Episode 2.meeting michaels family

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It was a Saturday at neverland ranch and Michael told the gems that there gonna meet Michael family so they want to 2300 Jackson street and saw joe and Kathrine on the sidewalk and Michael got out of the car and garnet and pearl got off and sunset picked up amethyst(because she's only 5)and the gems introduced themselves except for garnet which she starts smiling and says hello and joe says hi in a confused voice and Kathrine shakes garnets hand and says well it's nice to meet you garnet and when they got inside Latoya says Michael who are these children Michael says well this is garnet amethyst and pearl amethyst saw Latoya's head band and asked her Latoya says well this headband is very old so here amethyst says thanks your welcome said Latoya and then Janet saw garnet amethyst and pearl and she says awwwwe there so cute mike said yes they are and all of Michael's brothers came to the house as when garnet saw jermane she said ha is this your brother who's songs sucked jermane said hey! I'm the first king of pop garnet says no Michael is cause he's better than you after they sat they all started to talk to each other and when joe sawed garnet he called her a freak and garnet started to stand up and said to joe hey look you shouldn't never judge a book by their cover which it made Kathrine very happy with tears amethyst and pearl started to clap including all the Jackson family which it made garnet very happy and it made Michael very proud

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