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I had stayed with Trent's pack called Snowmounts for the past week waiting for Skyler to wake up. Every day I'm haunted by my past and it's slowly killing me inside making me less and less human.

Tracey told me that I need to see my family as soon as possible before the wolf takes over. I don't have family and even if I did I wouldn't want them to see me like this. I had nowhere to go but the was one last person I wanted to see before the inevitable. Dickens.

He had been there for me since I got to the academy and I had to at leased see him, I owed him that. I sat in the seat beside Skyler day in and out.Waiting. I went through memory after memory.

Betrayal hurt the most. Sera and what she did but it wasn't her fault. It was never her fault. It was mine yet again. I should have marked her as mine and I didn't because of my wolf. She was probably happy now. I imagined her with a smile getting ready to take on the world.

Then it was the painful loss of Brandon and Trent. Both tried to help me and look where they ended up. My fault again. I feel like everyone who's around me dies lately. All of them going down one by one into a pool of death. Both of there blood is on my hands and it won't wash off.

The torcher. Non stop cutting and stabbing. The pain unbearable each time I visit this memory but it's not as painful as betrayal and loss. They both hurt more and took a piece of me away. I have been cut down into a emotionless solider ready for battle and that was Alpha Caine's fault.

"Ash?" Skylers eyes fluttered open.

"Hey I'm glad your back" I smiled as she looked around trying to understand what had happened.

"He's gone isn't he" She cried pulling me in for a hug.

"Yeah. I'm sorry" I lied. I didn't feel sorry, I didn't feel anything but it seemed it was the right thing to say.

"Ash" Tracey shifted her head gesturing that we needed to talk.

"Yeah? What's up?" I questioned standing straight.

"Danny has done some research on your condition. You probably have a week until you know. From what he tells me your soul has been torchered so much that it practically broke. I'm so sorry Ash but there's nothing we can do" Tracey stated as I faced the facts that soon my wolf would take over and my humanity lost for good.

"Thank you for helping me" I replied as if the news meant nothing. She pulled me into a hug then left. I turned around to Skyler with a river of tears down her face.

"We better get going to that school so you can say goodbye" She sobbed with a fake smile at the end as she shut the door. I sat down and waited. She seemed upset and I wanted to comfort her but I didn't know how. She came out putting on her best face.

"Let's go Mr terminator" She laughed but I knew it was an act. I said goodbye and Skyler promised to visit soon. We was given a car to travel in.

"Skyler I have a week so I think we should make the most of it. We will go back to the academy but I want to keep a low profile. I only want to see Dickens thats all" I stated as we drove down the highway.

"Sure your the boss" She smiled as her hair waved in the wind.

"Once we get there your signing up for a spot and I will leave on my own" I added as her face turned to anger.

"No way Ash! I'm not going to leave you!" She growled smashing down on the brakes bringing the car to a halt.

"Skyler I know you mean well but I don't want you or anyone else to see me turn. I don't want to hurt anyone else. Please Skyler let me do this" I asked as she studied me for any sign of emotion at all but nothing showed.

"Fine but I'm not leaving your side till the very last day okay?" She questioned hoping for me to agree. She had been there for me and saved me from my torcher and deep down I know that the guy who I used to be would want that.

"Deal but no one in the school sees me until I walk out the gate okay" I replied laying back in my seat.

"Okay your wish is my command Mr Terminator" She joked but I didn't get why she was calling me Terminator at all. We traveled down the highway stopping at every diner we passed by. The food danced in my mouth. Some people gave me dirty looks because of my beaten appearance but I took no notice.

We had finally arrived outside the gates of the school. I wasn't nervous or anything as per usual. I looked over at Skyler and she was shaking.

"I'm nervous Ash what if they don't like me" She shook at the possibility.

"They won't like you. They'll love you and besides if they don't then screw them" I think that was reassurance well that's what Tracey taught me before I left anyway to fit in abit. I put a hood over my head and a pair of shades on.

"Okay I'm going to head over to the vampire block to Dickens room. Text me your room number and I'll meet you there" I stated as we both split up. I hoped nobody noticed who I was as I traveled across the grass with several looks but they took no notice.


Time is running out for Ash now. Can he be saved or will the wolf take over? Find out in the next chapter!!! NEXT TEN CHAPTERS ARE MUST READS!!

Please tell me what you think and how I can improve.

Thanks guys!!

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