Best Served Cold

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The moment was broken by another voice echoing the halls. "Dad?" A voice called out. Daniel grew confused as he broke the hug. "Any other people in this house?" Daniel asked. "Dad?" The voice called again. Daniel looked over and saw a young woman walk in the room. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She looked around his age. "Who's this?" She asked. "This is Daniel." Julian said. She turned to look at Daniel and smiled holding her hand out. "Hi, I'm Emma." The woman said. "Daniel." Daniel greeted shaking her hand. When their hands touched, they felt a shock run through both their veins. They both immediately pulled back.

"What was that?" Emma and Daniel asked at the same time. They both looked at each other in confusion. "This isn't how I wanted this to go." Julian said. "What do you mean?" Daniel asked. "Daniel, you aren't an only child." Julian said. Daniel looked at him confused. "Emma is your sister." Julian said. Daniel looked at Emma in shock. "Your twin to be precise." Julian added on. The two siblings looked at each other in shock but also slight happiness. However, Daniel was mainly shocked and overwhelmed. He just found his birth father and met his unknown twin for the first time in the span of 5 minutes.

Lily noticed his Son's change and went up to him. "Daniel?" Lily asked. Daniel looked at her, breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" Lily asked. Daniel shrugged. "I don't know. I mean I just met my birth father and my secret twin sister for the first time. How should I feel?" Daniel asked. "It's alright. It's a lot to process." Lily said and Daniel nodded. "But I want you to know that it's okay to be scared. Scared that you just find them and they'll disappear again. But they won't." Lily said. Daniel's breathing calmed down. He looked at his mother in gratitude.

He then looked at his father and sister who were watching him. "So, who the older twin?" Daniel asked and all three of them laughed. A cough was heard and they all looked over to see Mary-Louise stood there, arms crossed, annoyed. "Not to ruin this lovely moment but we do have a party to set up." Mary-Louise said. "Right." Julian said and looked at Daniel. "Will you be staying?" Julian asked. "Yeah, I mean I am planning on leaving tomorrow as I was only planning on telling my brothers I was I was in town. But, I can stay for a party." Daniel said. "Excellent." Julian said happy.


In the kitchen, caterers are preparing food and carrying trays of glasses from one room the other in preparation for the party. Nora, wearing dark purple, sleeveless lace dress is standing close to Julian, dressed in a suit, as she shows him how to play Candy Crush on his cell phone. Meanwhile, Daniel and Emma were talking to one another about anything. Favourite colours, animals, hobbies, relationships, and a lot more. Daniel had to admit that he really enjoyed having a twin. "So, you just line up those matching pieces of candy like so." Nora said. Julian apparently gets a match, and Nora smiles as she praises him.

"There you go! You got it. It took Mary Louise a month to pass the first level." Nora said. "You playing Candy Crush?" Daniel asked and Julian nodded. "Good choice. Best game I ever played." Daniel said. Julian continues to play the game, though he seems confused by the point of it. "And this is meant to be, like, fun, right?" Julian asked. "Yes." Daniel and Emma said in sync. "Give it another five minutes, you'll be full-on addicted." Nora said. Julian locks the phone and tucks it into his jacket pocket, smiling at Nora as he does so. "I think this era suits you, Nora." Julian said.

Julian walks over to pour Nora and himself a glass of champagne. "Well I wouldn't know. Lily keeps us trapped inside the town border. There's nothing here for us." Nora said bitterly. Daniel was confused by what she said. "Well, I think she's just nervous to let her little birdies fly free. She doesn't want another Valerie on her hands." Julian said. Daniel grew more confused and looked over at Emma. "I'll tell you later." Emma said and Daniel nodded. "Well, Valerie's a traitor, and Lily knows she and I are nothing alike." Nora said frowning. "No." Julian said. Julian turns back toward her.

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