Best Served Cold

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"You certainly are not. Perhaps I could talk to Lily, see if I can't convince her to loosen her reins a little?" Julian asked her. Julian hands Nora a glass of champagne, and her eyes light up. "You would do that?" Nora asked. "Of course." Julian said. Mary Louise walks into the room to join them, wearing a modest, vintage dress that is made of baby-pink lace. She looks at Nora with an anxious smile. "There you are! Guests are arriving. Help me greet them?" Mary-Louise asked. Nora takes in Mary Louise's appearance and gives her an unimpressed look. "You're greeting them dressed like that?" Nora asked.

Mary Louise begins to panic at this criticism about her appearance. "What's wrong with it?" Mary-Louise asked. Daniel smiles and jumps into the conversation to mediate before Nora can say anything else. "Absolutely nothing, Mary Louise. You look stunning." Daniel said. Nora walks past Mary Louise, handing her the glass of champagne as she does so. Julian follows her out, leaving a very anxious and worried Mary Louise behind in the kitchen, along with Daniel and Mia. Meanwhile, Lily has just opened the front door to find Stefan standing at the threshold, smiling fakely and holding a bottle of wine. "Am I allowed in, or does your cleaning lady need to invite me?" Stefan asked sarcastically.

"We had her sign the house over to us. She was too expensive. Come in!" Lily said smirking. Stefan walks into the foyer. "Thank you." Stefan said. Stefan holds out the bottle of wine, which Lily takes from him. "Compliments of the Lockwood cellar." Stefan said. "Oh, thank you." Lily said impressed. Stefan looks around at all of the guests in the parlor and makes a face. "Ooh, where did all these people come from?" Stefan asked and Lily smiled. "Neighboring towns. We promised them a night of drink and conversation." Lily said.

"Ah. So you compelled them." Stefan said. "Now Stefan." A voice said Stefan looked over and was shocked. Daniel was stood there with Emma next to him. "Mom wanted to show you what peace looks like. Her family is civilized-- none of these people are in danger." Daniel said. Stefan walked over to him. "Daniel?" Stefan asked and Daniel smiled. "Hey little bro." Daniel said and Stefan hugged him. "How are you alive?" Stefan asked. "Story for another time." Daniel said and pulled away. "You know my twin sister, Emma." Daniel said. "Yes, we've met." Stefan said but then came to a realisation. "Oh my god, that means..." Stefan trailed off. "That Julian is my father? Yeah." Daniel said.

Damon, who arrived before Stefan, approaches Stefan and Lily with a tumbler of bourbon in hand. He's wearing a nice suit with a tie and gives Stefan a snarky look. Damon hasn't noticed Daniel yet. "What? No tie?" Damon asked. Stefan is clearly surprised to see him and frowns. "What are you doing here?" Stefan asked. Damon holds up his drink. "I missed my stash!" Damon said. "Same old Damon." Daniel said behind him. Damon grew shocked by his voice and nearly dropped the bottle. He turned around and saw Daniel stood there, alive. Damon grew angry that Daniel hadn't told them he was alive. "And how are you alive?" Damon asked. "Esther." Daniel said.

"How long have you been alive?" Damon asked. "Well, I came back to life after the Other Side collapsed." Daniel said. "That long?" Damon asked. "Yeah." Daniel said. Damon grew furious. "I'm gonna kill you." Damon growled. He went to kill him but was stopped. He looked at Daniel to see his eyes solid white. "Yeah, I don't think so." Daniel said. His eyes went back to normal. "What happened to you?" Stefan asked. Daniel looked at him. "I evolved." Daniel said. At this point Lily had disappeared and Julian joins the four and greets them with feigned enthusiasm, but real enthusiasm with Daniel and Emma.

"Gentlemen, welcome!" Julian said to Damon and Stefan and then looked at the twins. "My lovely children." Julian said. "Dad." The twins said. Damon looked at them creeped out. Stefan smiles fakely back at him, though it's clear he's not at all happy to be in his presence. Julian turns to Damon and holds out his hand. "I'm Julian." Julian said to Damon. Damon shakes his hand. "I'm Damon." Damon said. "Lily told me all about you! Of course, you were only a boy back then, and now you're, well... you." Julian said and Daniel had to suppress a laugh.

Julian's fake smile grows wider as he turns to Stefan, who returns the fake smile in kind. "Stefan! How long has it been?" Julian asked. "I don't know. I must have lost track after I stopped thinking about you." Stefan said snidely. Stefan's fake-smile becomes even bigger, but Julian attempts to remain polite. "Huh. My charm is being lost on you. You must be dreadfully sober." Julian said. Julian sees Beau walking past them and stops him. "Beau, get these men something to drink, will you?" Julian asked the man. Beau nods and smiles at them, Daniel returning the smile, before leaving.


Daniel and Emma were stood together talking. "So, do you have a girlfriend?" Emma asked. Daniel looked at her. "You've been my sister for what, 5 minutes, and you want to know about my relationships?" Daniel asked and Emma nodded. "Well, to answer your question, I do have a girlfriend." Daniel said. "Really?" Emma asked. "Yeah, her name is Mia Claire. She is the most amazing person I have ever met." Daniel said smiling. "I love her so much. She's like that person you've been looking for your entire life." Daniel said. "You really do love her, don't you?" Emma asked and Daniel nodded. "I do. I can't see my life without her now." Daniel said.

"So, where have you been staying?" Emma asked. "I've been staying in New Orleans. I have friends there who are like my second family." Daniel said. "That's good." Emma said. "I also have a niece." Daniel said. Emma looked at him. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah. She's called Hope." Daniel said. "Wow." Emma said. "You should come visit sometime." Daniel said. Emma smiled. "Yeah, I'd like that." Emma said. Daniel smiled. "Great. I can introduce you to Mia, my friends." Daniel said. "I would like to meet them." Emma said. Daniel sighed. "Not gonna lie, this party is Kinda boring." Daniel said. Emma nodded. "Yeah." Emma said.

Just then, Damon walked up to them. "Hi, can you please leave so I can talk to my brother?" Damon asked Emma. "No. She's our sister. Anything you say to me, you say to her." Daniel said. "No, she's your sister." Damon said. "Well I am Lily's daughter." Emma said. "Why do you wanna talk to me?" Daniel asked. "I just want to know why you didn't tell us you were alive?" Damon asked. "Maybe because I had bigger things to worry about rather than telling to people I was alive and kicking with the Mikaelsons." Daniel said.

"You know what? I stand by what I said to you that night on Wickery Bridge. You are just a half Salvatore. Always have been, always will be." Damon said. Daniel was hurt by his brothers words. Emma noticed and decided to speak up. "Hey, just because your in a shitty mood because your girlfriend is in a coma, doesn't mean you take it out on my brother. So my don't you go back to where you came from and stay there." Emma said to Damon who scoffed at her before leaving. Emma turned to look at Daniel who looked visibly hurt. "Don't listen to him." Emma said.

"I never should have come back." Daniel said. "To Mystic Falls?" Emma asked. Daniel looked at her. "Life. Come back to life." Daniel said and Emma's heart broke at the sight of her twin. "If I knew it would cause my brother to hate me more than he already did, I would have just stayed dead." Daniel said. "Hey." Emma said. Daniel looked at her. "If you hadn't come back, I would never of met you or you never would of met dad." Emma said. Daniel nodded. "I think I'm just going to go to bed." Daniel said and left to go upstairs. Emma sighed sadly.

The Next Day

Daniel was putting his duffel bag in the trunk of his car, getting ready to go back to New Orleans when he heard the front door open. He looked and saw Julian walking out. "So, your off back home?" He asked his son. "Yeah." Daniel said. "I'll make sure to call." Daniel said. "If I can actually answer your calls." Julian said and Daniel laughed. "It's easy. If you see my name flash up, press the green button." Daniel said. "Gotcha." Julian said. Just then, Emma walked out with a bag in her hand. "What's that for?" Daniel asked. "I'm coming with you." Emma said. "What?" Daniel and Julian asked. "I'm coming with you. I want to be a part of your life." Emma said.

Julian looked at her daughter proud. "Really?" Daniel asked slightly hopeful. "Really." Emma said. They both looked at Julian. "Whatever makes you happy, sweetheart." Julian told his daughter. Emma smiled and hugged him. "Thank you." Emma said. Daniel grabbed her bag and put it in the trunk. He walked back over and hugged Julian. "See ya, dad." Daniel said. Julian smiled as his son called him dad. "Goodbye my son." Julian said. Daniel pulled away and climbed into the driver's seat, with Emma sat in the passenger's seat. "Ready?" Daniel asked. Emma smiled and nodded. "Yeah." Emma said. "Okay then. Next stop, New Orleans." Daniel said. He started to car and drove through Mystic Falls until he reached the leaving sign, ready to go home.

A/N: I know what your thinking... this is a very weird chapter. I know, trust me but I've wanted Daniel to meet his birth father since I started creating ideas for this series and I'm glad that it happened. Also, who do you think should play Emma? Please give some suggestions on that.

The Forgotten Salvatore Book 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora