Efiáltis sat down next to him just out of arm's reach. "So you are aware this is your dreamscape?"

"Of course Nightmare taught me how to recognize and secure it a long time ago. It is basically a lucid dream most of the time." Error holds out a hand and knitting needles fall into it along with a strand of the starry sky as if all of the beauty of the view had been spun into yarn.

"Do you know how long you have been in the dreamscape?" Efiáltis watched as the stranger started knitting a tube scarf with a provisional cast on that looked like the night sky weeping.

"No idea. I have no sense of time nor does time flow in a normal manner within the dreamscape. I do know that someone, rube with an overcharged positive aura keeps trying to get in." Error shrugs, "I am guessing the other half of your balance?"

Efiáltis rolls his lavender eyelights, "That would be Grail, I am sorry if he was rude it probably hasn't even crossed his mind that someone would knowingly keep him out other than me. After all, who doesn't want positivity barging in on their personal space. I am Efiáltis by the way. You have been in a coma for the last three months. Normally Grail pulls people out of these kinds of things but you have been keeping him out so we decided I should try."

"No thank you, it has been rather peaceful here and I will have to deal with shit I don't feel like dealing with if I wake up before Nightmare finds me." Error glances at Efiáltis. "You might want to warn your brother not to mess with Nightmare when he comes to collect me. He and Dream have been feuding for longer than you have been alive."

"You sound very sure that he will come to get you is it because he is your mate or because he is just that way." Efiáltis tilts his head, curious about his counterpart.

Error erupted in a blush of gold, blue, and purple like an arora. "We aren't, I mean we never, I don't."

Efiáltis chuckles watching him be flustered, "so haphephobia like Láthos? It is okay if I am way off base but because you triggered Grail's protective instincts almost as bad as when I am badly hurt. We just kind of figured you were my counterpart's soulmate."

Error hides in his scarf as much as he can. "It is complicated, we both have issues to deal with and I never had the time and freedom to even consider it. Not that I wouldn't be willing to try with him. He is my best friend and the toughest bastard I know. He can be harsh but he is also caring, strong, smart, and determined he will fight to the end for anyone he considers his. We have fought for and against each other for a millennia at least. If the multiverse lasts long enough and he figures out I survived he will find a way. Just as I would if it was him."

"You sound very in love for all you claim he isn't your mate." Efiáltis grins, liking the description of his counterpart if not somewhat worried by the length of time that Láthos's counterpart gave. He was sure this multiverse wasn't that old, he and Grail were barely a thousand and theirs was the second AU after UnderTale. "How have you lived so long?"

Error chuckled but there was no hummer in it. "Oh did I forget to introduce myself? Hello I am Error the god of destruction, immortal glitch, destroyer of AU, primary keeper of the balance of creation and destruction, Fate's favorite slave, the biggest baddest villain in the multiverse."

"You don't sound the least bit happy about that." Efiáltis watches him internally freaking out, this guy was a god? He and Grail were only guardians sure they aged really slowly but he didn't think they were immortal.

"What is there to be happy about? Getting dragged out of my AU locked in the anti-void driven crazy forced to kill and destroy to keep a balance that the other half refuses to believe in so that the multiverse doesn't collapse? Being hated by almost everyone? Or maybe the constant pain? Ya sure I could be happy about that. Or maybe the fact my codes are so glitched that even if I ever did have enough time and safety I can't have kids." Error glitches clawing at his skull. "I just want to fucking die but no not even the void can kill me."

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