back after that." Momo felt guilty and apologized to her once again.

"Woah, woah, woah. We're not done with this yet!" The bubblegum haired girl slammed her hands on the table and demanded. Ochaco inquired, "How was he like, Momo? Was he rude to you? If so I'll gladly give him a punch to the fa-" Normally being the overprotective one was Kyoka's role, but since Kyoka was still upset over Denki, Ochaco took the job for her.

The black haired girl cut her off by stating, "Ochaco, I would not like to see you bandaged up in the detention room at school because you tried to fight him. And honestly, he was not really that bad compared to when I first talked to him in the principal's office. Though he still ticks me off."

"Well, as much as I love the tea in this conversation, can we please go to that clothing store next?" Mina exclaimed, and Momo asked in confusion, 

"Tea? Are you talking about the bubble t-"
"You wouldn't understand, boo."


Momo was just about exhausted from the hangout she had with her friends that lasted about three whole hours. She was sprawled on her bed as she aimlessly tapped on her phone. She didn't really like using the device (unless it was for calling) as she thought it was an unproductive thing to do, but right now she was too tired to care.

Her dorm's lights were off and the only source of light was the screen of her phone and the sunlight that peeked through the curtains of her rather ginormous windows. Her dorm room was a lot more larger than the other students', because she was the daughter of the principal and her mother had always wanted the best of the best for her.

As grateful as she was for that, she also hated it quite a lot since she just wanted to feel normal. She didn't want to be separated from other people just because she came from a hella rich family and was always spoiled by her parents, which made many think she was a brat (which was obviously not true at all).

Back to what she was doing... Right now, she was scrolling through Mina's most recent posts on Instagram to see the photos she took of them in the mall.

The black haired girl happened to find a picture of them all making silly faces and she smiled to herself. She glanced at each of their faces one by one; Mina formed a duck face with her glossy and lush lips as she winked, Ochaco puffed her cute and soft cheeks which she applied too much blush in, Kyoka stuck out her tongue looking like the badass she was, as she wrapped an arm around the neck of Momo, who put strands of her raven colored locks under her nose to look like a mustache.

Momo kept staring at her own face in the photo. She thought she looked boring and unattractive compared to her absolutely gorgeous friends who were pretty in their own way. Most of the time she hadn't even paid attention to her appearance as she thought it wasn't necessary, but right now was the complete opposite.

A sudden urge to look at the comments came over her. She tried convincing herself it wasn't worth it, but curiosity took the best of her. Besides, seeing a couple nice comments about her would honestly make her day. And so, after a whole thirty-two seconds of staring at the comments icon, she clicked the button and read through the comments.

The first few comments she saw were either about Mina, Ochaco or Kyoka.
Of course, it was to be expected. 

After endless scrolling through them, a pit in her stomach had formed.


would've given this a like if it wasn't for that yaoyorozu girl

Why did you even invite Momo??? 🤨

sorry but i hate the student council president :/

Yaoyorozu's personality is ugly and so is she



Momo knew it might've been a bad idea, but she certainly didn't know people hated her this much. Of course, she had heard of the rumors, yet she chose to believe that most people knew they were false and just ignored it altogether.

Needless to say, at that moment she hated herself more than those people probably did. She wasn't ever the most confident person, but today malicious thoughts had taken over her mind completely.

She quickly turned her phone off and allowed complete darkness to surround her with the sunlight dimming. Tears threatened to push out of her retinas as she took deep and heavy breaths. She curled up into a ball and wrapped her arms around her knees, and allowed silent tears to pour out as she closed her eyes to try and shield herself from the world.

She was at one of her most vulnerable states yet.

If all her dear and loving friends had told her lots and lots of sweet compliments, then why are these mere strangers taking such an effect on her? Why? Momo failed to understand this.

The poor black haired girl began to regret her decision of even keeping friends. She thought she was a bother to them and they'd be better off without her. They were kind people, and she just ruined their reputation and image by just being with them. So what was the point?

What was the point of smiling, laughing and being happy if she was going to be swallowed by darkness the next minute?
What was the point of having people that loved and cared about her if she was not even deserving of it?
What was the point pretending to be strong when she was truly weak and vulnerable in the inside?
What was the point of living?

Momo formed terrible images in her mind of the worst possible outcomes she could think of and made herself feel worse and worse by the minute. She didn't want to be alone. She hated the thought of being alone. But she also didn't want to hurt others in the process, even if she never did or thought of it, she was too kind to do that.

She badly needed rest. She needed a nap.

And so she pulled the clean white sheets of her bed over her from head to toe, in hopes that she would be able to sleep forever and not wake up to live another day. Small sniffs escaped her as she damped her pillow with salty tears, with her phone being placed neatly on her bedside table as if a dark and scary world wasn't waiting for her in that one device.

Momo was indeed not going to be able to rest well like this.


a/n: THIS WAS HARD FOR ME TO WRITE BECAUSE I HATE HURTING MY QUEEN MOMO (which is why you should totally vote this chapter 😜😜😜) sorry for no todomomo this time but trust me.............. its all gonna happen soon

𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, todomomoWhere stories live. Discover now