"OH MAH GAWD!!!!" I screamed 

the members turned to me startled as Felix hid thinking they were under attack

"LOOK WHAT YOU GUYS HAVE DONE DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KEEP THE PLACE CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed waving frantically at the mess of a living room.

"oh dear god! I thought we were under attack! why do you scream like a damsel in distress when your not!?!" Felix said coming out with a disgusted look on his face

"You will also help cleaning this!!" I said pointing to all the dirt, looking at him.

"why should I help it's their mess!" Felix defended

"well since your here might as well make yourself useful!!!" I retorted 

the others just stood on either sides and watched us shouting at each other turning their head from side to side   

"ok ok lets calm down--" Namjoon started only to be cut off by me making him back down

"oh yea well guess what god gave you hands to work ironic isn't it!?!?!" I shouted back at Felix "your helping and that's final" I said looking away with my hands crossed

"Fine! and that's just because you'll not give me Seokjin's food!" Felix said pouting like a little baby

"whatever" I rolled my eyes "even I can cook you know" I said looking back at him "I'm pretty sure it tastes like unicorn poop!" Felix said sticking his tongue out "oh yea why don't you taste it and see! I might just make unicorn poop specially for you!" I said also sticking my tongue out

"you can cook?" Seokjin asked looking at me with shining eyes. 

"obviously I have loved baking and cooking since a young age and you don't even know that! After this we're playing 21 questions!" I said as a stormed off to find the cleaning things but after 5 mins I ended up calling Jungkook to help me find the supply closet 


"all of you done?" I said coming to the living room which was the last place they were all cleaning "ugh remind me again why we have to do this" Jimin whined "because you guys don't take  care of your house or rooms" I said "well except Namjoonie he keeps his room proper" I said as Namjoon looked up at smiled "that's what you get for not keeping your rooms clean" 

"what! we also keep our rooms nicely..." Jimin protested 

"sure whatever you say" I rolled my eyes "anyway have you guys finished!?"

"yes ma'am" they all stood straight and saluted while Felix looked everywhere else except me

"Felix?" I called him


"Felix!" I raised my voice 

"I heard you the first time!" Felix said sounding annoyed 

"then why aren't answering!?!" I retorted 

"because I don't want too!" He huffed

"whatever" I rolled me eyes "did you finish?" I asked him

"yes...." Felix answered 

"shall I check!?" I asked 


"fine! I will check!" I said, turning around I went to the guest room.....hmm ok clean I went to the bathroom ok also clean I came out and went to the dinning room/ kitchen ok also clean.......I went back to the living room 

"well done Felix" I smiled

"tch whatever" Felix looked away. Weirdo!

"yah! what about us!?! we also worked hard!!!" Jimin said pouting 

"yea you too well done all of you!" I beamed brightly patting Jimin's cheek

"now lets cook I wanna see how nicely Victoria can cook!" Seokjin said dropping the broom and walking towards the kitchen while everyone chuckled

I stayed back to put away the cleaning tools back in the supply closet  as I was I heard footsteps 

"yes Jimin" I said getting up and turning around

"what do you mean 'yes'!?!?! I'm forced to help you!" Jimin pouted as I chuckled "it's ok I can manage by myself" I said 

"no way! I'm helping you" Jimin said bending down to pick up the brooms

"thanks I guess" I answered also picking up the materials, we finished up and went to the dining hall 

"Victoria! Thank god! could you help me make some chicken wings?" he said as soon he heard us coming

"sure not I don't know how to make such fancy food" I hesitated, me and my bestie use to cook together... I missed her so much... and they boys loved our cooking always messing up the kitchen when they cam inside, I smiled to my self remembering the memories.

"don't worry I'll teach you" Seokjin said smiling 

"okkkk" I said excitedly I just love learning new things, After making the Chicken Wings and the others set the table 

"wow what a day" I sighed "did we have breakfast today?" I asked chuckling 

"I guess....." Felix said while biting on the chicken wings ".........That's why my stomach was paining all the time"

"yea yea whatever" I said chewing on my chicken wings

oops! I guess Felix is not the bad guy! Or maybe he is...... I don't think so... he's anyways a baby

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