Chapter 41 - The Plan Is Just Starting

Start from the beginning

“I need help.” She said quietly.

“Sorry I can’t really here you well, just a little bit louder please.”


“Very!” I stopped recording and helped her on Toby. “Okay hold on to one of the reins and I’ll take this one to guide you to where we are going, now here we go…” I grabbed one of the reins and guided her out the range.

“I’m scared what if I fall off!” She said.

“Just balance yourself on the saddle, and don’t show signs of fear to not startle Toby and sit up straight, don’t slouch in the saddle either.”

“Okay…” I now guided her to an open field of green grass.

“Okay here’s where we start our adventure!” I hoped on behind Kendra and took control of both reins, we road slow until we got on a trail and speeded up a bit. The scenery was beautiful all we could see was nature and the sky. We road Toby for longer, then headed back to the range. I removed the saddle and everything then put him back in his stable. Kenny and I gave Toby a treat and said goodbye and left.

“Well that was fun!” Kenny said in the passenger seat.

“Yeah it was, it was good seeing Toby again too!”

“Where are we off to now?”

“Home.” I responded.

“Wait that’s all we’re doing today?” She asked in a bummed out voice.

“No just wait and see!” We got back to her house and I grabbed her hand and brought her to the dinning room. As we arrived there was a table lit for two laid out perfectly! I knew I could count on the crew to help me set this up while I took Kenny to the range.

“Whoa this looks awesome! How did you do this?”

“Let’s just say I had some help from… a couple of friends.” I pulled out her chair and sat down myself. Tonight we at and talked. I didn’t want to leave tomorrow morning at all, but I have to. I really don’t want to miss her birthday on Sunday either… We were talking about random stuff when suddenly the topic of sex came up. But then I thought of something really great, man this is a great plan!

“Soo…” She said snapping me out of my daze.

“I think we should agree on our plan from last time when I moved to Miami… We’ll wait tell the next time we see each other to do it.”

She sighed “sounds good to me!”

**Kendra’s POV**

Today with Austin was really fun and great, but we reached the end of the night. He’s sleeping over tonight for the last time until the next time he comes back to San Antonio. I changed into sweatpants and removed my makeup and tide my hair into a bun. Based on our conversation earlier we really aren’t going to do anything tonight but just cuddle. I really thought tonight would be the night but I guess not… I laid in his arms never wanting this moment to end. My eyes became heavy and I soon fell asleep.

**Next Morning**

I woke up a lone in my bed, my first thought was OH MY GOD AUSTIN’S GONE! I ran down stairs and didn’t find him anywhere. Why on earth would he leave without saying goodbye? My eyes began to water at the thought. I ran back to my room and grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and dialed Austin’s number as quick as possible. It rang once, then again, then again.

“Why are you calling my phone?” I heard Austin say from the door. I turned around and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and hugged him tightly.

“I thought you had left me already!” I said as a tear ran down my face and hugging him again.

“I would never just leave you like that… NEVER!” I kissed his lips and laughed a bit. “What’s so funny?”

“Never Say Never!”

“Well that doesn’t count in this situation right now.” Austin said laughing a bit. I went to brush my teeth and headed down stairs to prepare breakfast but it was already made. At the table Kylie and Alex sat down eating.

“Mmmh looks good! Who made it?” I asked sitting down getting ready to stuff my face.

“Austin and I” Alex said taking another bite.

“Oh should I be scared? Am I going to get poisoned?” I asked joking around.

“No it’s actually really good!” Alex said. I took a bite then another then another… MAN THIS STUFF IS GOOD!

“Guys my driver will be picking me up in 5 minutes…” Austin said walking in the kitchen with his suitcases. My mouth dropped revealing all the food inside my mouth.

“Why so early!?” I asked.

“Because my flight is early.” He answered sitting down and eating breakfast. Man this morning sucks already!

Beep beep

“Oh that’s my driver guys!” I swear my heart just fell to my butt and my eyes feel like they’re going to turn into a waterfall! We all walked him to the door and Kylie and Alex said bye to Austin first. I hugged him so tight as if that would be the last hug I’ll ever get. I grabbed his face and kissed him harshly but yet gently.

Beep beep

The car beeped again, Austin pulled away “sorry I have to go…” tears streamed down my face watching him leave.

**Austin’s POV**

“Guys my driver will be picking me up in 5 minutes…” I said walking into the kitchen, Kendra’s face was priceless! Right now my plan that I thought of last night is just starting to unfold!

“Why so early!?” Kendra asked.

“Because my flight is early.” I said sitting down and eating my breakfast like it’s no big deal, although Kenny’s face showed that she was hurt inside.

Beep beep

“Oh that’s my driver guys!” I said popping out of my seat and walking towards my suitcases. First Kylie said bye to me then Alex who knew about the plan but then there was Kendra who didn’t know about anything that’s going on and almost in tears. She hugged me tight then we made out for a second until the car beeped again.

Beep beep

“Sorry I have to go…” I said wiping a tear from her face. I exited the front door and hurried to “my drivers” car, which was really Zach’s car. I hoped in and we drove fast down the street and went to Robert’s house. This was only some of the plan.

”Yoo AM!” Robert said greeting me as I entered his room.

“Yoo RV!”

“So how did she take it!?” Robert asked pausing his game of NBA 2k3bkge1.

“Let’s just say she believed everything and cried when I left!”

“Man your plan is pure evil!” Zach said.

I laughed “I just can’t wait to see her face when she see’s me tomorrow on her birthday, she’ll never see it coming!”

“So she thinks you’re going back to Florida right now?” Robert asked.

“Yup! Can’t wait for tomorrow! But until then start the game and add two more players.” I said.


[A/N: Still wondering if I should keep adding but @AshleyCanavan gave me an idea… Don’t know if I should use it though… Comment or message me if I should continue this fanfic or end it soon… THANKS FOR READING YOU SWAGGY PERSON!!!!!!!!]

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