15-Meet the Asshole

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"Linda," I sigh as my foster mum cries down the phone, "I-I'm so sorry

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"Linda," I sigh as my foster mum cries down the phone, "I-I'm so sorry. I can't get to you, planes are too expensive."

She continues to sob down the phone, her sadness leaches onto me as I begin to cry as well. My foster dad, the man who pretty much raised me, has just been diagnosed with blood cancer, he has weeks left to live.

"I-I'm sorry I can't help you." Linda replies, I know money is tight for her, but I never thought I would have to say goodbye to Robert over the phone.

"I'm sorry, darling, I have to go. The hospital is calling." Linda's tone is rushed and tear soaked before the line goes silent.

Weeping quietly, I walk into the bathroom, searching for toilet paper. To get back home, I would need at least £300 more than I have in my account.

There is nothing to do.

Knowing that makes me cry even harder.

I want to scream.

I want to beg.

I want to bargain for Robert's life, but I can't do any of that, so instead I cry.

When my phone buzzes, I almost don't answer it, but then I see Enzo's name and I realise how much I need to hear his voice.

"Ciao," I say, still crying pathetically.

"Lucia, what's wrong?"

Enzo immediately detects my tears and seems hell bent on stopping them.

"I-I-I..." I have no words as I am swallowed by my tears.

Enzo sighs hard, I can imagine him running a hand through his hair, and mutters a few curse words.

"I'm out on a job at the minute baby, but I'm sending a car round to pick you up and take me to my house. I'll be there to hold you soon."

"Thank you." I mumble, rubbing my nose with the back of my hand.

"I'll see you soon sweet-" His words are cut off by loud shouting and then an even louder bang.

Jumping, the phone slips from my ear and clatters on the floor. Luckily, when I pick it up, the screen is still intact.

Remembering Enzo's words, I wander into my room aimlessly and pull on a more suitable outfit to leave the house in. As I stare around my room, I can't help but keep crying.

I wish Amanda is here right now, she's got a lecture and then she's having a meal with Marco, I'm assuming to tell him the big news.

Walking out of the front door, I sit on the wall outside my accommodation and wait for the car Enzo has sent me.

After only a few minutes of frantically wiping the stray tears under my eyes, a black car which is so expensive looking, I don't even know the name of it.

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